Pirate Novels Reach Estonia

Eve Ackerman, the Florida fan who writes historical romance as Darlene Marshall, is pleased to announce the publication of her books in Estonian. She’s also looking for someone who reads Estonian to tell her how they turned out, because it looks to her like they put in way too many vowels.

The Estonian editions are Kapten Sinisteri armuke (Captain Sinister’s Lady), Salakaubavedaja pruut (Smuggler’s Bride) and Piraadi saak (Pirate’s Price), available at fine Estonian bookstores (and from the publisher, Odamees.)

When Eve searched for an Amazon.ee bookselling website she found that URL is for an Estonian body building site that includes the “Arnold Classic.”

“One can only imagine why ‘Amazon’ is the link there,” says Eve, who must have the requisite imagination because the next thing she did was click on the link from Amazon.ee to the Swedish Body Building site. “Oh my…I think my monitor just exploded.”

She’s also pleased to report that the Darlene Marshall novels Captain Sinister’s Lady and Pirate’s Price tied with each other as winners of the 2007 Eppie Award for Best Historical Romance.

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One thought on “Pirate Novels Reach Estonia

  1. Amazon operates in US, UK, France, Germany, Japan? Maybe China as well. It’s pretty amateurish to expect a random amazon.tld to lead to a bookstore with the amount of tlds out there. Amazon.ee forwards to fitness.ee, which ties into the more commonly accepted usage of ‘amazon’;)

    As for the translations, not seen them. But I can draw some conclusions from the titles – translation’s good, but dry and technical, lacking in experience and imagination. It’s possible that writers’ style hasn’t been translated competently. Then again, I haven’t seen the books in either languagues.

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