Get on Board Journey Planet

Chris Garcia, James Bacon and a roomful of enthusiastic fanwriters produced Journey Planet in an hour at Orbital, the 2008 Eastercon.

“It went well,” says James, “but an hour was not enough and despite terrific help and efforts… It’s rough and ready and it’s available now as a PDF (5.2 meg) to download on”

James declares there are some amazing contributions, including:

  • An interview with Hugo nominee John Scalzi about Fanzines and Blogs.
  • Sketches that Neil Gaiman originally drew in 1990 that appeared in the fanzine Gerald.
  • An article by Dave Langford about his involvement with an Eastercon.
  • A discussion about Alice in Sunderland between Niall Harrison and Bryan Talbot from Torque Control.
  • An personal perspective on the release of the Sandman comic.
  • A selection of blog posts by tubewhore about the stations which get mentioned in Neverwhere.

“Also in the hour we had contributions of art, photos and writing from Peter Sullivan, Christina Lake and Lillian Edwards, Mike Scott, Linda Wenzelburger, James Shields, Yvonne Rowse, Ian Sorenson, Jim De Liscard, John Coxan, Anna Raferty, Ang, Flick and Max.”

James expects Chris will fine-tune it all into issue one, version 2 when he gets home from his TAFF trip, “And finds time to sort out the errors or rushedness that is a fanzine produced at the hasty ‘at con’ speed.”

James and Chris thank Orbital, Bill Burns on and all contributors. They hope you check it out. “And we accept no responsibility for the dalek slash.” Well, who would?

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