Pixel Scroll 1/18/21 Big Pixel In Little Scroll

(1) COPYRIGHT ALTERNATIVE IN SMALL CLAIMS ENFORCEMENT ACT. Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA) sounds unenthusiastic about the new CASE Act which will apply to copyright infringement claims of up to $30,000 and operate outside of the federal court system: “Legal Affairs Committee Alert: CASE Act on Copyright Small Claims Becomes Law” at the SFWA Blog.

…The Copyright Office will set up the tribunal and determine many details governing its use that were not made explicit in the bill. The bill’s passage is good news in general for creators, but it is not a panacea for pursuing copyright infringement claims. Indeed, for most SFWA members, it will likely be of little use, no matter what procedures the Office establishes. That’s because the copyright infringer must voluntarily participate in the process after being notified of the claim. If the infringer is anonymous or difficult to trace, it may be impossible to serve notice of the claim at all. It also only applies to infringers located in the USA, which means it can’t be used to counteract the vast number of overseas pirating websites.

The tribunal will primarily be used in cases in which the rights holder and the infringer both see the benefit of a relatively low-cost method of resolving their dispute. In some cases, a credible threat of escalating the case to federal court may persuade the infringer to participate in the lower cost tribunal. However, it will still not be cheap. Aside from the fee for initiating a claim, whose amount has yet to be set, consulting with a lawyer to present a compelling case will still be necessary, or at least highly advisable. Several groups are looking at arranging lower cost or pro bono legal advice for these cases, and the law does include an option for law students and student legal clinics to act as representatives.

(2) MORE THAN ELIGIBLE. Nerds of a Feather canvassed its contributors and came up with a high-powered list of sff works and series that should be considered for the Hugo: “2021 Nerds of a Feather Hugo Awards Recommended Reading, Part 1: Fiction Categories”.

…The rules for inclusion were simple–just: (a) meet the eligibility criteria; and (b) be “award worthy” (i.e. good). Given the subjectivity of the latter, it should come as no surprise that the selections on our longlist reflect the spectrum of tastes, tendencies and predilections found among our group of writers. You’ll find selections ranging from the obscure and literary to the unabashedly popular and commercial, and from all corners and subdivisions of the genresphere.

That said, this is not – nor does it intend to be – a comprehensive survey of the field. Some books that are undoubtedly “award worthy,” for example, are absent for the simple reason that we haven’t read them yet. Thus we encourage you to think of this as a list of candidates to consider–alongside others…. 

(3) MACPHEE ESTATE SALE CONTINUES. Doug Ellis has put out Spike MacPhee Catalog #5 – SF & Fantasy Art, Books, Magazines & Ephemera Sale, with over 600 items for sale. It’s part of the Spike MacPhee estate sale of original art, books and other material.

From 1977 to 1989, the Science Fantasy Bookstore operated in Harvard Square in Cambridge. Deb and I hung out there when we were in law school and became friends with the owner, Spike MacPhee. Spike was a member of NESFA and also founded the small press, Paratime Press, which published several checklists in the 1970’s. He was also GoH at the first Arisia convention in 1990.

Besides reading SF, Spike was a devoted science art collector. From the late 1960’s into the 1990’s, Spike attended several SF conventions – among them Boskone, Lunacon, Nycon III, Noreascon, Discon, Torcon and Disclave – where he would often buy art at the art show auction. He also became friends with many SF artists of the 1970’s and bought art directly from them as well. Spike remained a passionate fan until he passed away on November 13, 2019.

The PDF catalog with roughly 250 images can be found at this link until January 24. (41 MB file, 114 pages.)

On Facebook, Ellis has posted an image from the catalog with an interesting history:

Among the art that will be that catalog is this piece, done by artist Rick Sternbach in 1974. It was drawn by him on the outside (left side) and inside (right side) of a pizza box, which apparently had contained a pepperoni-hamburger pizza from Franco Pizza House in Cambridge, MA. As related in the Minicon 15 program book from 1979, where Sternbach was Artist Guest of Honor, comes this: “Yessir, Rick, he surely loved to…do pizza box cover artwork. Spike MacPhee, one of the people living at Terminus (the center of a lot of this activity, and Rick’s hang-out, when he was in town), thought a lot of Rick’s work…and he thought that it was his duty to save all those pizza-box covers…”

Definitely a unique piece of art! The pizza box is now in two pieces, as shown in the scan. Pizza not included.

(4) N3F SHORT STORY CONTEST WINNERS. The National Fantasy Fan Federation (N3F) Short Story Contest Judge Jefferson Swycaffer announced the winners in the January issue of TNFF.

  • First Prize: The Azazel Tree, by Chris Owens, a tale of morality, of absolute good and absolute evil, and one hero who strives to uphold the good, despite the awful cost.
  • Second Prize: The Eternal Secret, by John Yarrow, Heroic Fantasy in the classical mold, a tale that might have been told of Odysseus or Jason, fighting monsters and solving riddles.
  • Third Prize: If Music Be The Fruit of Love, by Jack Mulcahy, a tale of music and love, and how a crisis calls upon us to rise to the level of heroism.
  • Honorable Mention: The Haunting of the Jabberwocky, by Charles Douglas, a truly Carrollian story of wordplay and madness, and how a hero, unarmed, has the greatest weapon of all.

There were twenty-one entries, science fiction and fantasy, mostly from the United States, four from Great Britain.

(5) BE THE FIRST ON YOUR BLOCK. [Item by Danny Sichel.] The Science Museum (UK) has combined their digitized collection with their API and their log of pages that have 0 views to create a web tool that will show each visitor a picture of an image that has never been looked at before. You can be the first person to see an object. “Never Been Seen”.

(I saw a page from a 1780 surgical manual and a seton needle and some 19th-century ebony-and-steel forceps)

(6) GERMANY’S OLDEST BOOKSELLER DIES. [Item by Darrah Chavey.] Of possible interest to File770 readers, since we tend to be bookstore fans. The H. Weyhe Bookstore, founded in 1840, is one of the oldest bookstores in Germany, founded before Germany was a country. It was purchased by Helga Weyhe’s grandfather in 1871, and has been in the family since then. Helga Weyhe worked at, and then ran, the bookstore since 1944. She passed away at the end of December or early Jan. at the age of 98. The New York Times has her story here.

(7) HERNANDEZ OBIT. Lail Montgomery Finlay Hernandez, a GoH of the 2014 World Fantasy Con and the daughter of pulp artist Virgil Finlay, died on January 13 from cancer at the age of 71.

She contributed remembrances to Virgil Finlay Remembered: The Seventh Book Of Virgil Finlay (1981) and Virgil Finlay’s Women Of Ages (1982) (see her foreword here: “Lail Finlay Remembers Her Father”) and was closely involved with the publication of The Collectors’ Book Of Virgil Finlay (2019). 

After her house burned down in November 2019 (killing her musician husband), a GoFundMe appeal was launched to help her and her daughter save what they could of her father’s art and papers. (See Pixel Scroll 11/29/19 The Scrolls of Our Teeth item #5.)

(8) LIGHTLE OBIT. Comics artist Steve Lightle died January 8. Yahoo! News has his profile:

As the artist for the popular comic “Legion of Super-Heroes” in the early 1980s, Steve Lightle made a living dreaming up the future, but his own was cut short by Covid-19.

Lightle, 61, died from cardiac arrest in a Kansas City, Missouri, hospital on Jan. 8, just three days after coming down with what he thought was a head cold and just hours after he was rushed to the hospital.

… Best known for his runs on “Legion” and “Doom Patrol” for DC and “Classic X-Men” covers for Marvel, Lightle became a fixture at conventions, never too busy to mentor the next generation. He came across as larger than life and drew visuals that were just as grand.


  • January 18, 1952 –On this day in 1952, Tales of Tomorrow’s Frankenstein first aired on ABC. It would be the sixteenth episode of the first season of the series. It was directed by Don Medford. The episode starred Lon Chaney, Jr. in the role of Frankenstein’s monster and John Newland in the role of Victor Frankenstein. Lon Chaney, Jr. is credited here as Lon Chaney as he was in all his later work. He’s no stranger to playing The Monster as he played the role of The Monster in the Universal Pictures Ghost of Frankenstein a decade earlier. You can watch it here. (CE)


[Compiled by Cat Eldridge and John Hertz.]

  • Born January 18, 1882 – A.A. Milne.  Talented cricketer; among his teammates Barrie, Conan Doyle (whose surname is really Doyle, not Conan Doyle, but never mind that for now), Wodehouse. Twoscore plays, six novels, poems, nonfiction, besides Winnie the Pooh (two books of stories, and usually including two of poetry although the Pooh characters aren’t in them), which nevertheless remains great fantasy, seems timeless, and shows we can fantasize princes or piglets.  (Died 1956) [JH]
  • January 18, 1920 Constance Moore. She gets Birthday Honors for being in the 1939 movie serial Buck Rogers in which she was Wilma Deering, the only female character in the serial.  Were there ever other female main cast characters in Buck Rogers? (Died 2005.) (CE) 
  • January 18, 1933 John Boorman, 87. Director who’s responsible for one of the best SFF films ever done, Excalibur with Sean Connery, and one of the worst with that also starred Sean Connery, Zardoz. (He wrote the novel for that one as well.)  He also directed the rather nifty Emerald Forest which Holdstock did a far better than merely good job of novelizing.(CE)
  • Born January 18, 1934 – Hank Reinhardt.  Author, editor, armorer, leading U.S. Southern fan.  Co-founded the first Atlanta and Birmingham SF clubs.  Fan Guest of Honor at DeepSouthCon 19, StellarCon 17, Archon 29.  Rebel Award andRubble Award; Georgia Fandom Award, later named for him.  Two short stories, one anthology, posthumous Book of Swords and Book of Knives.  After his first wife died, married fan and pro Toni Weisskopf.  (Died 2007) [JH]
  • Born January 18, 1935 – Eddie Jones.  Fanartist who developed a spectacular pro career.  TAFF delegate. Fan Guest of Honor at St. Louiscon the 27th Worldcon; Official Artist at Boskone 11, Guest of Honor at Mythcon 1982.  Did the Knight of Pentacles for Bruce Pelz’ Fantasy Showcase Tarot Deck (see here; images and BP’s introduction here, scroll down for Pentacles, they come after Cups).  Eight hundred fifty covers, a hundred interiors.  Here is Vector 37.  Here is the Heicon ’70 Program Book (28th Worldcon).  Here is A Gift from Earth.  Here is City.  Here is R is for Rocket.  (Died 1999) [JH]
  • Born January 18, 1936 – Rhoda Lerman.  Two novels for us, four others, nonfiction, television, films.  One-woman play about Eleanor Roosevelt.  Cultural delegate on first U.S. delegation to Tibet.  Bred champion Newfoundlands.  NY Times appreciation (5 Sep 15) said “her imagination was eccentric … her books didn’t resemble one another.”  (Died 2015) [JH]
  • January 18, 1937 Dick Durock. He was best known for playing Swamp Thing in Swamp Thing and The Return of Swamp Thing and the following television series which ran for three seasons. His only other genre appearances were in The Nude Bomb (also known as The Return of Maxwell Smart) and “The First” of The Incredible Hulk. He shows up in Die Hard with a Vengeance in a subway scene. No, it’s not genre, I just like that film. (Died 2009.) (CE) 
  • Born January 18, 1942 – Franz Rottensteiner, Ph.D., age 79.  Publisher, editor, translator, critic.  Edited Quarber Merkur (SF journal named for the Quarb Ravine in Austria; Merkur = Mercury) since 1998.  Kurd Laßwitz Prize.  Translated into German e.g. Abe, Dick, Lem, Cordwainer Smith, the Strugatsky brothers.  Fifty anthologies, e.g. in English Views from Another ShoreThe Best of Austrian SF.  Ninety biographies e.g. Franke, Hodgson, Le Guin, Malory, Robbe-Grillet, for Das Bibliographisches Lexikon der utopisch-phantastischen Literatur.  Published eighteen volumes of Wells.  [JH]
  • January 18, 1953 — Pamela Dean Dyer-Bennet, 68. Her best novel is I think Tam Lin though one could make an argument for Juniper, Gentian, and Rosemary which Windling claims is her favorite fantasy novel. Her Secret Country trilogy is also a great deal of fun to read. Much of her short stories are set in the Liavek shared universe created by Emma Bull and Will Shetterly. All of the Liavek anthologies  are now available on all major digital platforms. According to the files sitting in my Dropbox folder, there’s eight volumes to the series. They’re wonderful reading. End of plug. (CE)
  • January 18, 1960 Mark Rylance, 61. He was in Prospero’s Books, an adaption of The Tempest which I really want to see, The BFG and Ready Player One are the films he’s been in. He’s an active thespian  as well with plays of interest to us that’s he’s been being A Midsummer Night’s Dream at  Royal Opera House, Hamlet at American Repertory Theater and Macbeth at Greenwich Theatre to show but a few of his appearances. (CE) 
  • January 18, 1964 Jane Horrocks, 57. Her first SFF genre role was Pattern in The Wolves of Willoughby Chase, scripted off the Joan Aiken novel. A year later, she showed up in The Witches, scripted off the Raoul Dahl novel playing Miss Susan Irvine. She voices Black Widow / Mrs. Plum in Tim Burton’s The Corpse Bride, and voiced Hannah in the late Ninties Watership Down. (CE)
  • Born January 18, 1984 – C.J. Redwine, age 37.  Seven novels, one shorter story for us; The Shadow Queen NY Times Best-Seller.  “If the villain isn’t worthy of my heroes, then the story no longer matters.”  Has read The Wizard of OzHamlet, a Complete Stories & Poems of Poe (read his essays too, folks), Anne of Green Gables, “The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde”, Gone with the Wind, To Kill a Mockingbird.  [JH]


  • Blondie has a take on ice cream that I hope is a fantasy.

(12) THE BREW THAT IS TRUE. Or maybe — Eats, Shoots, and Leaves? The Republic of Tea has some specials on offer: “Star Wars: The Mandalorian Teas”.

The Mandalorian and the Child continue their journey, facing enemies and rallying allies as they make their way through a dangerous galaxy in the tumultuous era after the collapse of the Galactic Empire. Sip our exotic, Limited Edition teas on adventures throughout your own galaxy. New Season Now Streaming on Disney+

(13) FIERY METAPHOR. Joseph Loconte considers “J.R.R. Tolkien’s Dragons: Exploration of Good & Evil” at National Review.

For its 1937–38 “Christmas Lectures for Children,” the Natural History Society of Oxfordshire announced forthcoming talks on coral reefs, birds, whales, horses — and dragons. The latter topic was taken up by J.R.R. Tolkien, a professor of English literature who had just published The Hobbit, an immensely popular book involving a dragon. Tolkien’s lecture, before an audience packed with children of all ages, tackled a decidedly adult subject: the problem of evil in the world and the heroism required to combat it.

Tolkien began, disarmingly, with a slide show of prehistoric reptiles, including a Pteranodon in flight, to remind his listeners that “science also fills this past with dreadful monsters — many of the largest and most horrible being of a distinctly lizard-like or dragonish kind.” These ancient creatures, he said, embodied legendary qualities found in dragon mythology. The dragons with whom he had an acquaintance “loved to possess beautiful things.” Greed and hatred motivated them. “And how can you withstand a dragon’s flame, and his venom, and his terrible will and malice, and his great strength?”

It probably was not lost on the children present that Tolkien’s mythical dragons sounded a lot like the people who inhabited the real world. The adults might have discerned a more ominous message. Tolkien delivered his lecture on January 1, 1938. Nearly a year earlier, on January 30, 1937, Adolf Hitler had officially withdrawn Germany from the Treaty of Versailles and demanded that its colonies be returned….

(14) DATA FIGURINE. EXO-6 has created a scale model of Lieutenant Commander Data. Twelve inches tall, $189.95. But do I want that face staring at me from across the room?

EXO-6 is proud to present their first 1:6 scale articulated figure from Star Trek™: First Contact – Lt. Commander Data.

When introduced in Star Trek: The Next Generation, Data was a one-of-a-kind cybernetic organism, an artificial being that wanted nothing more than be just like the imperfect humans he served with aboard the Enterprise. In the film First Contact the Borg Queen gives him an opportunity to be more human than he ever thought possible, yet he rejects that hope in the service of loyalty to his friends and the rest of humanity.

Data is one of the most popular characters in Star Trek, and no other character better expresses the wonder of discovery that is the heart of Star Trek than this android with a soul. The EXO-6 1:6 scale figure of Data will not only embody the hopefulness of the character, but also bring an element of Brent Spiner’s performance into collector’s homes.

(15) GOT TO HAND IT TO THEM. Tadiana Jones and Marion Deeds both weigh in about Garth Nix novel at Fantasy Literature: “The Left-Handed Booksellers of London: Selling books and fighting evil”. Jones’ comments include —

…Nix was inspired to write The Left-Handed Booksellers of London (as he related in his acknowledgements at the end) by a fortuitous comment from a left-handed bookseller in Leith. He pulls on his memories from his first trip to the United Kingdom in 1983 (among other things, he hiked the Old Man of Coniston, a famous mountain in the Lake District) and his past experience working as a bookseller. It was both amusing and engaging as I realized just how many actual British landmarks he has woven into the plot of this novel. And also uniquely British foods — Branston pickle sandwiches were a revelation, and I don’t think I’ll soon recover from checking out pictures of stargazy pie.

(16) BATWOMAN. Did football overshadow the Batlight? “Javicia Leslie’s ‘Batwoman’ Debut Plummets 80% in Ratings From Ruby Rose’s” reports Yahoo!

Javicia Leslie debuted as the new caped crusader on The CW’s “Batwoman” last night, but her start didn’t shine nearly as bright (a Bat signal) as Ruby Rose’s. Sunday primetime was dominated by Fox’s Tampa Bay Buccaneers vs. New Orleans Saints NFL Divisional Playoffs game, which ended just shy of 10 p.m. on the east coast. Due to the nature of live sports, the below Nielsen numbers for Fox should be considered subject to adjustment. Final numbers are expected later today. The new-look “Batwoman” managed just a 0.1 rating last night in the key demo and 663,000 total viewers. Back on Sunday, Oct. 6, 2019, Rose’s “Batwoman” debuted to a 0.5 rating and 1.8 million viewers — meaning last night’s Season 2 premiere was down 80% in the demo from the series debut. 

(17) VIDEO OF THE DAY. In “Star Trek Beyond Pitch Meeting” on ScreenRant, Ryan George says the producers of the third Star Trek Kelvin movie forgot the super blood and Carol Marcus from the second Star Trek Kelvin movie but thought that Starfleet would place a state of the art starbase right next door to an unexplored area teeming with bad guys.

[Thanks to John King Tarpinian, Daniel Dern, John Hertz, JJ, Mike Kennedy, Cat Eldridge, Doug Ellis, Martin Morse Wooster, Andrew Porter, and Michael Toman for some of these stories. Title credit goes to File 770 contributing editor of the day Danny Sichel.]

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41 thoughts on “Pixel Scroll 1/18/21 Big Pixel In Little Scroll

  1. (16) I dunno, is there a lot of overlap between football fans and potential Batwoman viewers? That doesn’t ring true with me.

  2. (10) You say Zardoz is one of the worst????

    Hugo-shortlisted SF classic Zardoz is a masterpiece. Not just John Boorman’s best movie, but one of the best science fiction movies ever made.

    No joke, I legitimately love that movie.

  3. 10) OlavRokne asks You say Zardoz is one of the worst????

    I do but then, like all matters of taste, this is subjective. And one of the best SF films ever? No, really? I say it stink, stank, stunk.

  4. (17) Starfleet couldn’t figure out that towers can be attacked from the air, either, and lost some admirals because of it. Are they slow learners in Command?

  5. Miles Carter says I dunno, is there a lot of overlap between football fans and potential Batwoman viewers? That doesn’t ring true with me.

    Given that no one really cares how a show does on the night it first airs anymore, it shouldn’t really matter. I’m watching it this week because I purchased a season pass via iTunes and that means I won’t count in the traditional ratings. Viewership is really, really different now than it used to be.

    Now watching: the final season of CSI which I never saw when it aired but which which is is on the CBS app now.

  6. IIRC, the Boorman movie “Excalibur” didn’t have Sean Connery in it. The Arthurian movie with Connery was “First Knight”, I believe.

  7. Rob Thornton says The epitaph for Zardoz should be “They meant well.”


    So has anyone read Boorman’s original Zardoz novel that the film’s based off of?

  8. My copy of Zardoz-the-novel credits itself to “John Boorman with Bill Stair”; Stair’s name in somewhat smaller type so I presume he did most of the work.

  9. I own a copy of the Zardoz novelisation but I’ve never really felt like reading it… maybe when I’ve finished C J Cherryh’s Lois & Clark novel.

    Zardoz is more ambitious than most of the prog-rock philosophical movies of the era, and arguably more science fictional, but I don’t think I want to see it a second time. Definitely stuff in there worth appreciating, though, if you can get past the flaws.

  10. Boorman pitched a Merlin treatment to UA, and they offered him Lord of the Rings. He spent 6 months writing a single movie treatment, but by the time he finished the execs had changed. They bought the script and gave the rights to Bakshi, and Boorman made Zardoz and then Excalibur.

    Some of the racier scenes in Zardoz and Excalibur were in his LotR script, apparently, including a Gandalf/elf orgy and Frodo shagging Galadriel in a dell.

  11. 13) From the article

    After Hitler invaded Poland in 1939, triggering World War II, Britain’s chief military ally — France — abandoned its treaty obligations and signed a peace agreement with Germany.

    Is this evidence that the National Review is being written in a different timeline? Probably one with more Zeppelins.

  12. (9) My local community college used to show “Tales of Tomorrow” on their public access channel. Wish they still did.

  13. (16) I am big fan of Batwoman, but I did not find out that they had started the new season until the day after by seeing a comment in FB timeline. I did see anything that said the new season has started. Given COVID makes one think that everything is still offline. You can watch the new episode on the CW website and the app.

    In related news, they are starting the second season of the CW’s Nancy Drew which has a supernatural bent on Wednesday January 20.

  14. 10) It absolutely was not genre, but every time I watch Mark Rylance in Wolf Hall, I really want to see him take the title role in an adaptation of Katherine Kurtz’ Camber of Culdi books.

  15. Lis Carey says
    Type softly. Waking me is not acceptable.

    (Sending chocolate is.)

    Should be asleep soon.

    I assume that you re awake now.

    Give me heads up if you’re interested in more chocolate. I’ve got another local vendor that I want to try out.

    I’m about to have a Zoom conversation with Sophie, my infectious disease doctor. If I’m lucky I’ll be taken off my remaining antibiotic med. Any reduction in meds in my case is a Good Thing Indeed.

  16. @9
    I love the incongruity of Frankenstein (published 1818) presented as a Tale of Tomorrow in 1952.

    This definitely needs Brent Spiner’s animating presence. Would make a good gargoyle though. Or a ward.

    Objectively Zardoz is not the best anything, but I love OlavRokne’s affection for a largely derided work of art. I find that most of the things I love most are not things that receive a lot of love generally.

    My new favorite sf novel is Alien Earth by Megan Lindholm. It’s cli-fi with ETs and coldsleep-equipped sentient spaceships, with a soupçon of slapstick, one of the few examples of someone really looking at the essence of Gaia. I do not agree with Lindholm’s conclusions but I loved the effort. It’s inexplicably out of print in the US. It did (barely) make the Locus best sf novel list back in 1992, so somebody else enjoyed it. Recommended to all and sundry. It’s no Zardoz, but….

  17. Brown Robin says My new favorite sf novel is Alien Earth by Megan Lindholm. It’s cli-fi with ETs and coldsleep-equipped sentient spaceships, with a soupçon of slapstick, one of the few examples of someone really looking at the essence of Gaia. I do not agree with Lindholm’s conclusions but I loved the effort. It’s inexplicably out of print in the US. It did (barely) make the Locus best sf novel list back in 1992, so somebody else enjoyed it. Recommended to all and sundry. It’s no Zardoz, but….

    Alien Earth Is only out of print in hard copy in the States as it’s readily available from the usual digital suspects for a very reasonable price. Weirdly enough it claims to be by both her and Robin Hobb in the iBooks edition. Was that how it was originally published?

  18. I don’t suppose the novel Alien Earth is anything like the Edmond Hamilton story “Alien Earth”? The latter appeared in 1949 but was written a decade earlier.

  19. @Cat Eldridge I don’t know if exec types still care about such numbers but you’re absolutely right about the change in how we view media. The last time I made a point to catch a show live was the s2 finale of The Flash. These days nothing but sporting events.

    I’ve read that if an interviewer so much as uttered “Zardoz” to Sean Connery, Connery would just get up and walk out without a word.

  20. Joe H. says
    I assume this may be of interest …

    Good news for Muppet enthusiasts – all five seasons of “The Muppet Show” will be available to stream on Disney Plus on Feb. 19.

    Well that will certainly get me to subscribe for at least a few months. Though they’ve rebooted it several times, the later series sucked with their utter and complete soullessness, not to mention lack of humor.

  21. @ Joe H

    Your news about the Muppet Show on Disney+ has got me excited. Lousy YouTube clips just aren’t enough, and the episode with Glenda Jackson is still one of the most surreal things I’ve ever seen.

  22. Alien Earth was not available from Amazon or Google when I was looking to buy a copy. I don’t have an apple machine anymore,.so I don’t know about ibooks. There’s a listing for an ebook edition in the UK, but it’s years old, so may or may not still be available. I assume it’s some contractual issue, or perhaps Lindholm has moved on. It’s a solid sf novel, even if I may be over-rating it in my enthusiasm. To answer your question, Cat, it was originally published as by Megan Lindholm in the US and UK.

    Secondhand copies are pricey, but it’s a fitting way to read such a convincing scenario of our anthropocalypse.

  23. As previously noted, Connery was not in Excalibur. He did two Arthurian movies, however. Besides lousy “First Night,” he was the one bright spot in another Arthurian film, “Sword of the Valiant.” It was a cheap Golan and Globus production that starred Miles O’Keefe as Gawain (it was itself a remake of an older British version which starred “One Night in Bangkok’s” Murray Head) and Connery the one good part, playing the Green Knight.

  24. Zardoz is certainly interesting, although I’m not in an hurry to see it again. Excalibur, however is the best movie treatment of the Arthur story that I know of. (Monty Python and the Holy Grail doesn’t really count)

  25. Connery was King Richard (Lionheart) in “Robin Hood Prince of Thieves” though

  26. Alien Earth is low as two dollars and change on Alibris.com right now, so I wouldn’t call it pricey. The trick always is too look beyond Amazon for copies of used books as Amazon is always the most costly venue for these books.

    I’m not saying that you’ll always end up paying a low price. I wanted a near mint copy of The Wild Hunt for Yolen to sign and that cost, well, let’s just say it wasn’t cheap. And it came from Canada so postage was costly too.

  27. (10) Winnie the Pooh (two books of stories, and usually including two of poetry although the Pooh characters aren’t in them)

    The first poetry book, When We Are Very Young, predates the Pooh stories but contains at least one poem which explicitly names Christopher Robin as a character. You could argue that it’s a different Christopher Robin from the one who is Pooh’s friend, but I’m not sure why you’d want to.

    The second poetry book, Now We Are Six, contains multiple appearances by Pooh and friends in the illustrations, more poems that explicitly name Christopher Robin, and at least one poem that explicitly names Pooh himself.

  28. Brown Robin on January 19, 2021 at 6:39 am said:
    I love OlavRokne’s affection for a largely derided work of art. I find that most of the things I love most are not things that receive a lot of love generally.

    Thank you for at least understanding my affection for it.

    One day at a convention, I will buy a round and try to explain scene-by-scene why I believe Zardoz to be a legitimately great movie.

  29. “It is a proud and lonely thing to be a Zardoz fan.” — me, for about the last forty years.

  30. @Tobias That did happen. True, the article skips over the bit in which Germany invades and defeats France. However, France did violate their promise to Britain to not make a separate peace agreement with Germany and made a separate peace agreement with Germany. So, factually accurate.

  31. Only just caught up with the news about Lail Finlay Hernandez. She was really charming in sorting out the Retro Hugo for her father’s work in 2019. It was probably destroyed in the fire, along with so much else.

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