Pixel Scroll 2/8/19 It’s Just A Pixel To The Left, And A Scroll To The Right

(1) TAPPING MORE REVENUE STREAMS. Peter Grant has his own spin on the recent “day job” meme in “Disruption and the business of writing” at Mad Genius Club.

…In essence, we have to stop looking at each book as an income generator, and start thinking about multiple income streams.  Very few authors, indie or otherwise, make a living out of their writing.  Most of us have to have a “day job” as well.  I think we need to look at our writing as a series of small “day jobs”.  Writing a book alone won’t be sufficient;  we need to leverage that fan base into more income opportunities.  Some are already common.  Others will have to become so.  Examples:

  • Open some sort of support account (e.g. Patreon, etc.) where your serious fans can support you over and above buying your books.  It may be a small, slow start, but it’s something on which one can build.
  • Consider podcastingIt’s a growing trend, and it can be a money-maker if it’s handled correctly.
  • A tip jar on your blog or social media account can be a useful way for fans to offer support.
  • Consider offering appearances in your work to your fans.  They can have their names used for a character, and pay for the privilege (anything from a few dollars for a very minor character, appearing once, to a higher price for a major character with more “face time”).  This will probably only work if you’re an established writer, of course – it needs that sort of fan base.

And that’s just the first four of his seven bullet points.

(2) SOCK IT TO ME. Here’s how Rod Serling was supplementing his income back in the day:

(3) A BROADER PORTRAIT OF THE COUNTRY. Victor LaValle’s “Stories That Reclaim the Future” at The Paris Review is an excerpt from A People’s Future of the United States, edited by Victor LaValle and John Joseph Adams.

My father and I saw each other only three times before he died. The first was when I was about ten, the second was in my early twenties, and the last doesn’t matter right now. I want to tell you about the second time, when I went up to Syracuse to visit and he tried to make me join the GOP.

Let me back up a little and explain that my mother is a black woman from Uganda and my dad was a white man from Syracuse, New York. He and my mother met in New York City in the late sixties, got married, had me, and promptly divorced. My mother and I stayed in Queens while my dad returned to Syracuse. He remarried quickly and had another son with my stepmother. Paul.

When I finished college I enrolled in graduate school for writing. I’d paid for undergrad with loans and grants, and debt already loomed over me. I showed up at my dad’s place hoping he’d cosign for my grad-school loans. I felt he owed me since he hadn’t been in my life at all. Also, I felt like I’d been on an epic quest just to reach this point. I got into Cornell University, but boy did I hate being there. Long winters, far from New York City, and the kind of dog-eat-dog atmosphere that would make a Wall Street trader sweat. But I’d graduated. And now I wanted to go back to school. More than that, I wanted to become a writer. Couldn’t my dad see me as a marvel? Couldn’t he support me just this once?


(4) SECOND VIEW. Amal el-Mohtar for NPR says “‘Black Leopard, Red Wolf’ Is A Beast Of A Book”.

I was once driving, alone and at dusk, down a dark and winding road that hugged a mountain thick with woods. I saw a black bear cross the road, from fields on the left to the mountain on the right.

I had never seen a bear so close before. Excited, I pulled the car up and parked near where I saw the bear vanish, and had my hand on the door before I came back to myself and thought, what am I doing? It’s a bear! I drove away unharmed.

There are things in one’s life that are best appreciated from a distance, and this book is one of them.

Meanwhile, the book’s film rights have been acquired: “Michael B. Jordan, Warner Bros. Nab Film Rights to ‘Black Leopard, Red Wolf’” reports Variety.

Michael B. Jordan’s Outlier Society and Warner Bros. have nabbed the film rights to “Black Leopard, Red Wolf,” a buzzy new fantasy novel by Marlon James.

“Black Leopard, Red Wolf” draws on African mythology to tell the story of Tracker, whose acute sense of smell leads him to be hired to find a missing child against a backdrop of warring kingdoms and political chaos. The child he seeks may be the heir to an empire, something that complicates matters. James referred to the often bloody epic as an “African ‘Game of Thrones,’” but later said he was joking. Still, it includes plenty of the elements that made that HBO show a water-cooler phenomenon including witches, a shape-shifting leopard, a killer hyena, and conjoined twins.

(5) SHRUNKEN TROPES. James Davis Nicoll explores “SF Stories That Cut the Vastness of Space Down to Size” at Tor.com.

…Then there’s the ever-popular “we found these abandoned transit stations” scenario. If humans aren’t the builders of the system, they probably don’t know how to expand it or change it. Because Ancients are notorious for their failure to properly document their networks, humans and other newcomers have to explore to see where the wormholes/tunnels/whatever go. Explorers are like rats wandering through an abandoned subway system. Examples…

(6) ANOTHER READING TOOL. Rocket Stack Rank has posted its annual  annotated Locus Recommended Reading List. Eric Wong says, “New this year is merging the Locus list with RSR’s 2018 Best SF/F list, with Locus stories highlighted in red.”

By pivoting the merged list on category (novella, novelette, short story), publication, new writers, or author, and browsing the results, some noteworthy observations jump out visually.

  • Overlooked stories include “The Independence Patch” by Bryan Camp (score 8), “What is Eve?” by Will McIntosh (score 8), “Carouseling” by Rich Larson (score 7), each of which got recommendations from 5 prolific reviewers.
  • The traditional paid-only magazines (Analog, Asimov’s, F&SF, Interzone) had between 0%-6% of their stories in the Locus list, versus many free online magazines at 9%-16%, or Tor.com and Tor novellas which had a remarkable 31%-33% of their stories recommended by Locus.
  • There were 13 stories in the Locus list by Campbell Award-eligible writers.
  • Matthew Hughes, Robert Reed, and Kristine Kathryn Rusch each had 4 broadly recommended stories in RSR’s aggregated list, but none were in the Locus list. By comparison, Kelly Robson had 4 stories in the merged list and all 4 were recommended by Locus.

More details are available in the article, plus RSR features for flagging/rating stories that make it easy to track your progress when reading stories from a big list.

(7) FINNEY OBIT. Albert Finney (1936-2019): British actor, died today, aged 82. Genre appearances include: A Midsummer Night’s Dream (1959), Scrooge (1970), Looker, Wolfen (both 1981), The Green Man (mini-series, 1990), Karaoke, Cold Lararus (connected mini-series, both 1996), Delivering Milo (2001), Big Fish (2003), Corpse Bride (2005, voice). His final movie appearances were in 2012, for opposing camps in the superspy genre: The Bourne Legacy and Skyfall. 

(8) OREO OBIT. I managed not to know there was a model for the character until it was too late — “Oreo the raccoon: Guardians of the Galaxy model dies aged 10”.

Oreo the raccoon, the real-life model for Guardians of the Galaxy character Rocket, has died aged 10.

The news was announced on the comic book superhero team’s Facebook page. “Oreo passed away in the early hours of this morning after a very short illness,” it reads. “Many thanks to our wonderful vets for their compassion and care.”

Rocket the raccoon was voiced by Bradley Cooper in the 2014 film and its 2017 sequel.

Oreo died after a short illness early on Thursday morning, the Facebook post says “You have been an amazing ambassador for raccoons everywhere,” it reads. “You were perfect.”


[Compiled by Cat Eldridge.]

  • Born February 8, 1819 John Ruskin. Much to my surprise, this English art critic and pretty much everything else of the Victorian Era is listed by ISFDB as having a genre writing, to wit The King of the Golden River, or The Black Brothers: A Legend of Stiria. Anyone ever read. (Died 1900.)
  • Born February 8, 1828 Jules Verne. So how many novels by him are you familiar with? Personally I’m on first hand terms with Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the SeaJourney to the Center of the Earth and Around the World in Eighty Days. That’s it. It appears that he wrote some some sixty works and a lot were genre. And of course his fiction has become the source of many other fictions in the last century as well. (Died 1905.)
  • Born February 8, 1932 John Williams, 87. Composer of the Star Wars series, Jaws, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, one of the Superman films, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, the Indiana Jones franchise,  Hook, the first two Jurassic Park films and the first three Harry Potter films.
  • Born February 8, 1953 Mary Steenbergen, 66. She first in a genre way as Amy in Time After Time. She followed that up by being Adrian in A Midsummer Night’s Sex Comedy which I suppose is sort of genre. She shows up next in the much more family friendly One Magic Christmas as Ginny Grainger. And she has a part in Back to the Future Part III as Clara Clayton Brown which she repeated in the animated series. And, and keep in mind this is not a full list, she was in The Last Man on Earth series as Gail Klosterman.
  • Born February 8, 1969 Mary Robinette Kowal, 50. Simply a stellar author and an even better human being. I’m going to select out Ghost Talkers as the work by her that I like the most. Now her Forest of Memory novella might be more stellar. She’s also a splendid voice actor doing works of authors such as John Scalzi, Seanan McGuire and Kage Baker. I’m particularly pleased by her work on McGuire’s Indexing series. So let’s have Paul Weimer have the last words this time: “I thought it was Shades of Milk and Honey for a good long while, but I think Calculating Stars is my new favorite.”

(10) JOHN WILLIAMS BIRTHDAY. Steve Vertlieb sent a link to a retro review he wrote at the request of the premier John Williams web site, JWFAN, following Maestro Williams Summer, 2012 appearance at The Hollywood Bowl — John Williams – Hollywood Bowl 2012 (Review, Photos & Video) « JOHN WILLIAMS Fan Network – JWFAN


(12) EATING THE FANTASTIC. Scott Edelman calls on fans to pig out on pork belly tacos with Alan Smale in episode 88 of his Eating the Fantastic podcast.

Alan Smale

My guest this episode is Alan Smale, who has published short fiction in Asimov’s, Realms of Fantasy, Abyss & Apex, and other magazines. He won the 2010 Sidewise Award for Best Short-Form Alternate History for “A Clash of Eagles,” about a Roman invasion of ancient America. That’s also the setting for his trilogy, which includes the novels Clash of Eagles, Eagle in Exile, and Eagle and Empire, all published by Del Rey in the U.S. and Titan Books in the UK. When not writing, he’s a professional astronomer at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center.

We met for lunch at Mad Chef Kitchen & Bar, a gastropub which opened recently in Ellicott City, Maryland’s Turf Valley Towne Square. We were looking for something equidistant from both of us with good food, and based first on my research and then our experience, we definitely found it.

We discussed why an astrophysicist’s chosen field of fiction is alternate history rather than hard science, how his fascination with archeology and ancient civilizations began, the reason he started off his novel-writing career with a trilogy rather than a standalone, the secrets to writing convincing battle sequences, the nuances of critiquing partial novels in a workshop setting, how his research into Roman and Native American history affected his trilogy, what steps he took to ensure he handled Native American cultures appropriately, that summer when at age 12 he read both War and Peace and Lord of the Rings, one of the strangest tales of a first short story sale I’ve ever heard, how and why he joined forces with Rick Wilber for their recent collaboration published in Asimov’s, and much more.

(13) LATINX STORYBUNDLE. Now available, The Latinx SFF Bundle curated by Silvia Moreno-Garcia

Latin American science fiction and fantasy occupy an odd in-between space. The commercial categories we denominate fantasy, science fiction and horror don’t traditionally exist in Latin America. Instead, the fantastical is either simply called literature or receives the moniker of magical realism.

This means finding speculative fiction is trickier and more complex in this part of the world. It also means that Latinx authors may derive their SFF canon from a very different well than their Anglo counterparts. While science fiction and fantasy are normally associated with Tolkien or Asimov, a Latinx writer might be more inclined to think of Isabel Allende or Julio Cortázar. At the same time, it is not unusual for Latinx authors to have also been exposed to Anglo pop culture, fantasy and science fiction. Finally, since Latin America is a large region, the history, culture and folklore of Latinx writers may be radically different from one another.

The result is a wild, eclectic field of the fantastic, which is reflected by the selections in this bundle.

Read more about the bundle here.

For StoryBundle, you decide what price you want to pay. For $5 (or more, if you’re feeling generous), you’ll get the basic bundle of four books in any ebook format—WORLDWIDE.

  • Virgins & Tricksters by Rosalie Morales Kearns
  • The Haunted Girl by Lisa M. Bradley
  • Lords of the Earth by David Bowles
  • The Assimilated Cuban’s Guide to Quantum Santeria by Carlos Hernandez

If you pay at least the bonus price of just $15, you get all four of the regular books, plus SEVEN more!

  • Signal to Noise by Silvia Moreno-Garcia
  • Ink by Sabrina Vourvoulias
  • The Closet of Discarded Dreams by Rudy Ch. Garcia
  • Mrs. Vargas and the Dead Naturalist by Kathleen Alcalá
  • Soulsaver by James Stevens-Arce
  • High Aztech by Ernest Hogan
  • Salsa Nocturna by Daniel José Older

(14) MORE TREK TECH. Nature advises: “Forget everything you know about 3D printing — the ‘replicator’ is here”. Rather ?than building objects layer by layer, the printer creates whole structures by projecting light into a resin that solidifies.

They nicknamed it ‘the replicator’ — in homage to the machines in the Star Trek saga that can materialize virtually any inanimate object.

Researchers in California have unveiled a 3D printer that creates an entire object at once, rather than building it layer by layer as typical additive-manufacturing devices do — bringing science-fiction a step closer to reality.

Attached pic of The Thinker replicated.

(15) STOP LIGHT. Nature discusses another almost-SF concept: “A traffic jam of light”.

A technique that harnesses energy loss has been used to produce a phase of matter in which particles of light are locked in place. This opens a path to realizing previously unseen exotic phases of matter.

When light passes through matter, it slows down. Light can even be brought to a standstill when it travels through carefully designed matter. One way in which this occurs is when the velocity of individual particles of light (photons) in a material is zero. Another, more intriguing, way is when photons, which normally pass through each other unimpeded, are made to repel each other. If the repulsion is strong enough, the photons are unable to move, and the light is frozen in place.

The ability to engineer quantum states promises to revolutionize areas ranging from materials science to information processing… The robustness and generality of this scheme will ensure that, as it is refined, it will find a home in the quantum mechanic’s toolbox.

(16) SOCIALGALACTIC. Vox Day is creating a more pliable form of Twitter – or is it a version of Gab that will obey him? (Didn’t Mark Twain say that the reason God created man is that he was disappointed in the monkey?) “Introducing Socialgalactic” [Internet Archive link].

Twitter is SJW-controlled territory. Gab is a hellhole of defamation and Nazi trolls. So, after many of Infogalactic’s supporters asked us to provide something on the social media front, the InfoGalactic team joined forces with OneWay and created a new social media alternative: SocialGalactic.

Free accounts have 140-character posts and 1MB storage, which is just enough for an avatar and a header. We’ll soon be making Pro accounts available at three levels, which will provide posts of 200, 480, and 999 characters, and image storage up to 500MB. Sign up and check it out!

(17) GAME V. INFINITY. Dakota Gardner and Chris Landers, in “Would Thanos’ Finger Snap Really have Stopped Baseball In Its Tracks?”  on MLB.com, have a pro and con about whether Thanos really wiped out Major League Baseball (as a shot of a devastated Citi Field in the Avengers: Endgame trailer shows), with one writer arguing that baseball would be doomed by Thanos and the other arguing that MLB would fill its rosters with minor leaguers after thanos wiped out half of the major leaguers because baseball always comes back.

Ask yourself this: Do you honestly believe baseball would simply stop if Thanos dusted half of all of MLB’s players, managers, front office staff, stadium personnel and fans? Do you think that if the universe had been placed into an existential funk, that baseball wouldn’t be even more necessary than it is today? Do you honestly believe that Alex Bregman or Clayton Kershaw or Mookie Betts, if they survived the snap, would be totally fine sitting on their butts and doing nothing for the rest of time?

(18) SAVING THE WORLD WITH LOVE TAPS. Tim Prudente in the Baltimore Sun profiles researchers at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory who are creating a satellite called DART (Double Asteroid Redirection Test) which, for the first time, will test to see if it’s possible to smash a satellite into an asteroid to deflect the asteroid from a course with earth: “An asteroid could destroy humanity like it did dinosaurs. A Hopkins team has a plan to save the world”.

…They plan for DART to reach speeds as fast as 15,000 miles per hour. The crash in October 2022 will fling debris from the asteroid moon. A small satellite will accompany the DART spacecraft to measure the effect.

The team wants to hit the asteroid moon with enough force to bump it, but not break it apart. The moon orbits the asteroid at a speed of about seven inches per second. They hope to change the speed by about a centimeter per second.

“We’re just going to give it a love tap,” said Andy Rivkin, the mission’s other co-lead and planetary astronomer at APL.

In theory, a series of taps over time could deflect an asteroid off a course for Earth.

(19) WHY LILLY WASN’T LEIA. Among other career goals, actress and writer Evangeline Lilly says she wanted to be Leia. It turned out that someone else had a lock on the part. (SYFY Wire: “Why Evangeline Lilly loved The Hobbit, was meh on the Lost ending, and wanted to be in Star Wars”).

“Several years ago, when I found out that J.J. Abrams was remaking, or rebooting, the Star Wars franchise, it was the only time in my career that I’ve ever put a call out,” she admits. “I wanted to be Leia. If I got to be a woodland elf [Tauriel in The Hobbit] and Kate from Lost and Leia, that would cover it. And then I got to be the Wasp! That’s all the big franchises.

“I was so in love with Leia when I was a little girl. Those were my two fantasies – to be a woodland elf and to be Leia tied to Jabba the Hutt in her sexy bikini. But then they called me back and said, ‘Well, there’s a little-known actress called Carrie Fisher who will be playing Princess Leia.’ Well, FINE, I guess that’s OK.”

While much better know for her acting, she says about her writing, “I see myself as a writer who has a fantastic day job.” Her children’s book series is The Squickerwonkers.

“I don’t know many stories that have lived with someone as long as this has lived with me,” she says. “I was a reclusive young woman and a bit of a loner. I was somebody who came to literature very late, and when I did, I just fell in love with such a passion that I kind of became very focused on not just reading but writing as well. And seriously, that was my idea of a great Friday night at 14 – staying home and writing by myself.

“I was a big fan of Dr. Seuss, believe it or not. Where most people come to him at four, I was reading him at 14,” she continues. “And I think the adult side of me realized what he was doing. The subtlety of the messages he’d thread into these simple, silly poems really struck me as meaningful. And I realized that this adult took the time to put these sophisticated, important messages into my childhood stories.”

(20) SHARED WORLD. George R.R. Martin pointed to this recently uploaded Wild Cards authors video:

In August 2017, a large group of Wild Carders assembled at my Jean Cocteau Cinema in Santa Fe for a mass signing, and we interviewed them about the up and downs of writing other people’s characters, and having other people write yours.

[Thanks to John King Tarpinian, Steve Green, JJ, SF Concatenation’s Jonathan Cowie, Cat Eldridge, Mike Kennedy, Martin Morse Wooster, Chip Hitchcock, Eric Wong, Paul Weimer, Carl Slaughter, and Andrew Porter for some of these stories. Title credit belongs to File 770 contributing editor of the day C.A. Collins.]

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48 thoughts on “Pixel Scroll 2/8/19 It’s Just A Pixel To The Left, And A Scroll To The Right

  1. (9) The other day I watched the first episode of “Time Tunnel” and noticed the score was credited to “Johnny Williams.”

    (13) Bought it!

  2. (16) Twain’s God must soon have realised he should have called it quits after the monkeys. Diminishing returns, ‘n’ all that.

  3. @9: I’ve read Verne’s ~mimetic work The Green Ray; with no wonders to distract, I found the plot thin and the characters unconvincing. I have a vague recollection of reading From the Earth to the Moon, but couldn’t swear to it. I have only a visual snapshot of the Classics Illustrated version of Robur The Conqueror. (I’ve also read the three you mention; I remember being very unhappy with the 1959 movie of Journey to the Centre of the Earth (which I must have seen in a re-release — I wasn’t that precocious) for its deviations from the book.)

    @14: the light-into-resin stunt is past 20 years old; I saw a chess-sized castle tower (with more than one full turn of internal steps, just to prove it couldn’t have been done with tools) made that way in the mid-1990’s. It sounds like this process is still stepwise, but axially rather than vertically (a pool of resin gradually lowering as lasers stayed at the same height), possibly faster, and possibly easier to calculate.

    @16 (before reading @JJ): waitaminute: the voice-that-bored is complaining about defamation and Nazi trolls? How’s he going to say anything on his new system?

  4. (13) Any opinions on the contents of this? Sounds interesting.

    (16) Like Gab, but with real Nazis.

  5. 9) By Verne I’ve read only 20,000 Leagues and Around The World in Eighty Days, both in little Everyman’s Library hardcovers when I was a kid. I read and enjoyed Ruskin’s The King of the Golden River fairly recently, in a nice little paperback with reproductions of the original illustrations. It’s a sort of intelligent Victorian faux fairy tale.

  6. @Adam Rakunas: optimistic! I don’t think it’ll get big enough to be able to implode.

  7. Of Jules Verne, I’ve read Journey to the Center of the Earth, From the Earth to the Moon, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea, Around the World In Eighty Days, The Mysterious Island and Michael Strogoff. I loved them all. I think I have 2-3 more of his books that I haven’t read yet.

  8. I reread and reread and reread Wells in my early teens — I had his 7 Great Science Fiction Novels pretty much on permanent loan from the library, returning it and checking it out again immediately. But Verne I read just once — I think I read the same ones Hampus did. (I might have read The Mysterious Island twice.) They were okay enough to read, but not good enough to go back to.

  9. 12) ooo, I did like Smale’s Clash of Eagles series.

    And hey, I got a couple of works in on MRK’s birthday wishes. Coolness. She truly is an excellent writer and person

    16) Beale? Upset by Nazi Trolls? :snorts:.
    Given that Myspace still exists…this new thing of his could lip along for a long time.

  10. I’ve also read the obvious Verne (20,000 Leagues, Journey to the Center of the Earth, Around the World in 80 Days), but that’s about it; plus film adaptations of From the Earth to the Moon (not the best Harryhausen, but any Harryhausen is better than no Harryhausen) and Master of the World, amongst others.

    I don’t remember details, but I know I read King of the Golden River in Cary Wilkins’ anthology A Treasury of Fantasy (http://www.isfdb.org/cgi-bin/pl.cgi?307045), which really had a pretty great selection of mostly pre-1900 fantasy (including George MacDonald, William Morris and others).

  11. 9) As to Verne, I’ve read the more notable ones and a fair amount of the rest. I have the Delphi Classics compilation which, for those who also read French as well as English, has 16 of Verne’s novels and Verne’s poetry in French, I don’t know if it’s “Complete”, as the title indicates, but it’s certainly huge!

    As to the Ruskin, I love The King of the Golden River and read it several times a year. It’s a nice little fairy tale.

  12. after many of Infogalactic’s supporters asked us to provide something on the social media fron

    Huh, I thought “many Infogalactic supporters” were an oxymoron.

  13. @Steve Green:

    (16) Twain’s God must soon have realised he should have called it quits after the monkeys. Diminishing returns, ‘n’ all that.

    Yet still he persisted:

    In the first place, God made idiots. That was for practice. Then he made school boards.

    (attributed in various forms to Mark Twain.)

    @Cat Eldridge: Twitter banned Alex Jones; I suspect he’s not the only egregious person they’ve shut down, but even the one instance would be enough to upset the Puppies’ delicate stomachs.

  14. 16) There’s going to be pro accounts? Like he thinks people will pay to use his service? BAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA



  15. I recall liking Verne when I was young because his classic YA SF speculations seemed less far-fetched than many of the others, like, say, the Barsoomians. Also because I saw the Disney version of 2000 Leagues way too many times. Haven’t revisited him because I’m terrified the Suck Fairy might poop all over the big crush I had on poor, haunted, Captain Nemo and his cool submarine.

    I’m disappointed my credential was one day off from sharing a birthday with Jules Verne. We celebrated his 14th on February 7th, with chicken and catnip.

    (1) Now that I’m between day jobs and can devote all my obsessive workaholic tendencies toward my SF novels, I’m doing more entrepreneur stuff to get ready for the next launch. Searching for publicity people, planning parties, trying to figure out whether handing out branded yo-yos at SDCC would be wise.

  16. You have brains in your head,
    You have files in your scrolls,
    You can join any fandom
    Regardless of trolls.

  17. I was huge on Verne as a kid. Read “Journey to the Center of the Earth” dozens of times, along with “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea” and all the rest. He’ll always be a huge influence, along with H.G. Wells. I think “The Time Machine” was the first book I bought with my own money.

  18. Chip says Twitter banned Alex Jones; I suspect he’s not the only egregious person they’ve shut down, but even the one instance would be enough to upset the Puppies’ delicate stomachs.

    Ahhhh I forgot that. Didn’t Jones get himself banned from several other social services as well? I seem to remember that YouTube banned him as well.

  19. Camestros Felapton says says apparently Voxtwitter has fallen afoul of GDPR and is no longer accessible from the EU.

    Oh do tell. What did the twit do? Or was it more properly a matter of him refusing to follow the new GDPR requirements?

  20. Camestros Felapton on February 9, 2019 at 2:22 pm said:
    16) apparently Voxtwitter has fallen afoul of GDPR and is no longer accessible from the EU. oops.

    That would be the EU where he lives, yes? I wonder how many dimensions this game of chess is being played in?

  21. Cora Buhlert says Vox banned himself from his own service. Now that takes some doing.

    So he can’t actually access his own service? Now that’s seriously fucked up.

    And I’m awaiting the scheduling of a cat-scan for my left elbow as I apparently have a deep fracture of it that occurred at some point. Not having a functioning memory, I can’t tell the physician who’s treating me when it starting really hurting so we can’t say how long it’s been damaged. All I know is that it really hurts now.

  22. @Cat Eldridge: That sounds bad. I hope you can get it treated soon! All I have are a couple of large bruises that mysteriously showed up.

  23. I really liked Mary Steenburgen in ‘Time After Time’. She played a contemporary Amurican who ran into HG Wells who had traveled from the past to hunt down Jack the Ripper who had gotten ahold of Wells’ time machine.

    It could happen.

    The movie was directed by Nicholas Meyer who went on to make the best of the big-screen ST: TOS movies, ‘Wrath Of Khan’.

  24. RDaggle: Nicholas Meyer who went on to make the best of the big-screen ST: TOS movies, ‘Wrath Of Khan’.

    True — but I would argue that Harve Bennett gets at least equal credit for the masterpiece that is The Wrath of Khan.

  25. Camestros Felapton on February 9, 2019 at 2:22 pm said:
    16) apparently Voxtwitter has fallen afoul of GDPR and is no longer accessible from the EU. oops.


  26. Soon Lee saysHope they can figure out what’s happening & resolve the pain problem!

    I hope so. It’s really interfering with sleep which wasn’t particularly that good with the head trauma anyways. And I really like to take a true bath again instead of a sponge bath but I can’t put any weight on it for now so that’s out for now. It’s making for a grumbly Several period for me.

  27. @Cat Eldredge: feel free to Google Alex Jones; I don’t have enough x-proof gloves to deal with him further. But I was reminded just hours after posting that comment that he’s only the diseased canines’ most recent casus belli; Milo Yiannopoulos was permanently banned 2.5 years ago — primarily for a campaign against one of the stars of the remade Ghostbusters, but his arguing in favor of paedophilia probably didn’t help. I’m a little appalled I remember how to spell that name, but it was in the news a lot.

    @Kip Williams: oh, that’s cool. I wish my bio teacher (the one Billy Buckley reportedly tried to get fired) were still around, as it’s the sort of twist he’d appreciate.

    @Cat Eldredge, later: OOUUCCHH! (I’ve been dealing with what I call “spearchucker’s elbow” due to its probable cause — but it only showed up with certain avoidable activities, of which washing isn’t one.) Here’s hoping they find a solution, or at least a palliative.

  28. Robert Reynolds:

    I have the Delphi Classics compilation which, for those who also read French as well as English, has 16 of Verne’s novels and Verne’s poetry in French, I don’t know if it’s “Complete”, as the title indicates, but it’s certainly huge!

    I have the Oeuvres complètes by Arvensa; it has 68 novels classified as “Voyages extraordinaires” (which includes such works as The Green Ray and a novel about the mutiny on the Bounty, so quite miscellaneous) and numerous other works, for an advertised total of 160 titles. Amazon lists it as having 37,931 pages, some of that secondary works about Verne.

  29. @Ferret Bueller:

    The Delphi collection I have has some 65 novels and roughly 100 titles, if you count the poetry individually. It has two of his plays in French as a sampling for anyone interested and there are no secondary works about Verne, which is atypical for Delphi.

    Thank you for the heads up.

    Meredith Moment:

    Trail of Lightning by Rebecca Roanhorse is part of the KDD on Amazon US at $4.99.

  30. Robert Reynolds on February 10, 2019 at 11:14 am said:
    “Trail of Lightning” is also at Kobo for that price – along with “How Long ’til Black Future Month”.

  31. I can’t seem to think of any Verne I’ve read (in English, in my case) except Dr. Ox’s Experiment, which was in my junior high library. It was not substantial, being a short story inflated into a book by typographical measures.

    I think of a lad named Jules Verne Fish whenever I pass by a public park in East Rochester, which had a display of small pennants bearing the names of WW1 soldiers killed in action. His parents must surely have revered the author to have given him that name. A fannish couple? Somehow, this detail makes the whole miserable affair that was the Great War more real and tragic to me. I’m sorry for their loss, at this distance.

  32. @Chip Hitchcock
    I’ve been dealing with what I call “spearchucker’s elbow” due to its probable cause

    Do you think that “javelin thrower’s elbow” might be a preferable term, given that the one you used is a racist slur?


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