Pratchett Award Shortlist Announced

Six novels have been shortlisted for the initial Terry Pratchett Anywhere But Here, Anywhen But Now First Novel Prize.

  • Postponing Armageddon by Adele Abbott
  • The Platinum Ticket by Dave Beynon
  • Half Sick of Shadows by David Logan
  • Apocalypse Cow by Michael Logan
  • Lun by Andrew Salomon
  • The Coven at Callington by Shereen Vedam

Over 500 entries were submitted for the £20,000 prize (an advance on a publishing contract) according to the announcement on Pratchett’s website.

The winner will be judged by Sir Terry Pratchett, Tony Robinson, Michael Rowley from Waterstone’s, Marianne Velmans, Publishing Director of Doubleday and Simon Taylor, Editorial Director at Transworld Publishers. The winner will be announced on May 31.

[Thanks to Andrew Porter for the story.]

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