Prix Aurora/Boréal 2018 Nominees

The Prix Aurora/Boréal 2018 will be presented this weekend at Congrès Boréal 2018 in Montreal, in Canada.

In connection with the novel finalists the administrators have issued a statement – in French, which Google Translate renders in English as —

The SFSF Boreal Corporation is responsible for organizing and awarding the Aurora-Boreal Awards. Over the past few days, the Aurora-Boréal Awards have been cited a few times in the media, in the context of a debate about the social acceptability of a fictional work that is among the finalists in the category of the best novel.

We find it important to specify that the finalists of the Aurora-Boreal Awards are selected by a public vote. SFSFBoréal strongly condemns any form of child pornography and the corporation would react accordingly if a charge to that effect was made against a finalist work or if a verdict to that effect was pronounced. SFSF Boréal however defends artists’ freedom of expression under Canadian law and trusts readers to recognize the artistic merit of works in the running.

Here are the works on the shortlist:

Prix Aurora/Boréal – Meilleur roman (Best novel)

  • Calvo: Toxoplasma (La Volte)
  • Georges, Karoline: De synthèse (Alto)
  • Godbout, Yvan: Hansel et Gretel (AdA)
  • Laframboise, Michèle: La ruche (Les Six Brumes)
  • Villeneuve, Mathieu: Borealium tremens (La Peuplade)

Prix Aurora-Boréal – Meilleure nouvelle en français (Best short story in French)

  • Blouin, Geneviève: Démonothérapie (Solaris 203)
  •  Côté, Philippe-Aubert: La nuit aux trois démons (Les Six Brumes)
  •  Dagenais, Luc: XXZ: une histoire de sexe oral au temps des zombies (Les Six Brumes)
  •  Laframboise, Michèle: Petzis (Solaris 203)
  •  Verdier, Vic: Lac au Sable (Les Six Brumes)

Prix Aurora/Boréal – Meilleure bande dessinée (Best Comic Book)

  • Anouk: L’armée du Soleil (
  • Desharnais, Francis/Val Mo: Le seigneur de Saint-Rock (Front Froid)
  • Vigneault, François: Titan (Pow Pow)

Prix Aurora/Boréal – Meilleur ouvrage connexe (Best related work)

  • Blouin, Geneviève/Lauzon, Isabelle/Rocheleau, Carl: Écrire et publier au Québec: les littératures de l’imaginaire (Les Six Brumes)
  • Bonin, Pierre-Alexandre: Horrificorama (Les Six Brumes)
  • Brins d’éternité (Ariane Gélinas, Alamo St-Jean et Guillaume Voisine, direction)
  • La République du Centaure (Alain Ducharme, coordonateur)
  • Trudel, Jean-Louis: Petit guide de la science-fiction au Québec (Alire)

Prix Boréal – Création artistique visuelle et audiovisuelle (Best audiovisual artistic creation)

  • Léger, Émilie: Couverture Horrificorama (Les Six Brumes)
  • Sybiline: Couverture (Brins d’éternité 46)
  • Tikulin, Tomislav: Illustrations (Solaris 201-202)
  • Villeneuve, Denis: Blade Runner 2049 (film)

Prix Boréal – Fanédition (Fan work)

Update 05/03/2018: Corrected site of convention to Montreal.

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2 thoughts on “Prix Aurora/Boréal 2018 Nominees

  1. You wrote: The Prix Aurora/Boréal 2018 will be presented this weekend at Congrès Boréal 2018 in Québec City, in Canada.

    It’s actually in Montreal this year. The convention travels around the province. I was not aware of the problem, but since I plan to attend the convention, I guess I’d better do a little digging.

  2. The novel is Yvan Godbout’s Hansel et Gretel (AdA) A teacher filed a complaint with the police. The novel describes sexual abuse of a child. The publisher had recalled the book, but it is now back on the shelves. The case is still open. A politician was quoted as saying his “heart of a father” was hurting, but banning the book would bring us back to the bad old days of Maurice Duplessis.

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