Lost in Space Roundup

Compiled by Carl Slaughter:

(1) Wow, that LIS kid really likes robots — Netflix’s Lost In Space: Interview With The Robinsons: Geek Interviews

More videos after the jump.

(2) Who is that new LIS robot?

(3) “Why Netflix’s Lost in Space gender swapped the Dr. Smith role” from CinemaBlend.

Jon [Jashni, EP] and I had wanted Dr. Smith to be a woman. Why? Because we were very close to Jonathan Harris. I knew him very well. I had him in my ear telling me ‘If they ain’t got me they got nothing. Kevin, I love you, but it will fail because I am Dr. Smith and nobody else can be Dr. Smith. That’s why that Gary Oldman movie died.’ So we said we won’t invite that comparison. What we’ll do is we will cast someone who will bring to it everything Jonathan brought to it but from a totally different perspective without having all of that baggage.

(4) Why we hate Dr. Smith

(5) Lost in Space’s villain problem

(6) What Lost in Space got right and wrong

(7) Lost in Space’s season 1 ending explained

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