Prix Jacques-Brossard 2020

Éric Gauthier has won the Prix Jacques-Brossard 2020, an award for French sff worth C$3,000. The jury selected him based on his production of the previous year, which included a fantastic novel, Le Saint Patron des plans foireux (Éditions Alire) and a science fiction short story, “Le Livre de trop”, published in the collective East of the Apocalypse (The Six Mists). It is the third time he has won during his 20-year career.

The other two finalists for the award were Katia Gagnon’s Rang de la Croix (Boréal) and Larry Tremblay’ Le Deuxieme mari (Viola).

This year’s jurors were Anne Legault, playwright and novelist, Isabelle Lacroix, director of the School of Applied Politics at the University of Sherbrooke and professor, Raphaëlle B. Adam, cultural mediator, Olivier Godin, filmmaker , and Dave Côté, writer and last year’s Prix Jacques-Brossard winner.

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