Prix Solaris 2020

The winner of the Prix Solaris 2020 is Josée Bérubé, for her story “Les Épinettes à corneilles.”

The Prix Solaris is for an unpublished sff short story written in French by a Canadian author. The winner receives $1,000 and the story is published in Solaris.

The members of the jury chose Bérubé’s story “because they particularly appreciated the original and surprising angle chosen to tackle the theme, the endearing and more than human characters, the sensitive and human-like vision of a world yet damaged, as well as the stylistic qualities of the text.”

The members of this year’s Prix Solaris jury were Francine Pelletier, writer and publishing assistant at Alire editions; Pascal Raud, writer and literary director of Solaris; and Philippe Turgeon, assistant to the literary director at Alire editions.

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