Prix Utopiales 2016

Prix Utopiales Euorpeen

The winners of the Prix Utopiales 2016 were announced at the award ceremony at the Utopiales International Science Fiction Festival of Nantes in France on October 31.

The European Utopiales Award

  • Le vivant by Anna Starobinets. Translation (from Russian) Raphaëlle Pache (Mirobole Editions)

The award recognizes a novel, or a collection, published in French during the eligibility period whose author is a citizen of a country belonging to the European Community. The prize has a cash value of 2000 euros.

The winner was selected by a jury composed of Gwen De Bonneval (President of the jury, comics designer and scriptwriter), Ludovic Doucet (Nantes), Tiphaine Potiron (Nantes), Joël Dagorn (Maisons-Lafitte) and Aline Celhay (Saint-Nazaire).

Le Prix Utopiales Européen Jeunesse 2015
(The European Utopiales Youth Award 2015)

  • Empreinte digitale by Patrice Favaro (Thierry Magnier Éditions)

The winner was selected by a jury of young readers age 12-15: Eliott Pratz, Alban Mentzer, Iréné Brasseur, Stellen Le Moîne, Anaïs Gervais et Aglaé Thébaud

Presented earlier this weekend was the Julia Verlanger Prize, a literary award established in 1986 which honors science fiction and fantasy novels.

Prix Julia Verlanger 

  • Le Club des Punk contre l’Apocalypse Zombie by Karim Berrouka

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