Re-Barking About WOOF

The WorldCon Order of FanEds (or WOOF) amateur press association will be happening at ChiCon this year, run out of the Fan Lounge! Fan editors from around the world are encouraged to join up, send along a zine (preferably on 8.5 x 11 paper, but we can deal with whatever!) and get copies of all the wonderful creations. Chris Garcia will be heading the collation into a single package in the Lounge at WorldCon on Saturday evening, so come on by and help with that if nothing else! If you’d like to send zines in from afar, send it to –

Christopher J Garcia,
A Guest of the Hyatt Regency Chicago
151 East Wacker Drive,
Chicago, Illinois, USA 60601

They’ll hold for up to a week, so try to time arrival for no earlier than August 22.

All are welcome and it will be Awesome. Oh yes, it will.

[Thanks to Chris Garcia for the story.]

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10 thoughts on “Re-Barking About WOOF

  1. I never pass up the chance to put a capital in the middle of a word!

  2. If it bothers them enough they can just capitalize the “C” in your last name on your Hugo plaque.

  3. “The WorldCon Order of FanEds (or WOOF) amateur press association will be happening at ChiCon this year, run out of the Fan Lounge!”

    I hope they’re eventually let back in.

  4. The bad news is that hotels now charge, sometimes A LOT, to receive stuff for people. I hope Chris doesn’t lose his shirt.

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