Robert Weinberg Photos

Author Robert Weinberg, who died September 25, was photographed many times over the years by Andrew Porter for Science Fiction Chronicle. Here is a selection of those pictures.


Robert Weinberg, 1993. Photo by and copyright © Andrew Porter.

Robert Weinberg at World Fantasy Con.

Robert Weinberg at World Fantasy Con. Photo by and copyright © Andrew Porter.

Robert Weinberg

Robert Weinberg. Photo by and copyright © Andrew Porter.

With wife Phyllis, 1990.

With wife Phyllis, 1990. Photo by and copyright © Andrew Porter.

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One thought on “Robert Weinberg Photos

  1. There was a time where it seemed like “Edited by Robert Weinberg” was on every single new anthology. He was the first anthology editor in SF/F whose name I recognized.

    Thanks for sharing the photos. Number 3 is a pretty nice Shakespeare. You can’t go wrong working in a literary field and looking like the Bard.

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