Several GAMA Members Protest Addition of Jon Del Arroz to Organization

Jon Del Arroz has apparently joined the Game Manufacturers Association ( – a group for tabletop game publishers), and it’s already causing dissent.

Rodney Smith of Watch It Played, a YouTube game reviewer, wrote a comment to the private GAMA Member Facebook group to acquaint them with JDA’s track record but the moderators immediately took it down. Therefore, he reposted it to Twitter along with a copy of Jon Del Arroz’ self-introduction.

Del Arroz says he’s working with The Gaming Goat (TGG), a publisher whose CEO Jeff Bergen has several times been embroiled in controversy. For example, last year in a Board Game Geek forum over 1500 posts were made after TGG advertised the availability of a Tournament Fishing Rulebook in an ad that included a prominent image of a frog making the okay hand gesture, accused of being a right-wing dogwhistle combining the gesture with Pepe the Frog, another figure in alt-right memes.   

Rodney Smith also said:

GAMA answered on Twitter, and was engaged by another writer.

Will GAMA take action?

Meanwhile, JDA is, as usual, enjoying the attention.

Incidentally, GAMA runs Origins Game Fair, which made news in 2018 when its previous Executive Director John Ward withdrew the event’s invitation for Larry Correia to be one of its guests of honor after the announcement was met with numerous protests: “Origins Game Fair Drops Larry Correia as Guest”.

Update: GAMA subsequently announced a suspension of JDA’s account.

GAMA member Eric Lang also had thoughtful comments. Thread starts here.

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6 thoughts on “Several GAMA Members Protest Addition of Jon Del Arroz to Organization

  1. Pingback: Jon Del Arroz’s History of Trolling and Harassing

  2. Ben Harris says Dear God this guy again?

    JDA is indeed the curse that keeps on giving even if one doesn’t want it.

    Now reading Anthony Boucher’s The Case of The Crumpled Knave

  3. Jeff Bergren also got himself banned from Origins fair. Why GAMA considered the guy, theyve banned before (Origins is run by GAMA) is beyond me

  4. Pingback: JDA Out of GAMA, Suspended by Twitter | File 770

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