SF Movie Meme

The SF Signal crew tagged me to continue a meme where the assignment is to mark the instances where I have read the book related to a famous sf movie. In some cases it’s the novel/story the movie was based on, in others it’s a novel adapted from the movie. Here are the rules:

  • Copy the list below.
  • Mark in bold the movie titles for which you read the book.
  • Italicize the movie titles for which you started the book but didn’t finish it.
  • Tag 5 people to perpetuate the meme.

And now, the list…

  1. Jurassic Park
  2. War of the Worlds
  3. The Lost World: Jurassic Park
  4. I, Robot
  5. Contact
  6. Congo
  7. Cocoon
  8. The Stepford Wives
  9. The Time Machine
  10. Starship Troopers
  11. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
  12. K-PAX
  13. 2010
  14. The Running Man
  15. Sphere
  16. The Mothman Prophecies
  17. Dreamcatcher
  18. Blade Runner(Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?)
  19. Dune
  20. The Island of Dr. Moreau
  21. Invasion of the Body Snatchers
  22. The Iron Giant(The Iron Man)
  23. Battlefield Earth
  24. The Incredible Shrinking Woman
  25. Fire in the Sky
  26. Altered States
  27. Timeline
  28. The Postman
  29. Freejack(Immortality, Inc.)
  30. Solaris
  31. Memoirs of an Invisible Man
  32. The Thing(Who Goes There?)
  33. The Thirteenth Floor
  34. Lifeforce(Space Vampires)
  35. Deadly Friend
  36. The Puppet Masters
  37. 1984
  38. A Scanner Darkly
  39. Creator
  40. Monkey Shines
  41. Solo(Weapon)
  42. The Handmaid’s Tale
  43. Communion
  44. Carnosaur
  45. From Beyond
  46. Nightflyers
  47. Watchers
  48. Body Snatchers

I tag:

Mark Leeper, MT Void http://fanac.org/fanzines/MT_Void/index.html
Terry Frost, http://skiffyfilms.blogspot.com/2008/05/iron-man-2008.html
Steve Davidson, http://crotchetyoldfan.wordpress.com/
Niall Harrison, http://vectoreditors.wordpress.com/
Chris Garcia, http://johnnyeponymous.livejournal.com/

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4 thoughts on “SF Movie Meme

  1. Pingback: I Got Tagged « The Crotchety Old Fan

  2. Sandy Cohen, longtime LASFS member, e-mailed me his version of the list:

    1. Jurassic Park
    2. War of the Worlds
    3. The Lost World: Jurassic Park
    4. I, Robot
    5. Contact
    6. Congo
    7. Cocoon
    8. The Stepford Wives
    9. The Time Machine
    10. Starship Troopers
    11. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
    12. K-PAX
    13. 2010
    14. The Running Man
    15. Sphere
    16. The Mothman Prophecies
    17. Dreamcatcher
    18. Blade Runner(Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?)
    19. Dune
    20. The Island of Dr. Moreau
    21. Invasion of the Body Snatchers
    22. The Iron Giant(The Iron Man)
    23. Battlefield Earth
    24. The Incredible Shrinking Woman
    25. Fire in the Sky
    26. Altered States
    27. Timeline
    28. The Postman
    29. Freejack(Immortality, Inc.)
    30. Solaris
    31. Memoirs of an Invisible Man
    32. The Thing(Who Goes There?)
    33. The Thirteenth Floor
    34. Lifeforce(Space Vampires)
    35. Deadly Friend
    36. The Puppet Masters
    37. 1984
    38. A Scanner Darkly
    39. Creator
    40. Monkey Shines
    41. Solo(Weapon)
    42. The Handmaid’s Tale
    43. Communion
    44. Carnosaur
    45. From Beyond
    46. Nightflyers
    47. Watchers
    48. Body Snatchers
  3. Pingback: n Things Make a Post « Torque Control

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