Sith Happens

Denial was the first reaction of fans lined up outside the Chinese Theater when told the new Star Wars movie would be premiering down the street at the ArcLight. The fans said they were too smart to fall for that rumor, they’d heard misleading claims like that before the previous releases opened at the Chinese.

Anger followed when the media got all over the story and held the fans up to ridicule. Besides, huffed the fans, people can buy tickets to the ArcLight premiere over the web. It wouldn’t mean anything to line up there.

Bargaining began as they declared they would stay right where they were, protesting that the premiere ought to be at the Chinese Theater.

Depression set in when Wil Wheaton and friends piled on, creating satirical t-shirts. (Wheaton’s blog contains a hilarious account of his unintentional feud with the linestanders.)

Acceptance will occur no later than May 19, when Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith opens… down the street at the ArcLight.

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