Steve Davidson Will Stop Running Amazing Stories

Amazing Stories’ Steve Davidson announced today he is stepping down as acting Editor and stepping away as Publisher of the Experimenter Publishing Company.

Kermit Woodall, long-time Creative Director, will be taking over responsibilities for staffing, payments, and all ongoing creative and management decisions, which include management responsibilities for the website, the current Kickstarter project, and AmazingCon II.

Davidson said the reason for his decision is that “I’m burnt out, I’m tired and I am feeling physically, medically, mentally and emotionally run down. I have increasing family and financial responsibilities and am finding it increasingly difficult to juggle everything, while also remaining enthusiastic for what Amazing Stories is trying to do.”

Davidson secured the trademark for Amazing Stories in 2011, and since has developed a social media presence, crowdfunded some new issues of the magazine, and published other special projects. See Carl Slaughter’s 2016 interview with Steve here.

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4 thoughts on “Steve Davidson Will Stop Running Amazing Stories

  1. Wishing Steve well as he rearranges things. It’s hard when life gets too full and things have to be prioritized.

    I do not fear computers. I fear the lack of them. – Isaac Asimov

  2. It’s too bad Steve Davidson has to step down. He really seemed to be serious about keeping the Amazing Stories publication alive. However, one’s health is more important and at least someone is taking over the publication and its assets for him.

  3. Pingback: AMAZING NEWS FROM FANDOM: 11/6/22 - Amazing Stories

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