Sunday Business Meeting at Sasquan

Today the Sasquan Business Meeting will consider 4/6, E Pluribus Hugo plus other unfinished business and whatever shennanigans people have left in their deck at this point.

Livebloggers welcome.

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1,619 thoughts on “Sunday Business Meeting at Sasquan

  1. All soldiers leave a girl behind
    Who loves ’em and adores ’em
    But mine’s here on Goyungha too
    Which is, like, totally awesome

  2. Oh, all right, one more.

    I, for one, am very glad to see fandom standing fast upon this bridge, facing the Balrog with those immortal words that nobody here needs me to repeat.

    You exist because we allow it, and you will end because we demand it.

  3. I, for one, am very glad to see fandom standing fast upon this bridge, facing the Balrog with those immortal words that nobody here needs me to repeat.

    Save Game

  4. I, for one, am very glad to see fandom standing fast upon this bridge, facing the Balrog with those immortal words that nobody here needs me to repeat.

    Dinsdale? Dinsdale? Diiiiinsdale?

    I am the very model of a magic wielding meddler

  5. “I, for one, am very glad to see fandom standing fast upon this bridge, facing the Balrog with those immortal words that nobody here needs me to repeat.”

    I like you, Balrog. I’ll kill you last.

    The cake is a lie.


  6. @Jonathan K. Stephens

    Lol-ed for truth. That’s exactly what I would do at that spot.

  7. I, for one, am very glad to see fandom standing fast upon this bridge, facing the Balrog with those immortal words that nobody here needs me to repeat.


  8. Oh just one more, last one, I promise…

    I, for one, am very glad to see fandom standing fast upon this bridge, facing the Balrog with those immortal words that nobody here needs me to repeat.

    “I need a S W A T team ready to moblize, streel level maps covering the whole of Florida, a pot of coffee, 12 Jammie Dodgers and a fez”!

  9. I, for one, am very glad to see fandom standing fast upon this bridge, facing the Balrog with those immortal words that nobody here needs me to repeat.

    “Watson, the game’s afoot!”

  10. I, for one, am very glad to see fandom standing fast upon this bridge, facing the Balrog with those immortal words that nobody here needs me to repeat.

    “You have been in Afghanistan, I perceive.”

  11. I, for one, am very glad to see fandom standing fast upon this bridge, facing the Balrog with those immortal words that nobody here needs me to repeat.

    It’s a beautiful day in this neighborhood,
    A beautiful day for a neighbor.
    Would you be mine?
    Could you be mine?…

    It’s a neighborly day in this beauty wood,
    A neighborly day for a beauty.
    Would you be mine?
    Could you be mine?…

    I’ve always wanted to have a neighbor just like you.
    I’ve always wanted to live in a neighborhood with you.

    So, let’s make the most of this beautiful day.
    Since we’re together we might as well say:
    Would you be mine?
    Could you be mine?
    Won’t you be my neighbor?
    Won’t you please,
    Won’t you please?
    Please won’t you be my neighbor?

  12. I, for one, am very glad to see fandom standing fast upon this bridge, facing the Balrog with those immortal words that nobody here needs me to repeat.

    (IanP @ 8/25 1:34a:)
    Freeze. You’re under arrest. You have the right to the remains of a silent attorney. If you cannot afford one… tough noogies. You can make ONE phone call. I recommend Trixie: 976-Triple-5-LOVE. Do you understand these rights as I’ve explained them to you?

    Awww, I’m honored. Thanks.

    Least I can do is toss in a few of my own. Well, not my own, but you know what I mean.


    “Who is John Galt?”

    “I’ve got a theory; it could be bunnies.”

    “What a dump.”

    “I can see my house from here!”

    “You didn’t see Lefors out there, did you? … For a moment there, I thought we were in trouble.”

    “They couldn’t hit an elephant at this dist–“

  13. I, for one, am very glad to see fandom standing fast upon this bridge, facing the Balrog with those immortal words that nobody here needs me to repeat.

    “You’re no Tank Marmot.”

  14. Abi: I for true did a spit take at the Alice’s Restaurant one. I’d have told you that 5 minutes ago, but I’ve been wiping off my monitor and keyboard. Good work, you dangerous person.

    Ildi, if Abi hadn’t already gotten me, you and Mr. Rogers might have.

    I, for one, am very glad to see fandom standing fast upon this bridge, facing the Balrog with those immortal words that nobody here needs me to repeat.

    “Door ajar. Please shut.”

    (I should explain. It’s from Jack Womack’s Ambient: “In that room’s dark I heard the voice of the refrigerator. Door ajar. Please shut. The door was not ajar, but the computer – a number three – couldn’t know; dust had gotten in the chips. Thousands of times, day and night, the refrigerator cried, Door ajar, please shut. Wd never had appliance money, and so could afford neither new refrigerator nor repairperson. The voice was pleasant, and the sentiment inoffensive; you got used to it.”)

  15. @Snowcrash:

    Heh, heh! I can’t believe nobody said it first!

    I also can’t believe this celebration is still on-going… o.O

    Party On, people!

  16. I, for one, am very glad to see fandom standing fast upon this bridge, facing the Balrog with those immortal words that nobody here needs me to repeat.

    What have you done with Dr Millmoss?

  17. Full of Sound: Oh, no, I did not need thoughts of Thurber illustrating Tolkien. The pain, my war wound…

  18. I, for one, am very glad to see fandom standing fast upon this bridge, facing the Balrog with those immortal words that nobody here needs me to repeat.


  19. I, for one, am very glad to see fandom standing fast upon this bridge, facing the Balrog with those immortal words that nobody here needs me to repeat.

    I am, in all modesty, a skilled author, one of the finest writing today.

  20. I, for one, am very glad to see fandom standing fast upon this bridge, facing the Balrog with those immortal words that nobody here needs me to repeat.

    To me, My X-Men!

  21. OMG, the end at last!

    No, I will not post any more of my ideas. I have collected more than 25,000 words. Very few of them are duplicates, well done there.

    ETA: 31 pages on File 770?!?!?!

  22. I, for one, am very glad to see fandom standing fast upon this bridge, facing the Balrog with those immortal words that nobody here needs me to repeat.

    No, we’ve told you over and over again that you can’t audition for Smaug; you’re not even the right species, and you’re lousy at riddles. Of course, if you get off this damned bridge we could probably fix a credit for you; how does ‘Ancient and Nameless Evil – Technical Advisor’ sound?

  23. I, for one, am very glad to see fandom standing fast upon this bridge, facing the Balrog with those immortal words that nobody here needs me to repeat

    What. Does a balrog. Need with a starship?

  24. I, for one, am very glad to see fandom standing fast upon this bridge, facing the Balrog with those immortal words that nobody here needs me to repeat.

    “I know no-thing! No-thing!”

    Sorry, I’ve been watching that old Marvel sitcom about Wolverine’s days in a WWII POW camp. You know, Logan’s Heroes

  25. Rick Moen, you missed that they don’t normally need that big a room for the Business Meeting. They moved it to the largest room they could get at that time.

  26. I, for one, am very glad to see fandom standing fast upon this bridge, facing the Balrog with those immortal words that nobody here needs me to repeat.

    “You have forgotten the face of your father.”

    “Take Sean Bean first!”

    “Don’t you worry about to. In my experience that always takes care of itself.  The important word is away.”

    8 Deadly Words for the win!

    JCW talk about his “tiny, delecate wife” is part of his whole chauvinist misogyny – the “I love them so much I put them on pedestals” thing – and it’s one of the things that really pisses me off about him.

  27. I, for one, am very glad to see fandom standing fast upon this bridge, facing the Balrog with those immortal words that nobody here needs me to repeat.

    “A people united will never be ignited!”

  28. I, for one, am very glad to see fandom standing fast upon this bridge, facing the Balrog with those immortal words that nobody here needs me to repeat.

    Suddenly a big ass truck roars out of left field and knocks the Balrog flying. The tall greying driver steps out of the cab, adjusts his well tailored suit and says in a sardonic tone, “Pick on someone your own size… or at least closer to it”

  29. I, for one, am very glad to see fandom standing fast upon this bridge, facing the Balrog with those immortal words that nobody here needs me to repeat.

    Stupid Balrog, that’s MY Loc Nar!

  30. I, for one, am very glad to see fandom standing fast upon this bridge, facing the Balrog with those immortal words that nobody here needs me to repeat.

    You’d better beat it; I hear they’re gonna tear you down and put up an office building where you’re standing. You can leave in a taxi. If you can’t get a taxi, you can leave in a huff. If that’s too soon, you can leave in a minute and a huff.

  31. I, for one, am very glad to see fandom standing fast upon this bridge, facing the Balrog with those immortal words that nobody here needs me to repeat.

    Coffee’s for closers.

  32. I started following this blog and it’s delightful comment section just after the Puppocalypse began in April, but this has been the first moment that I felt I had something to offer.

    I, for one, am very glad to see fandom standing fast upon this bridge, facing the Balrog with those immortal words that nobody here needs me to repeat.

    “When someone asks you if you are a god, you say YES!”


    “Are you my mummy?”

  33. for one, am very glad to see fandom standing fast upon this bridge, facing the Balrog with those immortal words that nobody here needs me to repeat.

    Sorry, we’re closed for the duration.

  34. for one, am very glad to see fandom standing fast upon this bridge, facing the Balrog with those immortal words that nobody here needs me to repeat.

    I think you need to check your moral compass. When was it last calibrated?

  35. I, for one, am very glad to see fandom standing fast upon this bridge, facing the Balrog with those immortal words that nobody here needs me to repeat.

    Hey man, you got a light?

  36. “I, for one, am very glad to see fandom standing fast upon this bridge, facing the Balrog with those immortal words that nobody here needs me to repeat.”

    Bring me a shrubbery!

  37. for one, am very glad to see fandom standing fast upon this bridge, facing the Balrog with those immortal words that nobody here needs me to repeat.

    Tell me about… Subscriber Trunk Dialling.

  38. I, for one, am very glad to see fandom standing fast upon this bridge, facing the Balrog with those immortal words that nobody here needs me to repeat.

    “Meep meep!”

  39. I, for one, am very glad to see fandom standing fast upon this bridge, facing the Balrog with those immortal words that nobody here needs me to repeat.

    May the Force be with you.

  40. tonieee on August 24, 2015 at 2:28 pm said:
    I, for one, am very glad to see fandom standing fast upon this bridge, facing the Balrog with those immortal words that nobody here needs me to repeat.

    Are you my mummy?

    Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope.

  41. I, for one, am very glad to see fandom standing fast upon this bridge, facing the Balrog with those immortal words that nobody here needs me to repeat.

    I believe that this fellowship should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this Age is out, of sending a hobbit to Mt. Doom and returning him safely to the Shire.

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