Team File 770’s Semifinalists for the Self-Published Science Fiction Competition

Team File 770 has picked three books to advance to the semifinals of the Self-Published Science Fiction Competition.

The competition, created by Hugh Howey and Duncan Swan, is modeled after Mark Lawrence’s Self-Published Fantasy Blog-Off.

Three hundred entries were divided between ten teams of book bloggers – including Team File 770. The first step was for team members to read the opening 20% of each of their 30 books and recommend 10 for the team to read in full. The 10 books that collectively got the most “yes” votes advanced to the second stage where they were read and scored.  

The three books that Team File 770’s judges Cora Buhlert, Rogers Cadenhead and Mike Glyer rated the highest are:

  • Lost Solace by Karl Drinkwater 
  • A Touch of Death by Rebecca Crunden
  • The Hammond Conjecture by Martin Reed

Congratulations to the authors!

Once all the teams have picked their semifinalists, the judging will begin on the top 30 surviving books.

SPSFC art by Tithi LuadthongLogos designed by Scott (@book_invasion)

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5 thoughts on “Team File 770’s Semifinalists for the Self-Published Science Fiction Competition

  1. My friends are excited that the Bengals made the super bowl. Im excited the Hammond conjecture is moving on.

    I feel actually reading the book is unnecessary at this point. The Hammond Conjecture? I love that book!

  2. I read the rest of Lost Solace in a single day Saturday after sampling it in the first round of File 770’s SPSFC judging. It’s an absolute rocket of a story that has a strong central relationship between the two compelling protagonists and narrative drive from the first page to the last.

    Karl Drinkwater has written some horror and it shows in the setting of the lost ship that has become occupied by some genuinely weird unknown-to-humanity lifeforms. At first it seems like the novel will be about those scary encounters — like the Alien film franchise — but it becomes a bigger tale in which they’re just a part.

    The main characters are a rebellious disgraced soldier who has trouble with authority and an AI she has yoked into her service. I loved both.

    I’ll be saying more about other books in the contest but I wanted to start by commenting on this one after the novel made my weekend so entertaining.

  3. It’s fantastic to hear that you’ve chosen ‘The Hammond Conjecture’ as one of your semi-finalists. You’ve made an old man very happy. Thank you!
    And coincidentally, the novel is on Free Book Promotion on Amazon from now till 5th February: for your local Amazon page.
    Everyone please grab a copy and judge if it is as good as its title. The prequel will be out next month.

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