Tepper, Levin Marry

Debra Levin and Matthew Tepper wed in a Jewish ceremony at the LASFS clubhouse on June 30 in the presence of about 75 family members and friends.

A canopy lifted on four poles was carried into the main meeting room by members of the wedding party including John DeChancie and David Gerrold.  The canopy was blue fabric with an elaborate yellow design.

The principals came forward in procession, Rabbi Marcia Minsky, who presided over the ceremony, Tepper in a top hat and black tuxedo, and Levin wearing a white wedding gown beautifully trimmed in lace.

Minsky was assisted by Mark Poliner. Tom Safer cued the music. Other participants included Joyce Sperling, Eylat Poliner, Charles Lee Jackson II and Jerry Pournelle, plus several more whose names I didn’t know.

At the appropriate point in the ceremony, various people had the honor of reading one of the seven blessings, in Hebrew if they were able, otherwise in English translation. Jerry Pournelle recited the third blessing in English: “Blessed are You, LORD, our God, sovereign of the universe, who creates man.” Barry and Lee Gold did a glorious job reading the lengthy seventh blessing, first in Hebrew, and then in translation.

Matthew waved off the applause that began when people thought the service had ended, because he still needed to stamp on the glass – then the couple was introduced and applause resumed.

LASFS officers figured prominently in the service. The groom is club president, while his bride is vice-president-elect. Marcia Minsky and Eylat Poliner, are co-vice-presidents, and Charles Lee Jackson II is a Special Advisor.

It was a great occasion, and a chance to greet some old friends including Elst and Carole Weinstein, Regina Renante, Marty Cantor, and quite a few of those named above.

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7 thoughts on “Tepper, Levin Marry

  1. As Brides Matron and Groomsman, We had a wonderful time since introducing the them after many years at our party. The wedding was fun and lovely. Congratulations to the wonderful couple.

  2. On the Bimah (dais) we had holding the canopy, David Gerrold, John DeChancie, Lilly Wong (Debra’s Sister-in-law), and Lilly’s husband, Norman Barron, Debra’s brother. Our ring bearer was none other then Declen, aka Ducky, Nunez, and giving the bride away was Benjamin Levin, the bride’s son.

    Bridesmaids included: Joyce Sperling, Eylat Poliner, and Michelle Mills-Sparr.

  3. That was a lovely wedding, for a lovely couple. (And I’ve not forgotten you, Ben, either – you did a great job escorting and presenting the bride.) Mazel tov, and joy to all of you.

  4. May they live as long as they love, and love as long as they live.

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