Tessa Dick Talks PKD at SPR

Tessa and PKD

Self-Publishing Review has a long and informative interview with Tessa Dick, last wife of Philip K. Dick. She has reworked the novel he was beginning at the time of his death in 1982, The Owl in Daylight

The Owl in Daylight is my tribute to my husband. I attempted to recreate the masterpiece that he had in mind, even though he left few clues about the story. As with VALIS and other later works, the plot loosely follows his own life. I hope that I have captured the spirit of the Owl as Phil would have written it, if his life had not been cut short by a massive stroke.

Tessa Dick blogs at It’s a Philip K. Dick World.

P.S. The membership badge PKD is wearing shows the photo was taken at L.A.con I in 1972.

[Thanks to Francis Hamit for the link.]

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One thought on “Tessa Dick Talks PKD at SPR

  1. thanx for posting this

    Republibot has posted a review of my fictional bio of Phil titled The Owl in Daylight, and a second interview with me

    they can be seen a republibot dot com

    ~~ Tessa

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