Three New Digital Editions of TAFF Trip Reports Help Start 2023 Right

Three classic trip reports have been added to the Trans-Atlantic Fan Fund’s library of free downloads. And if you enjoy them, a donation to TAFF is a fine way to express your appreciation. All are available in several electronic formats.

A Fake Fan in London by Bob Madle (1957 TAFF trip)

Robert A. “Bob” Madle (1920-2022) was the first North American TransAtlantic Fan Fund winner to travel to Europe at TAFF expense and the first to write a trip report on his experience. He attended the 1957 London Worldcon, the first to be held outside North America. A Fake Fan in London includes a detailed examination of the controversy (reflected in the title) resulting from the fact that many UK fans had preferred the rival candidate Dick Eney, a much newer fan whose activity was more visible across the transatlantic gulf between fandoms. All was amicably resolved. Madle died in October 2022 at the ripe age of 102, the last surviving member of the real First Fandom.

Ansible Editions ebook added to the TAFF library on 1 February 2023. Over 37,000 words. Cover drawing by Linda Miller from the first collected edition published in 1976.

The Moffatt House Abroad by Len and June Moffatt (1973 TAFF trip)

Len and June Moffatt were the 1973 US TAFF winners, travelling from California to that year’s UK Eastercon, OMPAcon ’73, held in Bristol. Their joint trip report The Moffatt House Abroad followed promptly in 1974.

Cover artwork by Bernie Zuber for APA-L, used as an interior in the 1974 edition. Ansible Editions ebook added to the TAFF site on 1 February 2023. Over 44,000 words.

The Squirrel’s Tale by Ron Ellik (1962 TAFF trip)

Ron Ellik (1938-1968), nicknamed “Squirrel”, was a popular Los Angeles fan highly active from the mid-1950s, co-editing the Hugo-winning newszine Fanac with Terry Carr. He won the 1961 TAFF race against Dick Eney and travelled from the USA to the 1962 UK Eastercon in Harrogate. The ensuing lively trip report The Squirrel’s Tale was serialized in the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society’s Shangri L’Affaires in 1962 and 1963, revised by Ellik in 1965, and published by LA friends a year after his tragic death in a January 1968 car accident.

Ansible Editions ebook added to the TAFF library on 1 February 2023. 27,000 words. Cover photo of Ron Ellik in squirrel costume from the Ethel Lindsay collection; photographer unknown.

[Thanks to David Langford for the story.]

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2 thoughts on “Three New Digital Editions of TAFF Trip Reports Help Start 2023 Right

  1. the way (in 1973) on the cover of that year’s TAFF Trip report, how N/Ireland is described thereon as “Ulcer” (not, and this term is not factually correct anyway (1), “Ulster” !). Remember then, the terrible modern “Troubles” (2) were at their height, internment in 1971 had been an absolute clusterf**k, and both of these in 1972, the “Bloody Sunday” shootings in Derry had occurred and the old Unionist dominated Stormont regime had been (rightly IMO) disbanded. But then what to replace that body by? Soon after that in 1974, one idea emerged as a replacement: the Sunningdale Agreement – a Good Friday Agreement well ahead of its time, but that concept was then scuppered by the Unionists. (Oh and a more recent, positive and genre-relevant development here: at Eastercon 2023/Conversation (3), there prob will be a bid for Eastercon 2025 in Belfast -very 1st time ever there, for that annual Con. The Con site will be the same as for the Aug 2019 successful Eurocon/Titancon (ie Hilton+Waterfront) and that Con was held exactly 1 week after the equally successful Worldcon 2019/CCD/Dublin). NOTES : [ (1) Ulster comprises 9 Counties, N/Ireland only comprises 6 of those (in a sense, it is a subset of Ulster). The other 3 Ulster Cos (Donegal, Monaghan and Cavan) are in the Republic and are just as much “Ulster” as the other 6!; (2) there were “troubles” previous to the last 1969-1998 ones: esp during the formation of NI in 1920 and subsequently in the mid 30s and also in the mid 50s -tho not on the terrible scale of the most recent and gladly passed ones; (3) Eastercon 2023/Conversation : Fri 7-Mon 10 April inclusive. Hilton Hotel Metropole, NEC Site, Birmingham, UK. (a) Nearest UK Rail Station: Birmingham Intl (NOT New St)-fast express trains from London Euston. (b) Nearest UK Airport: Birmingham -IATA: BHX. (a) and (b) are right beside each other. Go to (a) and below the Station, catch the free Hilton shuttle bus to the Con hotel. Overseas fen –as always– are very welcome! ] Best wishes..

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