Today In History 3/9

Enterprise model makers Richard C. Datin, Jr. Mel Keys, and Vernon Sion. (Not shown, Volmer Jensen.)

Enterprise model makers Richard C. Datin, Jr. Mel Keys, and Vernon Sion. (Not shown, Volmer Jensen.)

March 9, 1967: “The Devil in the Dark” episode of Star Trek premiered on NBC.

MeTV is airing the original Star Trek at 4:00 p.m. in what appears to be in the original broadcast order. Monday is “The Man Trap,” which was the first aired and written by George Clayton Johnson. Here is a link to find the MeTV outlet in your area.

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3 thoughts on “Today In History 3/9

  1. Now the question of the day is how many of us watched “The Man Trap” the first time it aired instead of as a rerun after school? I was a first time watcher.

  2. Me too. And with true teenaged arrogrance by the time I saw the third episode I was trying to write a better script than I saw on the air….

  3. I saw them all as first aired. Though I felt that opening episode with the salt monster was someone’s left over Outer Limits script.

    “Devil in the Dark” was where Shatner told Nimoy he wasn’t emoting enough when he was examining the Horta and saying “pain”. After a few takes, and saying “Pain” in heavier tones, Shatner said, “Someone, get this man an aspirin”.

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