Top 10 Stories for April 2024

Two stories that came out of the UK Eastercon at the end of March had enough momentum to top April’s leader board. The first, about a security decision at Eastercon, drew over a hundred comments, which is why it had almost twice as many hits as the second most popular story, the announcement of the 2024 Hugo finalists (made at Eastercon).

Here are the ten most-read stories of April 2024 according to dread Jetpack.

  1. Person Refused Membership by UK Eastercon and Escorted Out by Security
  2. 2024 Hugo Finalists
  3. Pixel Scroll 4/1/24 You Can Fool Some Of The People Some Of The Time, But You Can Scroll All Of The People All Of The Time
  4. Pixel Scroll 4/6/24 On (Eclipse) Monday, Smart Electronic Sheep Won’t Look Up
  5. Pixel Scroll 4/9/24 Ebenezer Scroll! Tonight You Will Be Visited By Five Pixels (Three, My Lord!)
  6. Pixel Scroll 4/3/24 Go, Strider! In The Sky
  7. The 2023 Hugo Awards: A Report on Censorship and Exclusion
  8. Pixel Scroll 4/8/24 Everyone I Know Is A Hoopy Scroll, Who Know Where Their Pixel Is
  9. Pixel Scroll 4/15/24 No, cats do not have magical powers. Really they don’t. Would they lie?
  10. Pixel Scroll 4/7/24 Pixels En Scrollgalia


  1. Person Refused Membership by UK Eastercon and Escorted Out by Security
  2. 2024 Hugo Finalists
  3. The 2023 Hugo Awards: A Report on Censorship and Exclusion
  4. Glasgow 2024 Hugo Awards Subcommittee Explained
  5. Michaele Jordan Review: The Trilogy of the Ninths
  6. Barkley — So Glad You (Didn’t) Ask #85
  7. 2023 Hugo Finalists
  8. Michaele Jordan Review: Babel
  9. Vernor Vinge (1944-2024)
  10. Authors Dropping from New Demons Anthology

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2 thoughts on “Top 10 Stories for April 2024

  1. I always wonder how much the time of the month when a post appears affects the number of hits. It is noticeable that the scroll entries in the top ten are all from the first half of the month.

  2. Stuart Hall: In general, the highest-ranking Scrolls are the ones with the most comments. I think it’s a coincidence if they include a cluster of dates from the beginning of the month.

    And later in the year there tend to be months where nearly all the Top 10 are Scrolls — which means one-third of the Scrolls will be in the Top 10, which allows for even more various random dating coincidences.

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