Weist Collection Going on the Block

This September Heritage Auctions will put up for sale Jerry Weist’s trove of sf and fantasy art, rare first editions, movie posters, fanzines, and comics collected over the course of a lifetime.  The auction will be held at Heritage’s Beverly Hills offices on September 12, in conjunction with the company’s Rare Books auction.

Works by some of the greatest artists in the field will be available — Frank Frazetta, J. Allen St. John, Frank R. Paul, Wally Wood, Virgil Finlay, Alex Schomburg, Chesley Bonestell, Richard Powers, and Frank Kelly Freas.

Weist passed away in January with several projects still in the publishing pipeline. Heritage will publish the new edition of Weist’s Comic Art Price Guide this summer.

HA’s full press release is online at Art Daily.

[Thanks to John King Tarpinian for the story.]

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3 thoughts on “Weist Collection Going on the Block

  1. There are already two eBay sellers auctioning off material they claim comes from the Jerry Weist estate.

  2. Andrew Porter forwarded this correction from Roger Hill:

    “Only a small portion of Jerry’s collection will be auctioned off in September. Jerry had a lot of duplication in the way of artwork, and to put it all in one big auction would have been a huge mistake, and against his final wishes. It … was big enough that it will be spread out over the coming years. And Heritage is already talking about doing another Weist auction early next year. Jerry’s collection of EC comics, fanzines and monster magazines will be auctioned off on eBay and are already being listed under the seller’s name of: kidkameron

    “Many of his pulps will continue to be sold through the Windy City Pulp and Paperback shows over the next few years. Doug Ellis is already involved with this.”

  3. Jerry’s collection was 6500+ hardcovers, Lord knows how many pulps, drawers full of art, etc. Heritage is selling some of the cream of the collection in Sept 2011 (and may have another auction in early 2012). Roger Hill is selling comics & monster magazines & I am selling (under ebay name: rolocbard) hardcover books & misc items). There is so much that I would expect Roger & I will be selling Jerry’s material for the next few years (and I mean that literally!).

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