Wesley Chu Keeps Time

Wesley Chu

Wesley Chu

By Carl Slaughter:

by Wesley Chu
sequel to Time Salvager


Having been haunted by the past and enslaved by the present, James Griffin-Mars is taking control of the future.

Earth is a toxic, sparsely inhabited wasteland–the perfect hiding place for a fugitive ex-chronman to hide from the authorities.

James has allies, scientists he rescued from previous centuries: Elise Kim, who believes she can renew Earth, given time; Grace Priestly, the venerated inventor of time travel herself; Levin, James’s mentor and former pursuer, now disgraced; and the Elfreth, a population of downtrodden humans who want desperately to believe that James and his friends will heal their ailing home world.

James also has enemies. They include the full military might of benighted solar system ruled by corporate greed and a desperate fear of what James will do next. At the forefront of their efforts to stop him is Kuo, the ruthless security head, who wants James’s head on a pike and will stop at nothing to obtain it.

by Wesley Chu


Convicted criminal James Griffin-Mars is no one’s hero. In his time, Earth is a toxic, abandoned world and humans have fled into the outer solar system to survive, eking out a fragile, doomed existence among the other planets and their moons. Those responsible for delaying humanity’s demise believe time travel holds the key, and they have identified James, troubled though he is, as one of a select and expendable few ideally suited for the most dangerous job in history.

James is a chronman, undertaking missions into Earth’s past to recover resources and treasure without altering the timeline. The laws governing use of time travel are absolute; break any one of them and, one way or another, your life is over. Most chronmen never reach old age; the stress of each jump through time, compounded by the risk to themselves and to the future, means that many chronmen rapidly reach their breaking point, and James Griffin-Mars is nearing his.

On a final mission that is to secure his retirement, James meets Elise Kim, an intriguing scientist from a previous century, who is fated to die during the destruction of an oceanic rig. Against his training and his common sense, and in violation of the chronmen’s highest law, James brings Elise back to the future with him, saving her life, but turning them both into fugitives. Remaining free means losing themselves in the wild and poisonous wastes of Earth, somehow finding allies, and perhaps discovering what hope may yet remain for humanity’s home world.


  • Chu creates a fascinating world, strange and familiar, infused with humor, sorrow, courage, greed, and sacrifice. This page-turner is a riveting, gratifying read. – Publishers Weekly
  • An utterly captivating time-travel adventure. To put it simply, Chu’s worldbuilding is extraordinary. – RT Book Reviews (4 ½ stars, a Top Pick!)
  • Smart, fast, and fun. – Brent Weeks, New York Times bestselling author of the Lightbringer series
  • Time twisting action-adventure as only Wesley Chu could imagine it. I enjoyed it a lot. Read this book! – Ann Leckie, author of the Hugo and Nebula Award-winning Ancillary Justice
  • A gripping, taut space opera about keeping hope in hopeless circumstances. Immensely enjoyable. – Robert Jackson Bennett, author of City of Stairs
  • Chu has taken a simple, brilliant premise and built upon it an epic universe full of thrills and wonder. – Jason M. Hough, New York Times bestselling author of The Darwin Elevator
  • More than a compelling, innovative take on the perks and pitfalls of time travel – Time Salvager is a sharp study of how human nature might prove mankind’s salvation, or eventually doom us all. This is world-building that will make you fear for the future. In a good way. – Cherie Priest, author of Maplecroft
  • A powerful and compelling search of the past for redemption in the present, by turns thrilling and sweet and gut-wrenching. – Kevin Hearne, author of the Iron Druid Chronicles
  • A clever, cautionary sf tale with cool gadgets, characterization that surprised me in the best possible way, and multiple cunning twists. – Kate Elliott, author of the Crown of Stars series
  • With time travel, force-field kung fu, and a huge helping of wit, Wesley Chu transmogrifies a bleak long-whimper apocalypse into vicious, high-octane fun. – Max Gladstone, author of the Craft Sequence
  • A fast-paced ride that offers a fresh spin on time travel, combines it with a high-stakes plot and genuinely innovative action, and spices the blend with a healthy dose of irreverent humor. – Jacqueline Carey, author of Kushiel’s Dart
  • Exciting, interesting, and never forgetting the fun of ideas, this is brilliant new stuff. – Paul Cornell, author of London Falling
  • A time-warping science fiction thrill ride. – Jaye Wells, author of the Sabrina Kane series

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