Where To Find The 2019 Hugo Award Finalists For Free Online

By JJ: Dublin 2019 has announced the 2019 Hugo Award Finalists. Since the Hugo Voter’s packet has not yet arrived, if you’d like to get a head start on your reading, you can use this handy guide to find material which is available for free online. Where available in their entirety, works are linked (most of the Novelettes and Short Stories are free, as are the Pro and Fan Artist images, and many of the Semiprozines and Fanzines).

If not available for free, an Amazon link is provided. If a free excerpt is available online, it has been linked. Excerpts are web pages, except where otherwise indicated. Overdrive excerpts are usually longer than web excerpts, and are read by clicking the right side of the page or swiping right-to-left to advance pages.

Fair notice: All Amazon links are referrer URLs which benefit fan site Worlds Without End.

SEE ALSO: Martin Pyne’s post Where To Find the 2019 Hugo Longlist For Free Online.


Best Novel

Best Novella

Best Novelette

Best Short Story

Best Series

Best Related Work

Best Graphic Story

Best Dramatic Presentation, Long Form

Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form

  • The Expanse: “Abaddon’s Gate” written by Daniel Abraham, Ty Franck and Naren Shankar, directed by Simon Cellan Jones (trailer)
  • Doctor Who: “Demons of the Punjab” written by Vinay Patel, directed by Jamie Childs (trailer)
  • Dirty Computer, written by Janelle Monáe, directed by Andrew Donoho and Chuck Lightning (full video on YouTube & Vimeo)
  • The Good Place: “Janet(s)” written by Josh Siegal & Dylan Morgan, directed by Morgan Sackett (trailer)
  • The Good Place: “Jeremy Bearimy” written by Megan Amram, directed by Trent O’Donnell (trailer)
  • Doctor Who: “Rosa” written by Malorie Blackman and Chris Chibnall, directed by Mark Tonderai (trailer)

Best Professional Editor, Short Form

Best Professional Editor, Long Form

Best Professional Artist

Best Semiprozine

  • Beneath Ceaseless Skies, editor-in-chief and publisher Scott H. Andrews
  • Fireside Magazine, edited by Julia Rios, managing editor Elsa Sjunneson-Henry, social coordinator Meg Frank, special features editor Tanya DePass, founding editor Brian White, publisher and art director Pablo Defendini
  • FIYAH Magazine of Black Speculative Fiction, executive editors Troy L. Wiggins and DaVaun Sanders, editors L.D. Lewis, Brandon O’Brien, Kaleb Russell, Danny Lore, and Brent Lambert
  • Shimmer, publisher Beth Wodzinski, senior editor E. Catherine Tobler
  • Strange Horizons, edited by Jane Crowley, Kate Dollarhyde, Vanessa Rose Phin, Vajra Chandrasekera, Romie Stott, Maureen Kincaid Speller, and the Strange Horizons Staff
  • Uncanny Magazine, publishers/editors-in-chief Lynne M. Thomas and Michael Damian Thomas, managing editor Michi Trota, podcast producers Erika Ensign and Steven Schapansky, Disabled People Destroy Science Fiction Special Issue editors-in-chief Elsa Sjunneson-Henry and Dominik Parisien

Best Fanzine

Best Fancast

Best Fan Writer

Best Fan Artist

Best Art Book

John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer

Lodestar Award for Best Young Adult Book

RELATED: What’s In The 2019 Hugo Voter Packet?

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45 thoughts on “Where To Find The 2019 Hugo Award Finalists For Free Online

  1. The novels I needed to read (I am skipping one) were all in my public library.

  2. Pingback: 2019 Hugo Award Finalists Announced | Krypton Radio - Your Sci-fi Radio Station

  3. Thanks, JJ!

    Looks like I’ll have to go back and finish the Chambers, sigh. It wasn’t *bad*, but I Just Didn’t Care about any of the characters. Oh well!

    And I’m surprised, but in a pleased way, to see Space Opera made it. I didn’t have it on my ballot, but I thought it was tons of fun. And I’m surprised because I know it was kind of polarizing.

    And I’m still surprised that Circe hasn’t gotten more love from the sff crowd. I mean, it has been incredibly popular out there amongst the general reading audience. Do sffers just not like mythology in general, or did they dislike this book in particular for some reason? Hmmm.

    For the Lodestar — I’m rooting for Dread Nation. I can also recommend The Cruel Prince for folks who don’t mind teen angst. Don’t be turned off by the dumb title. Unfortunately, I’m *not* looking forward to finishing Children of Blood and Bone — I know how popular it’s been, but I dnfed it for the tired, TIRED prose and the (to me) stupid cat-creatures. Maybe the story will pick up after the point at which I tossed the book?

    All-in-all, I’ve got one “novel” to finish, three “series” to catch up on, three “Lodestars” to read plus one to finish, and three “Campbells”, plus a bunch of shorts.

    The series category is such a killer to keep up with! Sigh!

  4. @JJ, Thank you! You must’ve been psychic, to have this up this fast.

  5. Is there a version of this for the Retro Hugos on the way? It’s a little harder to know if a work is legitimately available I guess – I see there is a site offering a pdf scan of Conjure Wife, at a point when Amazon is happy to take my money, and Gutenberg doesn’t list it.

  6. nickpheas: Is there a version of this for the Retro Hugos on the way?

    Give me a few days and I’ll see what I can do. I’m feeling a bit tapped-out right now, and need to back off the computer work for a little while. 🙂

  7. I am a happy man. Both the really killer mind bending stories I read last year are on the ballot. Same category. So it goes. But it’s an honor to be nominated, right?

    So are Into The Spider-Verse and Dirty Computer. I’m not sure what else I could ask for.

  8. I’m pretty sure this is the first time EVER that I’ve read all the Best Novel nominees before the ballot was announced. And I own four of them!

    I REALLY wish we could afford to go to Dublin. But we just got the official go-ahead to talk to a surgeon about getting Mister Doctor Science a robot hip (to go with his two (2) robot knees), so I think our summer may be kind of busy & expensive.

    Yes, I Married a Cyborg. Or to be precise, he’s turning into one.*g*

  9. The following collections should provide almost all of the short fiction for the retro Hugos. I make no claims that they’re the only (or even best) way to get the short fiction; they’re just the ones that I was able to piece together between the various libraries where I have borrowing privileges.

    Travelers in Space, edited by Martin Greenberg, contains “Attitude.”
    At the Mountains of Madness, and Other Novels contains “The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath.”
    Isaac Asimov Presents the Great Science Fiction Stories, Volume 5, 1943 contains “Clash by Night,” “The Halfling,” “Mimsy Were the Borogroves,” “The Proud Robot,” “Symbiotica,” “Doorways into Time,” and “Exile.” One suspects this collection was the starting (and maybe ending) point of a lot of people’s search for things to nominate.
    The Compleat Werewolf: And Other Stories of Fantasy and Science Fiction contains “We Print the Truth” and “Q.U.R.”
    Swords against Death contains “Thieves’ House.”
    The Early Asimov contains “Death Sentence.”
    The Big Book of Jack the Ripper, edited by Otto Penzler, contains “Yours Truly – Jack the Ripper.”
    R Is for Rocket contains “King of the Gray Spaces”

    The one thing I couldn’t find in a collection at one of my libraries was “Citadel of Lost Ships.” It’s on Archive.org (Citadel of Lost Ships). I suspect many of the above stories are also on Archive.org, but I prefer not reading scans on my computer if I can avoid it.

    The novels should be pretty easy to track down (the only one none of my sources seems to have is “Gather, Darkness!” which surprises me, as it is available for libraries to purchase in ebook via Overdrive). The Dramatic Presentations are almost all available via streaming services or on DVD from my local library, although weirdly I’m having trouble tracking down Batman (maybe just because there are so many Batman movies out there that my search terms are failing me).

    Graphic Story looks like it’s going to be a tricky one. The Tintin one (The Secret of the Unicorn) is widely available, of course (my public library has multiple copies), and it looks like the Flash Gordon is contained within the recently republished-for-libraries-edition Flash Gordon: The Fall of Ming. The others I’m struggling with; suggestions for sourcing are welcome.

  10. Thanks, JJ.
    I’m shocked; I’ve read two third of the novel nominees. (i’m not nearly as well read as many Filers …)

  11. @ambyr
    If you’re lucky, you might find the Astounding Science Fiction Anthology (from about 1954), which also has “Clash By Night”. (It has a lot of other stories that are also worth reading.)

  12. @P J Evans
    One of my libraries also has the Astounding Science Fiction Anthology, yes, but my goal was to check out the smallest number of physical volumes necessary to obtain all the nominated works (I can only carry so much!), and Isaac Asimov Presents had the best density.

  13. Thank you very much for your hard work, JJ!

    So, I know it’s FAR too early to ask, but I’m going to ask anyway….

    Does anyone know if or when there will be a Hugo Packet? (I know it takes time to negotiate the rights.)

  14. Thanks so much, JJ! I hope you’re resting with a cup of tea, or something stronger.

  15. Pingback: Some Thoughts on the Hugo Award Finalists, Part II: The 2019 Hugo Awards | Cora Buhlert

  16. Belated thank you, JJ!

    If, like me, you are completely out-of-step with Hugo voters on DP Long Form and are in the US, I’ve tracked them down the various streaming services because I haven’t seen any of them yet! Here ya go:

    Annihilation – Amazon Prime, Hulu
    Avengers: Infinity War – Netflix
    Black Panther – Netflix
    A Quiet Place – Amazon Prime, Hulu
    Sorry to Bother You – Hulu
    Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse – only available for rent so far

    Or get yourself on what’s probably a long hold queue at your library now and you just might see it before voting closes!

  17. For YouTube TV subscribers, the individual episodes of The Good Place, Doctor Who and The Expanse are all still available. None of these are on CBS, so they don’t phase out after a few weeks.

    For non-subscribers, they’re offering a free trial period, but I couldn’t tell how long it lasts from the ad.

  18. So I’m looking at graphic story finalist On a Sunbeam by Tillie Walden copyright 2018 which I checked out from my library, and at least as far as I’ve seen, it appears to be the same as onasunbeam.com webcomic copyright 2016/2017. Anyone know if there is actually a difference or ask Hugo admin about it?

    I really like it so far, and it’s nice to see something different than Image or Marvel…but?

  19. For anyone else who might have wondered, I emailed Hugo Admin and received a response from Nicholas Whyte. He said that the print version of On a Sunbeam has been significantly edited and the online version was updated to match the print version. So it sounds like there’s another finalist you can view online.

  20. Pingback: Waiting For Online Hugo Voting And The 2019 Voter Packet | File 770

  21. Pingback: What’s In The 2019 Hugo Voter Packet? | File 770

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