2016 SFPA Poetry Contest Opens

The Science Fiction Poetry Association’s annual Poetry Contest is taking entries from members and nonmembers through August 31. Unpublished poems only.

Prizes will be awarded for the best poem in 3 categories:

  • Dwarf (poems 1–10 lines [prose poems 0–100 words]);
  • Short (11–49 lines [prose poems 101–499 words]);
  • Long (50 lines and more [prose 500 words and up]).

Line count does not include title or stanza breaks.

All sub-genres of speculative poetry allowed in any form. Entries will be blind-judged: author identification will be removed before poems are sent to contest judge Michael Kriesel (winner of North American Review’s 2015 Hearst Prize and President of the Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets.).

There’s a $2 entry fee per poem. See complete rules and specifications here.

Prizes will be awarded in each category (Dwarf, Short, Long): $100 First Prize, $50 Second Prize, $25 Third Prize. The first through third place poems also will be published on Poetry Planet (StarShipSofa.com) podcast magazine and on the SFPA website.

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