New Penric Story Is On The Way

Lois McMaster Bujold announced on Goodreads she has turned in a new Penric &  Desdemona novella titled “Penric and the Shaman”.

Some of my stories grow their titles organically somewhere along the way; others have to be wrestled out of them at the end, and this was one of those.

The file is now in the hands of the folks who will dress it properly with e-book formatting and a cover image, and vendor-page copy. This will take a while yet, mostly depending on what else is in their work queues. (Strangely, they do not work on weekends. Very mysterious.)

…What’s it about? It’s about 37,700 words…

She’s also posted the first two paragraphs there.

Next Saturday, June 11, Bujold will be signing the new Subterranean Press hardcover edition of Penric’s Demon, and her other works, at Uncle Hugo’s in Minneapolis. The event begins 1 p.m.

[Thanks to Angel Johnston for the story.]

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7 thoughts on “New Penric Story Is On The Way

  1. *cheers and does happy dances* I re-read _Penric and the Demon_ the other night in anticipation of this.

  2. I enjoyed “Penric’s Demon” so much more than I expected to. I am looking forward to this.

  3. Where and when will there be a hardcover/paperback copy available???

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