2016 SFR Galaxy Awards


The recipients of the 4th Annual SFR Galaxy Awards for science fiction romance books were announced on January 31. It’s one of the more creative awards given in fandom.

The process for picking the winners is explained in the following way —

How does it work? A select group of science fiction romance readers and bloggers will each create unique awards for up to 5 books released in that year. Judges will create award categories based on criteria of their own choosing. The goal is to deliver a group of awards that are fun, unique, meaningful, and informative for readers

This year there were seven judges, and each wrote a separate blog post explaining their award choices.

Here are links to every round, and an example of what the judge came up with. Each pick is supported with a short narrative (which you can read at the site).

4th Annual SFR Galaxy Awards: Round One by Riley Moreland

Best Interfering Sentient Ship

Traitor (Maelstrom Chronicles, #2) by Jody Wallace

4th Annual SFR Galaxy Awards: Round Two by Anna McClain

The Backdraft Award (A door can feel cool, but when you open it the heat explodes.)

Return to Dark Earth: The Phoenix Adventures #7 by Anna Hackett

4th Annual SFR Galaxy Awards: Round Three by Heather Massey

Best “All the Feels” Sci-Fi Romance

Depths of Blue (On Deception’s Edge #1) by Lise MacTague

4th Annual SFR Galaxy Awards: Round Four by Lee Koven

Biggest Tearjerker Per Page

Luminous by A.E. Ash

4th Annual SFR Galaxy Awards: Round Five by Jo Jones

Best Use of Western Lore in Space

Space Wrangler by Kate Donovan

4th Annual SFR Galaxy Awards: Round Six by Marlene Harris

Best “Riff on To Serve Man”

The Terrans (First Salik War #1) by Jean Johnson. Also, Best Riff on the “Fated Mate” trope.

4th Annual SFR Galaxy Awards: Round Seven by Charlee Allden

Most Continuing Series Using the Mars Needs Women Trope

Tornians by M.K. Eidem

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2 thoughts on “2016 SFR Galaxy Awards

  1. Interesting! Not like a juried award, more of an informal recommendation session among friends because each winner was chosen by just one person. If you trust the group who are doing this it would be nice to be recognized. I plan to read all the posts, certainly. The ones I’ve read so far really seem to have put thought into it.

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