2019 Rhysling Awards Winners

Beth Cato and Sarah Tolmie are the winners of the 2019 Rhysling Awards presented by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Poetry Association (SFPA).

The winners were chosen by SFPA members, with 124 votes cast.

The 2019 Rhysling Awards

Short Poem Category

First Place
“After Her Brother Ripped the Heads from Her Paper Dolls”
Beth Cato • Mythic Delirium 4.3

Second Place
“What Loves You”
Jeff Crandall • Fantasy & Science Fiction

Third Place (tie)
“A City Built on Bones“
Ann K. Schwader • Abyss & Apex 66

“3D-Printed Brother”
Millie Ho • Strange Horizons 9/25/18,

Long Poem Category

First Place
“Ursula Le Guin in the Underworld”
Sarah Tolmie • On Spec: The Canadian Magazine of the Fantastic, April

Second Place
“The Fairies in the Crawlspace”
Beth Cato • Uncanny 21

Third Place
“3-Minute Future”
F. J. Bergmann • Unlikely Stories V

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