2022 Dragon Awards

Dragon Awards. Photo by Sean CW Korsgaard.

The 2022 Dragon Awards winners were announced on September 4. (Thanks to Ray Radlein for livetweeting the results.)

1. Best Science Fiction Novel

  • Leviathan Falls by James S.A. Corey

2. Best Fantasy Novel (Including Paranormal)

  • Book of Night by Holly Black

3. Best Young Adult / Middle Grade Novel

  • A Dark and Starless Forest by Sarah Hollowell

4. Best Military Science Fiction or Fantasy Novel

  • A Call to Insurrection by David Weber, Timothy Zahn, Thomas Pope

5. Best Alternate History Novel

  • The Silver Bullets of Annie Oakley by Mercedes Lackey

6. Best Media Tie-In Novel

  • Star Wars: Thrawn Ascendancy: Lesser Evil by Timothy Zahn

7. Best Horror Novel

  • The Book of Accidents by Chuck Wendig

8. Best Comic Book

  • Immortal X-Men by Kieron Gillen, Mark Brooks

9. Best Graphic Novel

  • Dune: House Atreides Volume 2 by Brian Herbert, Kevin J. Anderson, Dev Pramanik

10. Best Science Fiction or Fantasy TV Series

  • Stranger Things, Netflix

11. Best Science Fiction or Fantasy Movie

  • Dune by Denis Villeneuve

12. Best Science Fiction or Fantasy PC / Console Game

  • Elden Ring, Bandai Namco Entertainment

13. Best Science Fiction or Fantasy Mobile Game

  • Diablo Immortal, Blizzard

14. Best Science Fiction or Fantasy Board Game

  • Star Wars Outer Rim: Unfinished Business, Fantasy Flight Games

15. Best Science Fiction or Fantasy Miniatures / Collectible Card / Role-Playing Game

  • Magic: The Gathering, Dungeons & Dragons: Adventures in the Forgotten Realms, Wizards of the Coast

Also presented at the ceremony:


  • Jim Starlin

In 1998, Dragon Con established the Julie Award presented annually in tribute to the legendary Julie Schwartz. The Julie Award is bestowed for universal achievement spanning multiple genres, selected each year by our esteemed panel of industry professionals. The first recipient in 1998 was science fiction and fantasy Grandmaster Ray Bradbury.


The recipient of the Hank Reinhardt Fandom Award, formerly the Georgia Fandom Award, is John Carrol.

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9 thoughts on “2022 Dragon Awards

  1. When I got back up to my room I looked at the program schedule and noticed that Jim Starlin had an autograph session two or three blocks away at the same time as the Dragon Awards ceremony. Which seems to me to have been perhaps a bit suboptimal given the whole “lifetime achievement award” thing


  2. @Cat: Looks that way. And the only Baen award I see is in mil-SF, which is to be expected.

    I don’t know any of the games, but everything else looks pretty mainstream. I mean, of course “Dune” was going to win, and it was really cool.

    Oh, I know what “Magic the Gathering” is, and seeing as it’s the ur-example of CCG that everyone knows about, well duh.

    @Ray: I join you in WTF.

  3. Pingback: Some Comments on the 2022 Dragon Award Winners | Cora Buhlert

  4. Lurkertype confirms my feelings Looks that way. And the only Baen award I see is in mil-SF, which is to be expected.

    Well the Dragon Awards voting group is now very large and by definition that means they are mainstream now, so the Puppies which aren’t mainstream as there is very few of them are now likely permanently marginalised other than Mil-SF which most voters aren’t paying attention to and don’t bother voting in.

    (Does that sentence make sense?)

    And these are the Awards that they expected to dominate for decades to come.

  5. @Cora: It does make sense. It’s just written as it would be spoken, not as it’d usually be written.
    (seriously, everyone talks that way — try transcribing and see)
    As Larry Niven famously said “Everybody talks first draft.”

    There was pretty much no question after the nominees were announced that the Corey book would win, as the finale of all these years of books and TV, plus being ripping yarns.

    I don’t think anyone’s much surprised by the results. Maybe they got rid of the Puppy-pal administrator’s thumb on the scale and it now is truly a popular award with a large pool of voters.

    The mainstream majority has spoken. Considering most of the voters probably never heard about the Puppy Kerfuffle, they’re not judging Pups on ideology, just on how much they like the stuff.

    Once again, they have been judged and found wanting.

    (Weber et al aren’t to my taste, but they do competent work and people like the Honorverse. But no one’s going to mistake them for lefties.)

  6. The one thing I find surprising is that the Holly Black book won for Fantasy because most of the reviews I have seen for it have been rather tepid.

  7. Damn. I loved Kaiju Preservation Society, I was really hoping for big Scalzi comeback or for a win by either him or Cat to make Puppy heads explode. Ugh, I really hoped one of them would take it.

  8. Dragoncon has lots of attendees whose perspective of the world is very much not that of the Puppies.

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