2022 Rhysling Award Long Poem Winners

Beth Cato, Marsheila Rockwell, Marge Simon and Mary Turzillo are the winners of 2022 Rhysling Award in the Long Poem Category. Science Fiction and Fantasy Poetry Association members voted their work at the top of the polls. There were 78 nominees.

Long Poem Category

First Place

Second Place

  • “Reservation Fairy Tales 101—Final Exam” • Marsheila Rockwell • Augur Magazine 4:1

Third Place

  • “Alexander’s Babylon” • Marge Simon & Mary Turzillo • Victims (Weasel Press)

Honorable Mentions

The 2022 Rhysling Chairs are F. J. Bergmann and Brian U. Garrison.

The Rhysling Award is given in two categories. “Best Long Poem” is for poems of 50+ lines, or for prose poems, of 500+ words. “Best Short Poem” is limited to poems of no more than 49 lines, or prose poems of no more than 499 words. The 2022 Rhysling Award short poem winners were announced in June.

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