2023 Rhysling Award Longlists

The Science Fiction and Fantasy Poetry Association (SFPA) has posted the Rhysling Award Long Lists of poems published in 2022. Juries for the long and short categories will now take these lists and narrow them down to 50 for the short category and 25 for the long category. The selected poems will appear in the 2022 Rhysling Anthology and will be on the ballot for SFPA members to vote on.

The jury will have their selections made no later than April 30. The Anthology will be sent shortly after that date, and voting will begin July 1.

SHORT POEMS (105 nominated poems)

  • After the Quest is Over • Lisa Timpf • Eye to the Telescope 46
  • Air Born • Brian U. Garrison • Corvid Queen, November 18
  • Angels • Frances Skene • Polar Starlight 6
  • Anima • Thomas Zimmerman • Pages Literary Journal, November 9
  • Animal House Speech • Dave Chandler • Failed Haiku 83
  • Anodized Titanium • Mary Soon Lee • Eye to the Telescope 44
  • Aswang Shaman Communing with Diwata for the First Time • Vince Gotera • Eye to the Telescope 46
  • Australopithecus • Jessica Lucci • How To Steal A Purse, April
  • bathroom chatter • Matteo L. Cerilli • Augur 5.2
  • Beneath Everything The Future Still Exists • Maggie Chirdo • Little Blue Marble: Warmer Worlds, ed. Katrina Archer (Ganache Media)
  • The Best Ambassadors • Adele Gardner • Felis Futura: An Anthology of Future Cats, ed. CB Droege (Manawaker Studio)
  • Big Brother, Little Brother, and the Sea • Geneve Flynn • Space & Time Magazine 142
  • Biophilia • Sarah Grey • Strange Horizons, Fund Drive
  • Bitch Moon • Sarah Grey • Nightmare Magazine 118
  • Bla Jungfrun • Deborah L. Davitt • Strange Horizons, September 26
  • Black Pastoral: On Mars • Ariana Benson • Paranoid Tree 17
  • Blond Date in a Laundromat • Mary Turzillo • Best of 22 (Ohio Poetry Association)
  • Bone November • Sandra Kasturi • The New Quarterly 164
  • Cassandra as Climate Scientist • Jeannine Hall Gailey • California Quarterly 48:4
  • The Closest Traitor • Richard Magahiz • Mobius: The Journal of Social Change 33:2
  • A Creation Myth • John C. Mannone • Songs of Eretz, Spring
  • Cursed • Lee Murray • The Gargoylicon: Imaginings and Images of the Gargoyle in Literature and Art, ed. Frank Coffman (Mind’s Eye Publications)
  • Dark Neighborhood • Cindy O’Quinn • Chiral Mad 5
  • Dead in Orange Red • Jamal Hodge • Monthly Musings, May 9
  • Derelict Dreams • Bruce Boston • Dreams and Nightmares 121
  • Dinner Plans with Baba Yaga • Stephanie M. Wytovich • Into the Forest: Tales of the Baba Yaga, ed. Lindy Ryan (Black Spot Books)
  • Domestic Tranquility • Brian U. Garrison • Radon Journal 2
  • Doppelganger • James Arthur Anderson • The Horror Zine, Fall
  • Draft • Lavina Blossom • Riddled with Arrows 5.4
  • The Epidemic of Shrink-Ray-Gun Violence Plaguing Our Schools Must End • Pedro Iniguez • Star*Line 45.3
  • Equus Aloft • Sterling Warner • Otoliths, February
  • Exulansis • Silvatiicus Riddle • Liquid Imagination 51
  • Fall Thunder • Michael Lee Johnson • Aphelion 278
  • Field Notes from the Anthropocene • Priya Chand • Nightmare Magazine 116
  • First Contact • Lisa Timpf • Eye to the Telescope 44
  • Fracking-lution • Linda D. Addison • Hybrid: Misfits, Monsters and Other Phenomena, eds. Donald Armfield & Maxwell I. Gold (Hybrid Sequence Media)
  • The Gargoyle • Amelia Gorman • The Gargoylicon: Imaginings and Images of the Gargoyle in Literature and Art, ed. Frank Coffman (Mind’s Eye Publications)
  • Gosh, It’s Too Beautiful to Exist Briefly in a Parallel Planet • Nwuguru Chidiebere Sullivan • Strange Horizons, November 21
  • Harold and the Blood-Red Crayon • Jennifer Crow • Star*Line 45.1
  • Helianthus • Eva Papasoulioti • Solarpunk Magazine 5
  • Hip Gnomes • P S Cottier • AntipodeanSF 291
  • Hockey Night in Canis Major • Gretchen Tessmer • Kaleidotrope, January
  • Home from the Wizard Wars • Lyri Ahnam • Silver Blade 54
  • The Honorable Iris C. Thaumantos, Presiding • Marsheila Rockwell • Musings of the Muses, eds. Heather & S. D. Vassallo (Brigids Gate Press)
  • How to Build an Altar • Angela Acosta • Halloween SFPA Reading
  • If I Were Human • Marie Vibbert • Star*Line 45.2
  • In Stock Images of the Future, Everything is White • Terese Mason Pierre • Uncanny 46
  • In water • Soonest Nathaniel • Stephen A. DiBiase Poetry Prize 2022 Award Finalists
  • Intergalactic Baba Yaga • Sandra Lindow • Dreams and Nightmares 122
  • It’s Not Utopian If There Are No Fat People • Jordan Hirsch • Utopia Science Fiction, December
  • Jingwei Tries to Fill Up the Sea • Mary Soon Lee • Uncanny Magazine 45
  • A Lacing of Lavendar • Carina Bissett • HWA Poetry Showcase IX
  • Laws of Exponents • John Reinhart • NewMyths.com 59
  • Leda Goes To The Doctor • Pankaj Khemka • Carmina Magazine, September
  • Letting Flowers Go • Alexander Etheridge • Liquid Imagination 52
  • Lines to a Martian • Alfonsina Storni • Asimov’s Science Fiction, November/December
  • The Long Night • Ryfkah • Eccentric Orbits 3, ed. Wendy Van Camp (Dimensionfold Publishing)
  • Medea leaves behind a letter • FJ Doucet • Star*Line 45.1
  • Medusa • Akua Lezli Hope • The New Verse News, November 18
  • Medusa Bringing Her Children Back Home • Salt • Patreon
  • MetaGender Machine • Linda D. Addison • Black Fire—This Time, ed. Kim McMillon (Aquarius Press)
  • Mind Compression • Madhur Anand • Parasitic Oscillations (Random House)
  • Monitors • David C. Kopaska-Merkel (with Kendall Evans) • Star*Line 45.1
  • Mother Wicked • Dyani Sabin • Strange Horizons, February 28
  • Near the end, you mother tells you she’s been seeing someone • Shannon Connor Winward • SFPA Poetry Contest
  • Necklace • Carolyn Clink • Frost Zone Zine 6
  • New Planet • Kathy Bailey • Dreams and Nightmares 122
  • Od’s Bodkin • Colleen Anderson • Space & Time Magazine 142
  • Old Soldier, New Love • Vince Gotera • Eye To The Telescope 45
  • On the Limitations of Photographic Evidence in Fairyland • Nicole J. LeBoeuf • Eternal Haunted Summer, Summer Solstice
  • The Optics of Space Travel • Angela Acosta • Eye to the Telescope 43
  • Petrichor • Eva Papasoulioti • Utopia Science Fiction, April/May
  • Pittsburgh Temporal Transfer Station • Alan Ira Gordon • Star*Line 45.2
  • Please Hold • Anna Remennik • NewMyths.com 58
  • Pluto is Not a Planet • Jamal Hodge • SavagePlanets 2:3
  • Pumpkin Ash and Cypress Knees • Katherine Quevedo • Boudin: It Came from the Swamp
  • Raft of the Medusa • Marge Simon • Silver Blade 53
  • Reasons Why You Can’t Go Out to Play Alone • Victoria Nations • HWA Poetry Showcase IX
  • Regarding the Memory of Earth • Angela Acosta • Radon Journal 1
  • Robert Walton’s Penultimate Entry • Michael Hodges • Eye to the Telescope 47
  • Sabbatical Somewhere Warm • Elizabeth McClellan • Star*Line 45.4
  • Sector 431B • Jamal Hodge • SavagePlanets 2:3
  • Shipwrecked • Gretchen Tessmer • The Deadlands 12
  • Skies over Carson Sink • Joshua Gage • The Space Cadet Science Fiction Review 1
  • A Spell for Winning Your Personal Injury Lawsuit • Marsheila Rockwell • Dreams and Nightmares 120
  • Starfall • Melissa Ridley Elmes • Spectral Realms 16
  • Status Transcript • Lee Murray • A Woman Unbecoming, eds. Rachel A. Brune & Carol Gyzander (Crone Girls Press)
  • Strange Progeny • Bruce Boston • Hybrid: Misfits, Monsters and Other Phenomena, eds. Donald Armfield & Maxwell I. Gold (Hybrid Sequence Media)
  • Suburban Pitcher Plant, Sarracenia suburbiana • Jay Sturner • Not One of Us 69
  • Tamales on Mars • Angela Acosta • The Sprawl Mag, October
  • Tasted Like Pork • Pankaj Khemka • Ghostlight, Fall
  • Terrible Truths • Linda D. Addison • Daughter of Sarpedon: A Tempered Tales Collection, eds. Heather & S. D. Vassallo (Brigids Gate Press)
  • Time Skip • Alyza Taguilaso • The Deadlands 16
  • Transformation Sequence • Stewart C Baker • JOURN-E, September
  • The Veil • Anna Cates • Otoliths, February
  • Villagers • Tim Jones • a fine line, Autumn
  • Virgin Mary Meteorology • Patricia Gomes • Muddy River Review, Fall/Winter
  • Warming • Maria Zoccola • Nightmare Magazine 117
  • The Watcher on the Wall • Rebecca Bratten-Weiss • Reckoning 6
  • We Don’t Always Have to Toss Her in the Deep End • Jordan Hirsch • The Future Fire 62
  • Werewolves in Space • Ruth Berman • Dreams and Nightmares 121
  • What Electrons Read • Mary Soon Lee • Simultaneous Times 31
  • What the Old Woman Knows • Melissa Ridley Elmes • Listen to Her UNF, March 23
  • What Wolves Read • Mary Soon Lee • Uppagus 54
  • While Traveling Through Deep Space Aboard a Generation Ship • Terrie Leigh Relf • The Drabbun Anthology, eds. Francis W. Alexander & t. santitoro (Hiraeth Publishing)

LONG POEMS (69 nominated poems)

  • Ariadne Threads the Labyrinth • Adele Gardner • Dreams and Nightmares 120
  • Barn Cats • Adele Gardner • NewMyths.com 60
  • Beautiful • L. Marie Wood • Under Her Skin, eds. Lindy Ryan & Toni Miller (Black Spot Books)
  • The Birds Singing in the Rocks • Tristan Beiter • Strange Horizons, October 31
  • The Bone Tree • Rebecca Buchanan • Not a Princess, but (Yes) There was a Pea, and Other Fairy Tales to Foment Revolution (Jackanapes Press)
  • CONELRAD 1960 / COVID 2020 • T. D. Walker • Fireside Fiction, June
  • Corvidae • Sarah Cannavo • Liquid Imagination 50
  • Crossing Over • Frank Coffman • Liquid Imagination 52
  • Crow Daughter • Gabriela Avelino • Kaleidotrope, Summer
  • Dark Matter Resume • Lorraine Schein • A Coup of Owls 8
  • The Darkness • David E. Cowen • The Hand That Wounds (Weasel Press)
  • The Dead Palestinian Father • Rasha Abdulhadi • Anathema: Spec from the Margins 15
  • Debris • Deborah L. Davitt • The Avenue, May 18
  • Drowning in This Sunken City • Deborah L. Davitt • Strange Horizons, July 3
  • Eidolon Tetratych • Frank Coffman • Spectral Realms 16
  • EMDR • Marsheila Rockwell • Unnerving Magazine 17
  • ex-lovers & other ghosts • Herb Kauderer • Cold & Crisp, eds. Rachael Crawford, Shannon Kauderer, Andy Lee, & Lizette Strait (518 Publishing)
  • field notes from an investigation into the self • Max Pasakorn • Strange Horizons, August 29
  • The First 100 Days • John Reinhart • Star*Line 45.3
  • A Fit Place to Live • David E. Cowen • The Hand That Wounds (Weasel Press)
  • For You Were Strangers in Egypt • Elizabeth R. McClellan • Nightmare Magazine 122
  • From the Ninth Brane • John Mannone • Altered Reality Magazine, February
  • From “Poem without Beginning or End” • Vivek Narayanan • Poetry, May
  • The Frosty Voyage • Adele Gardner • Eye to the Telescope 46
  • Georgia Clay Blood • Beatrice Winifred Iker • Fantasy Magazine 80
  • Ghosting Our Steps • Luke Kernan • Anthropology and Humanism 47:2
  • Halloween Hearts (for Ray Bradbury) • Adele Gardner • Halloween Hearts (Jackanapes Press)
  • Herbaceous Citadel • Avra Margariti • The Fairy Tale Magazine, January 4
  • How to Skin Your Wolf • G. E. Woods • Strange Horizons, December 19
  • I am the Dragon • Elizabeth Fletcher • Spaceports & Spidersilk, October
  • If Houses Could Talk • Lori Lopez • The Sirens Call 59
  • Igbo Landing II • Akua Lezli Hope • Black Fire—This Time, ed. Kim McMillon (Aquarius Press)
  • In the Mirror’s Gap • Jeff Young • Eccentric Orbits 3, ed. Wendy Van Camp (Dimensionfold Publishing)
  • Interdimensional Border Town • Lauren Scharhag • Unlikely Stories, August
  • Like Thunder in My Head • Gerri Leen • The Fairy Tale Magazine, April
  • Lines of Non-Extension • Janis Anne Rader • Consilience, Autumn
  • Living in Rubble • Gerri Leen • Eccentric Orbits 3, ed. Wendy Van Camp (Dimensionfold Publishing)
  • Locks • Colleen Anderson • Abyss & Apex 84
  • Machine (r)Evolution • Colleen Anderson • Radon Journal 2
  • The Machines Had Accepted Me For So Long • Angel Leal • Radon Journal 2
  • Matches • Rebecca Buchanan • Not a Princess, but (Yes) There was a Pea, and Other Fairy Tales to Foment Revolution (Jackanapes Press)
  • A Message From Her Feline Self, Unborn, to Her Cousin, Whose Ancestors Were Once Wolves • Jessica Cho • Fireside Magazine, March
  • Mouth of Mirrors • Maxwell I. Gold • Seize the Press, June 14
  • My Avian Daughter Devours Meteors • Alicia Hilton • Ornithologiae, ed. Mark Beech (Egaeus Press)
  • My Great-Grandmother’s House • Madalena Daleziou • The Deadlands 11
  • On Meeting Kari Solmundarson of Burnt Njal on a Ghost Ship • Amelia Gorman • Nonbinary Review 27
  • One Last Perfect Night • Jill Trade & Joshua St. Claire • The Space Cadet Science Fiction Review 1
  • Persephone in January: A Chant Royal • LindaAnn LoSchiavo • Carmina Magazine, March
  • Photographing Sirens • F. J. Bergmann • SFPA Poetry Contest
  • The Possession • Anna Cates • Otoliths, June
  • Queen of Cups • Crystal Sidell • The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, November/December
  • Questing Done Right: The Goblin Market • Elizabeth R. McClellan • Eternal Haunted Summer, Summer Solstice
  • Resilience • Francesca Gabrielle Hurtado • Reckoning 6
  • The River God Dreams of Death By Water • Ryu Ando • Abyss & Apex 84
  • A Rounded Spell • Alessandro Manzetti • Kubrick Rhapsody (Independent Legions Publishing)
  • Seasonal Meat • Jamal Hodge • Chiral Mad 5
  • The Second Funeral • Kurt Newton • Synkroniciti 4:1
  • Spring, When I Met You (Spring, When I Woke) • Gerri Leen • Dreams and Nightmares 121
  • Team Enrollment • Herb Kauderer • Scifaikuest, November
  • The Thing About Stars • Avra Magariti • The Saint of Witches (Weasel Press)
  • Thirteen Ways to Know You Are a Witch • John C. Mannone • Star*Line 45.4
  • A Tribute to the Ferryman • Ngo Binh Anh Khoa • Eternal Haunted Summer, Winter Solstice
  • tzedek: the wild hunt • Elisheva Fox • Strange Horizons, November 7
  • Uncle Louie’s Farm • Skip Leeds • Pages Literary Journal, August 18
  • Virginia Dare Brooks • Francis Wesley Alexander • The Martian Wave III:1
  • The Whippoorwill • Lori Lopez • Spectral Realms 16
  • Who Came from the Woods • Lev Mirov • Strange Horizons, January 3
  • Wings • Jordan Hirsch • The Fairy Tale Magazine, February
  • Zombie Pirate Ghost • Michael H. Payne • Silver Blade 54

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5 thoughts on “2023 Rhysling Award Longlists

  1. Minor edit: It should be “Blå Jungfrun”, not “Bla Jungfrun”. It’s Swedish for “Blue Maiden”. I see the error exists in the original list too, but the published version of the poem uses the correct spelling.

    No idea why a Swedish title was used, but it was fun to see. 🙂

  2. Minor edit: The correct title of my poem is, Reasons Why You Can’t Go Out to Play Alone • Victoria Nations • HWA Poetry Showcase IX. I’ve asked the Rhysling folks to make the correction on their site, too. Thank you.

  3. Hey, that’s me in there!

    On the Limitations of Photographic Evidence in Fairyland • Nicole J. LeBoeuf • Eternal Haunted Summer, Summer Solstice

    I only just heard about this – I’m still mildly checking in with Twitter, and I had an unusual number of Notifications late last night, that was my clue – via SFPA’s thread announcing the longlist nominees. There’s one tweet per publication with nominated poems, and it turns out mine is one of three published in Eternal Haunted Summer that made the longlist. Great company!

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