A Swiftly Warming (Journey) Planet

By Chris Garcia: Hugo-winning fanzine Journey Planet tackles the intersection of climate change and science fiction with their 67th issue now available here

The issue — titled “Anthropocene Ruminations” — features articles, fiction, and art from more than a dozen creators from across the fandom community. Amanda Wakaruk and Olav Rokne were brought on as guest editors for the issue, which delves into everything from geoengineering to how climate change affects parasites in changing environments.

“Climate change is the defining crisis of our age. We might suggest that climate change fiction — or cli-fi — is quickly becoming the defining subgenre of our time,” Wakaruk and Rokne explain. “People all across the globe are grappling with climate change — some more directly than others. Rising oceans, disappearing fresh water, massive heat waves, displacements, and droughts are all factors in this massive event, and it’s important to understand how that is being reflected in the stories that we tell each other.”

The issue kicks off with a three-page interview with America’s most prominent author of climate change fiction Kim Stanley Robinson, followed by commentary and analysis of the subgenre from authors from across the globe:

  • The Roadmap to Drought by Victoria Paterson
  • The Lies They Will Tell You by Camestros Felapton
  • The Loaner by A. L. Yakimchuk
  • Where The World May Wind Up by Juan Sanmiguel
  • Songs of a Disposable Earth by Jason Sanford
  • Disco and the Rising Tide of Cli-Fi Paul Weimer
  • Ponderings by Victoria Carter
  • Parasites in Peril by Collin Horn
  • Massive Moment for Cli-Fi by James Bacon
  • Apocalyptic Radio by Nicolas Pallaris
  • Choosing Van Gogh by Oghenechovwe Donald Ekpeki
  • Things Fall Apart, It’s Scientific by Chris Garcia
  • Is Geoengineering by The New Denial? by Stephen Griffith & Marshall Boyd
  • Dwelling in the Anthropocene by Cora Buhlert
  • Blowing Up The Ministry For The Future by Gautam Bhatia

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