Apex Magazine #68 Released

ApexMag68 COMP

Congratulations to Apex Magazine, which enters its 10th year of publication with the January 2015 issue — having started life as Apex Digest in 2005.

Apex Magazine #68 contains original fiction by Ursula Vernon, Samuel Marzioli, Andy Dudak, and Allison M. Dickson. Also, poetry by Alina Rios, Armel Dagorn, and Wendy Rathbone. DeAnna Knippling contributes a nonfiction piece, and there are interviews with Ursula Vernon and Emma SanCartier.

This month’s podcast is Ursula Vernon’s story, “Pocosin.” Cover art is by Emma SanCartier.

Exclusive to eBook buyers and subscriber, is a reprint of “The Sea Half-Held by Night” by E. Catherine Tobler and an excerpt from Straggletaggle by J.M. McDermott.

The eBook edition is $2.99 – it can be purchased direct from Apex, or through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Weightless Books. Subscriptions are also available

Pocosin” by Ursula Vernon
Multo” by Samuel Marzioli
Anarchic Hand” by Andy Dudak
John Dillinger and the Blind Magician” by Allison M. Dickson
“The Sea Half-Held by Night” by E. Catherine Tobler (eBook/subscriber exclusive)
“Straggletaggle — Novel Excerpt” by J.M. McDermott (eBook/subscriber exclusive)

Doors” by Alina Rios
The Poe Twist” by Armel Dagorn
Before My Father Vanished” by Wendy Rathbone

Words from the Editor-in-Chief” by Jason Sizemore
The Other: HP Lovecraft, Alien, and Ghost Stories: Monstrifications of Dunbar’s Number” by DeAnna Knippling
Apex Author Interview with Ursula Vernon” by Andrea Johnson
Apex Cover Artist Interview with Emma SanCartier” by Russell Dickerson
Clavis Aurea: A Review of Short Fiction” by Charlotte Ashley

Podcast Fiction
Download Podcast #19 (“Pocosin” by Ursula Vernon) or listen using the player below. (28:03 in length)

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