Apex Magazine’s International Futurists Issue

Apex Magazine issue 128, focused on international futurists, is guest-edited by Francesco Verso, Italian author and publisher.

Issue 128 contains the following short stories, essays, reviews, and interviews:


  • From the Sense of Wonder to the Sense of Wander by Francesco Verso


  • Soil of Our Home, Storm of Our Lives by Renan Bernardo (dark sf)
  • Robin’s Last Song by Nina Munteanu (dark sf)
  • Godmother by Cheryl S. Ntumy (SF)
  • The synchronism of touch by Gabriela Damián Miravete (weird fantasy)
  • Dreamports by Tlotlo Tsamaase (sf-horror)
  • Sams?ra in a Teacup by Lavanya Lakshminarayan (dark sf)


  • Aethra by Michalis Manolios
  • Francine (draft for the September lecture) by Maria Antònia Martí Escayol


  • Highlighting Trends in Indian SF in the Twenty-first Century by Tarun K. Saint


  • Words for Thought: Short Fiction Review by A.C. Wise


  • An Interview with Author Renan Bernardo by Marissa van Uden
  • An Interview with Author Nina Munteanu by Rebecca E. Treasure
  • An Interview with Artist Chiara Topo by Jason Sizemore, Editor-in-Chief

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