Columbus 2020 NASFiC Cancelled

Lisa Garrison, Chair of the Columbus 2020 NASFiC, announced their con, too, has fallen victim to the coronavirus outbreak, but they intend to have a virtual event over the same weekend:

This is the statement I have been hoping we would not have to make, but it is with a heavy heart that I and the executive committee, in consultation with Hotel management and the local Convention and Visitor’s Bureau, announce that we have made the decision to  cancel the Columbus 2020 NASFiC.  Due to the uncertain health situation and the unreliable travel restrictions, it was decided by all that hosting the NASFiC at this time would be unwise.

We will not be offering any refunds but, that being said, we still plan on publishing a souvenir book for all attending and supporting members. 

We may have a virtual event  on the weekend of August 20 -23.  We’ll update everyone on that later once we have some plans. 

We were very much looking forward to hosting the North American Science Fiction Convention this fall with you and regret that it cannot happen. 

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9 thoughts on “Columbus 2020 NASFiC Cancelled

  1. I feel sorry for all the guests of honor. I’ve been a NASFiC GoH, along with Nicki back in 1999, and it was an amazing, truly memorable experience. I hope they will all get another chance in the not distant future.

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  3. Columbus just can’t catch a break; Fancyclopedia lists 4 Worldcon bids they’ve lost, and when they finally win a convention they have to bid for something yanks the rug out from under them.

  4. As I posted previously, last week I cancelled my hotel reservation, over the phone—which was answered by someone working for Marriott in northern Saskatchewan.

    I do feel sorry for the Guests of Honor, and two people I know were looking forward to having tables in the Dealers Room. Owell…

  5. I think Columbus fandom is a cursed fandom. They could have explained why they can’t refund money. I can see why they won’t because they will have to pay cancellation fees unless the Large Gatherings ban continues in Columbus. Even saying we won’t know if there will be money left is at least a logical reason. That explanation is very poorly done.

  6. I don’t mind being out the money, not an issue. I feel sorry for a place that has tried bid to host Worldcon and failed. I felt this was their try to prove that they could do it so we could have a Worldcon in Ohio in the future. I feel for the artists and vendors and also the local fans who may have never been to a convention like Worldcon or the NASFIC.

  7. Actually I do sort of mind being out the money. I don’t get to many big cons, because they are expensive. I got lucky–dodged a bullet even–this time, and can therefore swallow the loss better than I might usually. But $200.00 (2 memberships) is a bite for me, and I suspect for many other fans.

  8. Pingback: Columbus 2020 NASFiC Updates Cancellation Post | File 770

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