Pixel Scroll 5/14/20 You Will Scroll Eternal, Shiny And Chrome

(1) MOOT COURT. [Item by Martin Morse Wooster.] This is from Robert Barnes’ Washington Post report of a Supreme Court hearing an argument about whether states have the right to punish “faithless electors” who cast a vote in the Electoral College other than the candidate who won a state’s electoral votes.

“What of the elector who decides after the election ‘I really like Frodo Baggins,’” asked Justice Clarence Thomas, referencing one of the principal protagonists of J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord Of The Rings.  That person is free to vote his or her convictions, a lawyer challenging state restrictions said, but not for a hobbit; the candidate must be a real person.

(Link: “Supreme Court considers ‘faithless’ presidential electors and finds more questions than answers”.)

(2) US IN FLUX. ASU’s Center for Science and the Imagination launched the latest story in their Us in Flux project today, Tina Connolly’s “Skating Without Streetlights”, a story about virtual reality and friendship, with a bit of a YA spin.

On Monday, May 18 at 4 p.m. Eastern, they’ll have another virtual event on Zoom with Connolly in conversation with VR developer Dennis Bonilla.  

(3) WINDING DOWN NASFIC. Columbus 2020 NASFiC announced today it is cancelled. Their statement “We will not be offering any refunds but, that being said, we still plan on publishing a souvenir book for all attending and supporting members” received some pushback in a public Facebook conrunners’ group. Treasurer Kim Williams has responded with a supplementary statement:

We don’t know what our bills are going to be or what will be left over, And now unfortunately one person has escalated their unhappiness about no refund to PayPal and is encouraging her entire group of friends to do likewise.

So, why did NASFIC say no refunds?

1. We just got to the point of cancellation This Morning. It’s hard to be in the land of “who knows?” so we got the main piece of information out to everyone as soon as possible. We didn’t want people making travel plans and fighting to cancel those too. I treated you with the respect I would have hoped for.

2. We do not have all the information from the hotel or any of our other vendors on what we owe them. We don’t know what is going to be left! I’m negotiating with each vendor doing the best I can.

3. We have to say no refunds at this point because we can’t even begin to know what might be left over.

4. We really would like to do a Souvenir/Program Book because we want to do something for our guests. We put a lot of thought into our choice of guests and feel horrible about not having a convention for them.

5. One of the issues we discussed TODAY is what we should do if any funds are left after that. What we would like to do is participate in the “pass along” program, just like any other WSFS event even though we didn’t receive any.

But if this person continues her claim, it risks all of the above, She wants her refund before anyone else even has a chance.

So, now I really don’t know what is going to happen. .

(4) MORE CONVENTION CANCELLATIONS. Oxonmoot and KublaCon are two more of the many fannish events now off the calendar.

Oxonmoot 2020’s co-chairs Elena Davison and Mike Percival told members the Tolkien Society’s fall event is off for this year.

It is with great sadness that we have reached the decision that it will be impossible to hold a face-to-face Oxonmoot in 2020.

At all times, we have had in mind that we would only run Oxonmoot if we could do so in a way which was safe for our members.

Following the publication on Monday 11th May of the UK Government document “Our Plan to Rebuild”, describing their Covid-19 recovery strategy, it is clear that some level of social distancing will still be required in September, and this has a dramatic impact on the way the spaces in college can be used – for example the capacity of the Hall is reduced by almost 80%. This has led the college to advise that they do not feel able to accommodate our event. In addition, the proposed introduction of a 14-day self-isolation period for overseas travellers would make it difficult for overseas members to attend….

KublaCon’s Executive Producer Mike Eckert says the Oakland, CA gaming convention is cancelled.

…We know this will disappoint many of you, we are disappointed along with you.  We also know there will be questions as to what comes next.

Some of us on Staff, myself included, lost their day job amid this pandemic, many more staff are at home, quarantined; just like you. You may be wondering what happens to your badge fees, ticket fees or booth fees. We want to help answer all of that and we humbly ask for your help too….

(5) EATING THE FANTASTIC. Scott Edelman is still “Social Distancing” – which means eating at home and withstanding the sharp cross-examination conducted by fans of his podcast, something the accomplished raconteur is thoroughly prepared to do,.

Two episodes ago, we sheltered in place together as I ate lunch and answered 33 questions from listeners and former guests of Eating the Fantastic. Since it’ll be awhile before the convention circuit starts up again and restaurants are back in business, I decided to once more invite you into my home to join me for a meal.

After all, my original call for questions had yielded 95 of them, and there was no way I was going to let that meat go to waste!

So after having roasted up a pork butt and assorted vegetables, I pulled together a plate and attempted to answer as many as I could while (metaphorically) breaking bread with you.

…I talked about my early days in the Marvel Comics Bullpen, the many things legendary editor Gardner Dozois and I shoved up our noses, when my food and fandom interests began to overlap, what I would have said to Harlan Ellison had he been in Barry Malzberg’s shoes, whether experiencing personal tragedy helps or harms a writer, the cognitive dissonance I feel about comics having taken over the world, which character caused me to start writing (hint: it was Conan the Barbarian), what I wishes I knew less about, who I was the most thrilled to have met in my life, whether I still get a kick out of my favorite childhood treats, what a terrible collaborator I am, and much, much more.

(6) NEWTON OBIT. Barry Newton, past President of the Washington Science Fiction Association (2014), died May 12 of cancer. He was 70. Barry was part of WSFA for nearly 50 years, having joined in June 1970.

He contributed items to the Scroll in years gone by.

He was retired from the National Institute of Standards & Technology.

His daughter, Meridel, said on Facebook  he will be cremated and inurned in Arlington National Cemetery whenever they resume burials. A celebration of life will be held when gatherings become possible again.


  • May 14, 1996 Doctor Who aired on the Fox Television Network in the United States. Starring Paul McGann as the Eighth Doctor, Sylvester McCoy as the Seventh Doctor, Daphne Ashbrook as Grace Holloway and Eric Roberts as The Master. It was directed by Geoffrey Sax off a script by Matthew Jacobs. It was intended as a pilot to American produced and based Who series but internal politics at BBC killed it off. Some critics loved, some hated it; the audience reviewers at Rotten Tomatoes gave it a decent forty eight percent rating.  He has since reprised the role, briefly in video form and quite extensively in audio form for Big Finish. 


[Compiled by Cat Eldridge and John Hertz.]

  • Born May 14, 1848 – Albert Robida.  French illustrator, etcher, lithographer, caricaturist, novelist.  Edited and published Caricature magazine 1880-1893; 520 illustrations for Pierre Giffard’s weekly serial The Infernal War (1908); 60,000 during AR’s life.  In The Twentieth Century (1882; set in 1952), War in the Twentieth Century (1887), Electric Life (1890), five more, imagined technological developments integrated with daily living, e.g. the telephonoscope, whose flat-screen display shows news, plays, conferences, 24 hours a day; here’s an aerial rotating house.  Books about Brittany, the Touraine, Normandy, Provence, Paris, The Old Towns of ItalyThe Old Towns of Spain, text, drawings, lithographs.  Illustrated Cyrano de Bergerac, Rabelais, Swift.  Clock of the CenturiesThe End of Books (with Octave Uzanne); The Long-Ago Is With Us TodayIn 1965.  (Died 1926) [JH]
  • Born May 14, 1852 – Henri Julien.  First full-time newspaper editorial cartoonist in Canada.  Interiors for Douglas Erskine’s novel A Bit of Atlantis (1900), reviewed by Everett Bleiler in Science Fiction, the Early Years (1991).  Here’s a flying canoe.  Louis-Philippe Hébert (1850-1917) called him the most original talent in the country.  Posthumous collection, Album Henri Julien (1916).  (Died 1908) [JH]
  • Born May 14, 1853 – Sir Hall Caine.  Novelist, dramatist, short-story writer, poet, critic.  Secretary to Dante Gabriel Rossetti; Recollections of Rossetti (rev. 1928).  Son of a Manxman, moved there, elected to its legislature; Bram Stoker dedicated Dracula to him in Manx.  The Christian, first novel in Britain to sell a million copies; The MahdiThe Eternal City (translated into thirteen languages), The ScapegoatThe White ProphetThe Prime Minister (play), fantasy; fifteen more novels, seventeen plays, four films (plus more made from his books); The Supernatural in Shakespere (HC’s spelling), The Supernatural Element in Poetry, eighteen more books of non-fiction; ten million books sold.  Went to Russia, Morocco, Iceland, Egypt.  Sixty thousand people at his funeral.  (Died 1931) [JH] 
  • Born May 14, 1929 – George Scithers.  His fanzine Amra 1959-1982 won two Hugos.  Chaired three Disclaves and the 21st Worldcon; Fan Guest of Honor at the 2nd NASFiC (N. Am. Science Fiction Convention, held when the Worldcon is overseas) and the 59th Worldcon; frequent chair of the annual WSFS (World SF Society) Business Meeting.  Served as President of WSFA (Washington, D.C., SF Ass’n) and Official Arbiter of The Cult (an apa – amateur press ass’n – famous in song and story).  First editor of Asimov’s; two Hugos as Best Professional Editor.  Perpetrated the Scithers SFL (Science Fiction League) Hoax.  Revived Weird Tales (with John Betancourt).  World Fantasy special award for Weird Tales (with Darrell Schweitzer), 1992.  World Fantasy lifetime-achievement award, 2002.  (Died 2010) [JH] 
  • Born May 14, 1933 – Ron Bennett.  British fanwriter, collector, publisher, used-book dealer, even while living in Singapore.  TAFF (Trans-Atlantic Fan Fund) delegate, 1958; trip report, Colonial Excursion.  Chaired the 13th Eastercon (United Kingdom natcon, i.e. nat’l convention), ran the Dealers’ Room at the 45th Worldcon.  Member variously of OMPA (Off-trails Magazine Publishers Ass’n, serving awhile as its Official Editor), FAPA (Fantasy Am. Press Ass’n), The Cult (see G. Scithers note); best-known fanzines, Skyrack (rhyming with “beer hack” because, as RB well knew, it meant shire oak, but what a name), Ploy.  (Died 2006) [JH]
  • Born May 14, 1935 Peter J. Reed, 85. A Vonnegut specialist with a long history starting with Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.: The Vonnegut Chronicles: Interviews and Essays that he wrote with Marc Leeds, and Kurt Vonnegut: Images and Representations with Leeds again. He also wrote a handful of essays such as “Hurting ’til It Laughs: The Painful-Comic Science Fiction Stories of Kurt Vonnegut“ and “Kurt Vonnegut’s Bitter Fool: Kilgore Trout”. (CE)
  • Born May 14, 1944 George Lucas, 76. For better and worse I suppose, he created the Star Wars and Indiana Jones franchises. (Raiders of the Lost Ark and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade are fine. Several Star Wars films are.) And let’s not forget THX 1138. My fave works that he was involved in? LabyrinthRaiders of the Lost ArkThe Empire Strikes Back and Willow. Oh, and and The Young Indy Jones series. (CE)
  • Born May 14, 1947 Edward James, 73. Winner at Interaction of Best Related Non-Fiction Book for The Cambridge Companion to Science Fiction which he did with Farah Mendlesohn. A companion volume, The Cambridge Companion to Fantasy Literature, was also edited with Mendlesohn. He was the editor of Foundation: The International Review of Science Fiction from 1986 to 2001. (CE)
  • Born May 14, 1952 – Kathleen Ann Goonan, 68.  Author, Montessori certified teacher, professor at Georgia Tech (Ga. Inst. of Technology).  Three Nebula nominations; John W. Campbell Memorial Award for In War Times; first novel Queen City Jazz, a N.Y. Times Notable Book; six more novels, forty shorter stories, translated into French, German, Italian, Spanish; cover art for her collection Angels and You Dogs.  Reviews in SF EyeN.Y. Rev. SF.  John Clute caught her allusion to Julio Cortázar (1914-1984) and said of her Nanotech Cycle (QC Jazz the first published) that its heavy plotting only partially coats over the intellectual ferment of the whole.  [JH] 
  • Born May 14, 1968 Greg Davies, 52. He played King Hydroflaxq In the Twelfth Doctor story, “The Husbands of River Song“. A man who’s just a head. Literally. He’s also the Balloon Man in Teen Titans Go! To the Movies. (CE)

(11) SCALZI Q&A. It’s a good interview about a writer’s interaction with literature, but the New York Times’ headline has no relevance to any of his answers that I can see: “The Science Fiction Writer John Scalzi Readily Quits Reading”. (If I’m wrong, I’m sure you’ll let me know!)

Any comfort reads?

I reread James Clavell’s “Shogun” a lot when I travel; I tend to think of it as epic fantasy as I am unsure of its historical and cultural accuracy. Speaking of epic fantasy, Katherine Addison’s “The Goblin Emperor” is always a joy to reread; I leaned on it a lot when creating my own unready imperial ruler for the Interdependency series, the last book of which is out very soon now. And I always have at least one Susan Orlean book on my phone for when I’m stuck in the airport and in the mood for nonfiction; the current one I have at the ready is “The Library Book.” She writes books that are comforting and fascinating at the same time. That’s a good skill to have.

(12) TWO REVIEWS OF SNOWPIERCER. [Item by N.] I’m personally skeptical because the creators seemed to excise all the Bong Joon-ho-isms I enjoyed from the movie but it looks like they kept all the sociological critique. Will be interesting to see. 

The New York Times: “On Track for the Apocalypse, ‘Snowpiercer’ Comes to Television”.

… But the world that this “Snowpiercer” arrives in is one that has moved incrementally closer to the catastrophe that the series anticipates. Though the themes of the show may be more resonant now, the people who made “Snowpiercer” cannot be sure whether it will be more compelling or more terrifying to audiences as a result.The power of good science fiction, [Daveed] Diggs said, is a universality that extends beyond the moment in which it was created. “No matter what time we’re living in, it allows us to reflect on ourselves through a particular lens,” he said. “We certainly did not know that this would be the lens through which we’d be viewing our own show.”

“In TNT’s Series, Snowpiercer Is No Longer a Dark Prophesy but a Mirror”

… We are now coming up on two full months of quarantine here in the States, and though we are not exactly survivors aboard a 1,001-car high speed train careening around a frozen planet, it’s hard for dialogue like this not to resonate. Or for scenes depicting horrendous displays of classism to not gnaw at our collective conscience as we watch our ugly realities play out on a TV screen.

“Do you remember hugs? Do you remember leaving the house without a mask and gloves at the ready? Do you remember what it was like before?”

What happens when there is less to learn from the allegory than from reality itself? When simile becomes metaphor? It’s not that the society we live in is like the fictional world of Snowpiercer; it’s that the society we live in is Snowpiercer.

(13) LOOKING OVER YOUR SHOULDERS. The Boston Globe story “Brattle Book Shop is curating bookshelves for Zoom meetings and FaceTime hangouts” is probably paywalled, but this gives the essentials —

Friends and coworkers aren’t the only ones silently taking stock of what’s going on in the backgrounds of people’s daily virtual calls these days.

Staff at the Brattle Book Shop have also been scanning the scenes with a watchful eye. And as experts in the book trade, they’ve come to a conclusion: That shelf just beyond your upper torso? Yes, that one, with the torn edition of “Twilight” that’s next to the lilting fern. Perhaps it could use some touching up if it’s going to be on camera.

“Zoom calls: no one can see your legs,” store employees tweeted recently, “but everyone can see your apartment. We’re here to help, with the bookshelves at least.”

Like many businesses impacted by the spread of the coronavirus, Brattle Book Shop was forced to close its doors to walk-in customers back in early March. But to help fill the downtime while also staying connected to clientele both old and new, the downtown Boston business decided to tap into a niche market — one that’s been propelled by our newfound reliance on teleconferencing services like Skype, Zoom, and FaceTime.

In April, bookstore owner Ken Gloss and his team began offering to curate people’s shelves with hand-picked selections of books to display during video meetings. The service, staff says, can help add a pop of character to the otherwise disorganized backdrops being scrutinized by people on the other side of the computer screen.

To Gloss, having some aesthetically-pleasing spines perfectly arranged at eye level, or even a few well-known titles neatly stacked up for show, “offers a lot of prestige.”

“When you look at someone’s books, you can tell a lot about them,” he said. “Put back there the impression that you want to give.”

This concept of cleverly organizing backgrounds specifically for Zoom calls isn’t altogether novel, Gloss explained. It’s more of an inventive take on a familiar practice at the historic family-owned business.

For years, the bookstore has fielded requests from customers looking to decorate their shelves with carefully selected reading materials and antique-looking books, items that create a more homey atmosphere.

(14) GO BOOM FALL DOWN. “Spectacular demolition at German nuclear site” – BBC shares the video taken from multiple viewpoints.

Two cooling towers have been demolished in spectacular controlled explosions at a disused nuclear power plant in south-western Germany.

(15) VIDEO OF THE DAY. In “Alex and Mr Fluffkins” on Vimeo, Adeena Grubb and Andy Biddle discuss what happens to a man and his cat when the lockdown is finally over and they can go out.

[Thanks to Mike Kennedy, Joey Eschrich, Michael Toman, Martin Morse Wooster, John King Tarpinian, JJ, Cat Eldridge, John Hertz, N., Chip Hitchcock, Dann, and Andrew Porter for some of these stories. Title credit goes to File 770 contributing editor of the day Olav Rokne.]

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33 thoughts on “Pixel Scroll 5/14/20 You Will Scroll Eternal, Shiny And Chrome

  1. “The Cambridge Companion to Science Fiction by which he did with Farah Mendlesohn”

    By which he did?

  2. 3) And another cancellation, many in Chicago are mourning, the Newberry Book Fair is canceled this year. https://www.newberry.org/newberry-book-fair

    sniffle I always enjoy heading down there with $20 and walking out with two bags of Scifi paperbacks. That book fair built my Heinlein collection.

    Also of note, the final season of She-Ra drops tonight on Netflix.

    Read two non-genre romances. Austenland and Midnight in Austenland, they were okay, the second a bit better than the first.

  3. @Iphinome —

    Read two non-genre romances. Austenland and Midnight in Austenland, they were okay, the second a bit better than the first.

    I finished Murderbot and started the last of the Astounding-nominee novels, City of Lies, but then I decided that I was in serious need of brainless brain candy — so today I zipped through a Regency romance, A Duke in Shining Armor. It fit the bill perfectly — absolutely no rational thought required, with the bonus of some good chuckles. Another bonus — in audio it’s narrated by Kate Reading, who is always appealing.

    Tomorrow I’ll probably get back to Hugo reading. Or maybe not.

  4. @10 (Lucas): you liked Willow? No accounting for tastes; everyone talks about SW4 stealing from Joseph campbell et al., but a group of us sat through this one ticking off all the stock story pieces it pulled in — we could have played traditional-lore bingo if we’d known in advance how unoriginally patched together it was going to be.

    @10 (Goonan): format/typo? doesn’t state either current age or death year.

    Rhymes with Orange shows synergy.

  5. (3) As soon as I read the bald “No refunds” statement from the NASFiC committee, released without any form of softening context or explanation, I fully expected a negative reaction. I’m just surprised it’s only one person. Not saying I agree with her, but she apparently views this as a simple failure to provide the service / goods paid for.

  6. Contrarius on May 14, 2020 at 8:17 pm said:
    but then I decided that I was in serious need of brainless brain candy — so today I zipped through a Regency romance, A Duke in Shining Armor. It fit the bill perfectly — absolutely no rational thought required, with the bonus of some good chuckles.

    My library has it! Annnnnd wishlisted. Shall grab soon. I’ve got the pandemic blues, brain candy is appreciated, thanks.

  7. Steve Green: she apparently views this as a simple failure to provide the service / goods paid for

    … or possibly is one of many people who’ve lost their jobs due to the pandemic and has to scrape for every penny they can now, in an extremely uncertain future and precarious time.

    I’m fortunate enough to not be in that position right now (at least not yet; who knows what things will be like for me a year from now). But I was laid off a decade ago, and before I managed to get another job, I tore through many thousands of dollars of savings and ran up a big credit card debt which took me years to pay off after I got another job (which came just — just — before I got to the point of having to sell all of my meager possessions and rely on friends’ couches for survival).

    I am well aware how close many (maybe even most) of us are to going from “doing fine” to “will be eating only ramen and/or living on the street” in the blink of an eye. And I think it behooves those of us who aren’t facing that to remember that there are many for whom it is a very real possibility right now.

  8. 11) I puzzled over that stupid NYTimes headline to the Scalzi interview when I read it earlier today, and finally figured out they were referring to the penultimate bit where Scalzi says he won’t finish books he doesn’t like.

  9. (1)
    New York Times
    Fresh Faced Candidate’s Reputation Challenged
    By our Washington Correspondent May 15, 2020 The Fourth Age
    After the announcement of Mr Frodo Baggins’s candidature , a source close to the President was keen to point out that Frodo was heavily implicated in what has been coined ‘Bagginsesgate’.
    “I’m not saying Frodo Baggins is a crook,” said the source,”but he has not come clean about what role he had in his uncle’s behaviour. What did Frodo know and when did he know it? When exactly did Frodo become aware of what his uncle had in his pocketesses? How can he account for his uncle’s numerous disappearances? Is it not the case that Frodo has the preciousses and is a nasty sneaky thief and that we hatesses Bagginses forever?”
    Others have cast doubts on his foreign policy experience and point to lax security in his campaign.
    “I don’t know if he used a private email server or had his account hacked but he has definitely drawn the Ever Searching Eye of Sauron towards him more than once,” said an unnamed critic, “and also one of his close associates has made at least one unauthorised use of a Palantir.”
    The Mordor Embassy in Washington only released a short comment, stating in a voice that sent a chill into my very bones “Where can I find Bagginssssss?” before galloping away to the “Frodo 2020!” campaign HQ clad in black robes on a black horse.

  10. For those who have missed Andy Serkis’ Hobbitathon Live Reading:
    Chapter 5 “Riddles in the Dark” has been made available on YouTube:

    The video will be up for a month.

    It is as good as you would expect.

  11. ….must….resist….urge….to…..nitpick…..


    Very funny stuff!

    The essence of America – that which really unites us – is not ethnicity, or nationality or religion – it is an idea – and what an idea it is: That you can come from humble circumstances and do great things. — Condoleezza Rice

  12. (1) Frodo wasn’t born in the US. To be eligible for the office of the Presidency, he’d have to have left Valinor and become a citizen of the US before the time of the adoption of the constitution, and spent six years here. And, of course, not be purely fictional.

  13. #3 I don’t see what’s objectionable about someone thinking that paying her own bills is a better use for her money than to “pass along funds” from the cancelled event to one she might not be going to. Pass along funds is a nice tradition, yes–but those are supposed to be surplus funds once the con has paid its other expenses.

    If this was “we can’t give refunds now, and don’t know whether we’ll be able to, because we may owe that money to the hotel/convention center/other people we have contracts with,” I’d be more sympathetic. But “no refunds” as a bald statement means “even if we can negotiate them down and could refund half of everyone’s membership fee, we won’t.”

    I don’t know whether the average convention member would rather have a souvenir book or a $25 refund. Nor do I know what the guests they invited think of “we could give partial refunds, but we decided to spend the money on doing something nice for you.”

    One option would be (would have been, at least) some version of “you’re entitled to a refund of $amount. If you would like to donate this, let us know and we’ll spend it on $thing. If we don’t hear otherwise within two weeks, we’ll refund the money to your credit card/PayPal/however you paid for your membership.”

  14. @Steve Green: the explanation talks about getting the announcement out as quickly as possible — but I agree that they could have thought about it enough longer to at least provide a more-nuanced explanation about the no-refunds policy, or temporized (~”we need to find out whether we owe the facilities a lump (cf Arisia)”), as they did about a virtual convention, if they wanted to get a release out quickly. (I still grumble occasionally over the lack of think-it-over time allowed before the post-BoskoneFromHell statement went out.) I’m also uncertain about the value of a souvenir book for a NASFIC-that-wasn’t, but I don’t know whether they’d already gathered serious material for it.

    @David Shallcross: if you’re going to be a rules lawyer: where does it say that electors must vote for eligible candidates? The only instruction I can find in the Constitution is II.1.3 (echoed in amendment 12), prohibiting electors from voting for both President and Vice from the elector’s state.

  15. @JJ: That is another perfectly understandable reaction to the press release NASFiC issued, and I write as someone who has just about managed to keep above my head above water for more than a decade

    @Vicki: With respect to the committee and all its hard work, that announcement was astonishingly tone deaf, and the follow-up comments about passing monies forward only worsened matters.

    @Chip: The convention may have signed a contract with the printer. Again, worth mentioning if so.

  16. I live about 200 km / 125 mi NNW of the epicenter of the 6.5 earthquake north of Tonopah (no, I don’t live in Tonopah myself; Fernley is about 200 mi by road from Tonopah via (apparently damaged, per the article) US-95). It woke me up, which is saying something because I live so close to the Union Pacific main line that I’m fairly used to trains rumbling by and generating mini-quakes of their own at my house.

    I see from the USGS “Did You Feel That?” page that reports from the Tonopah area itself show it only slightly more intense than what we felt in Tonopah. There have been lots of aftershocks, which is not surprising.

  17. @Chip Hitchcock:
    The other requirement, almost implicit, is that the electors vote for “persons”, but what constitutes a person varies between literary theory, theology, and business law. I wouldn’t be confident what constitutes a person for the purposes of constitutional law. Is a fictional person a person? (Is a dwarf planet a planet?)

  18. Sure, who can forget Lou Rawls’ hit “You Vote for Me Like A Natural Person”?

  19. (11) “It’s a good interview about a writer’s interaction with literature, but the New York Times’ headline has no relevance to any of his answers that I can see […]”

    Jeff Smith on May 14, 2020 at 11:31 pm said:

    I […] finally figured out they were referring to the penultimate bit where Scalzi says he won’t finish books he doesn’t like.

    Specifically, this bit (from the interview):

    I absolutely remember the last book I put down without finishing; it was last week. I frequently put down books I’m not enjoying. Life is short and there are many other books.

    I figured they probably meant something like this, so I was actively looking for it when I read the interview yesterday. While it’s excellent advice, it is strange that the headline writer singled this rather brief bit out, as if it were the entire interview.

    But this is far from the first time I’ve been befuddled by a headline writers’ choices, and I’m sure it won’t be the last! 😀

  20. @Jeff Smith–

    11) I puzzled over that stupid NYTimes headline to the Scalzi interview when I read it earlier today, and finally figured out they were referring to the penultimate bit where Scalzi says he won’t finish books he doesn’t like.

    Honestly, I’m surprised by this and similar comments like this. I thought “quits reading books he’s not enjoying” was the transparently obvious meaning of that headline. But I guess not.

  21. I never thought beyond the fact that the constitution states the qualifications to be president, to consider what happens if an elector votes for someone who isn’t qualified–fictional, dead, already been president twice, not a US citizen, too young, drawn with a fine camel’s hair brush…

    The straightforward thing would be to discard any such votes, and calculate a winner based on the votes for (legally) qualified people.

  22. @David Shallcross: the Founding Fathers obviously expected everyone to be “reasonable”, for their definition thereof; there’s a reason for the natural-person clause in the WSFS rules.

    @Vicki Rosenzweig: in politics a straight line is rarely the shortest distance between two points. ISTM that you’re suggesting changing the number of votes that constitutes a simple majority (and avoids handing the choice off to Congress), which I would be hard-pressed to find room for in the Constitution.

  23. Chip Hitchcock: the Founding Fathers obviously expected everyone to be “reasonable”, for their definition thereof; there’s a reason for the natural-person clause in the WSFS rules.

    … that reason being that WSFS members know from long experience better than to expect everyone to be reasonable; there’s always that one person… 😀

  24. JJ:

    More to the point, there was that one person, in a very hotly contested four-way Worldcon election in 1990 (I was part of one of the bids), who had purchased a membership for her stuffed companion and wanted to vote that membership. There was nothing prohibiting it at the time. Indeed, it would have been perfectly legal for a sufficiently deep-pocketed organization to simply buy enough supporting memberships and vote them and thus buy the election. The wording for “natural persons” adopted two years later thus dealt with both the cases, as “natural person” has a legal meaning.

  25. @Kevin Standlee: just so — “Every rule has someone’s name on it.” (A saying that I most often hear in the SCA thrown-weapons community, which is still growing and sorting itself out much more than fandom, but it’s widely applicable.) Most of the Constitutional amendments extend rights; a few (e.g. #22), like a significant number of WSFS amendments, fix edge cases — often codifying or strengthening custom.

    Note that the natural-person issue predates your fannish career; N2 told somebody (who I would not have suspected of whimsy) that they could buy a membership for their pet rock if they really wanted to, but it wouldn’t be allowed to vote. I don’t remember why the issue wasn’t addressed that year — probably some combination of it not having been broadcast and Worldconcoms being a lot smaller then. Yes, I was on that concom. No, I don’t remember all the details after 40 years — unsurprising given that I was running a division, a minor area in that division, and a major area in another division, and had to deal in my division with personnel issues I was seriously unqualified to handle. The information was probably somewhere in N2 files, which may be in a university library or may have died — whatever NESFA donated went out after some of it was found to have been leaked on. There may also have been a copy in George Flynn’s papers — he clerked that concom and was an obsessive record-keeper — but a lot of his files were probably unreadable due to the conditions he’d been living in.

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