Crook and Heinlein Awards Given at Balticon

The Compton Crook Award and Robert A. Heinlein Award were awarded during opening ceremonies at Balticon 46, the Maryland Regional Science Fiction Convention, on May 25.

The Compton Crook Award winner was T. C. McCarthy for his novel Germline.

The Robert A. Heinlein Award went to Stanley Schmidt, author and editor of Analog.

Compton Crook Award: Left to right, T. C. McCarthy, 2011 Crook Award winner; James Knapp, Master of Ceremonies; SF Author Mark L. Van Name. Photo by Patti Kinlock.


Robert A. Heinlein Award: Left to right, Ian Randal Strock accepts the award on behalf of winner Stanley Schmidt from SF author and Heinlein Award Chairman Dr. Yoji Kondo. (Dr. Kondo writes as Eric Kotani). Photo by Patti Kinlock.

[Thanks to Dale Arnold for the story.]

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