D’Ammassa on Adventure Fiction

Don D’Ammassa’s vast knowledge of genre fiction has been tapped for a third literary encyclopedia in a series from Facts on File. His Encyclopedia of Adventure Fiction actually appeared last December, but it’s news to me. As the publisher says:  

The new A-to-Z Encyclopedia of Adventure Fiction covers the very best of adventure fiction, from literary classics such as Charles Dickens’s A Tale of Two Cities and Joseph Conrad’s The Secret Agent to tales that have enthralled younger readers for many years, such as Treasure Island and The Wizard of Oz, to the finest of today’s adventure stories.

This is a companion volume to D’Ammassa’s Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Encyclopedia of Fantasy and Horror Fiction in Facts On File’s Literary Movements series.

Andrew Porter, beaming with pride, points out that Don’s “Critical Mass” review website continues the work once done by his column in Science Fiction Chronicle

 [Thanks to Andrew Porter for the story.]

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