Daniel Dern’s Thursday Dublin 2019 Photos

Let’s begin with Peter S. Beagle here and post the rest of Daniel Dern’s gallery after the jump —

Peter S. Beagle

Peter S. Beagle

Justin says hi

Justin Ackroyd and Daniel Dern

Justin Ackroyd and Daniel Dern

Another Filer gets their button

Cora Buhlert and Daniel Dern

Cora Buhlert and Daniel Dern

Michael Swanwick, Ben Yalow

Michael Swanwick and Ben Yalow

Possibly Back To The Future’s, I’ll check

Angry Robot

Springer booms

Inspired Quill

Inspired Quill


AREA 51 bookstore

Bard and Jester

Locus, Francesca Myman


Daniel Spector

Daniel Spector

A Chuck Tingle fan in a queue


Mike Willmoth and Dern

Mike Willmoth and Daniel Dern

Holly Black, Christopher K. Davis, Tim Boerger, Elizabeth Bear, John Scalzi


Mari Ness, Bo Balder, Qipeng Gao, Andy Dudak, Neil Clarke

Mari Ness, Bo Balder, Qipeng Gao, Andy Dudak, Neil Clarke

Vincent Docherty

Vincent Docherty

Lizbeth Myles and Paul Cornell

Geoffrey Landis

Geoffrey Landis

PC Hodgell

P.C. Hodgell

Mary Robinette Kowal

Mary Robinette Kowal

Panel, What is SFWA and what can it do for you 

Kate Baker, Jeffe Kennedy, Kelly Robson, Mary Robinette Kowal

Kate Baker, Jeffe Kennedy, Kelly Robson, Mary Robinette Kowal

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10 thoughts on “Daniel Dern’s Thursday Dublin 2019 Photos

  1. Thanks for this, Mike. I hope your Mom is doing better.

    I’m really glad to see that photo, because it is actually one of the very few photos of myself at WorldCon 77 that there are. It was taken at Programme Ops, while I was trying to get some handouts for my craft workshop copied. Daniel gave me the “File 770, that wretched hive of scum and villainy” button, which is now on my badge lanyard.

  2. Oh, is that what it says? Thanks for explaining — I couldn’t read it in the photo, and I was wondering!

  3. In the photo with Scalzi, the bearded fellow on the left next to Holly Black is Christopher K. Davis.

  4. Of course, our photo came out blurry, probably because it was taken in the bustle of programme ops with the sun streaming in through the windows.

  5. Glad to see Beagle is up to traveling with what he’s been through the last few years — he seemed very worn when he came through on the Last Unicorn tour.

  6. Caption note, that should be Interzone not Interview. Bad autocorrect!
    (above entered while on tram to conv center)

    Emailing names for same to Mike …sitting in conv center and can switch to bluetooth keyboard w phone…

  7. Yay, Daniel gave me too a yellow button with a friendly text proclaiming my scummyhood. Displaying it proudly. Otherwise fun that totally random people sometimes recognize my name from the comment section.

    I have actually managed to go to quite a few panels this year. They are a bit random, but it is kind of nice to see bickering fans.

  8. @Cora —

    Of course, our photo came out blurry, probably because it was taken in the bustle of programme ops with the sun streaming in through the windows.

    And reversed! Some of the pics are mirror-imaged, for some reason.

  9. Pingback: Dern — File 770’s Dublin 2019 Coverage | File 770

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