Doctor Who Roundup

Compiled by Carl Slaughter:

  • Doctor Who and the Phantom Menace Effect
  • Doctor Who writers have no sci-fi experience
  • The Infallible Doctor
  • A British Doctor reaches for her sonic screwdriver, an American billionaire reaches for a gun.

“What’s wrong with you, why don’t you get a gun and start shooting things, like civilized people?”  –  Jack Robinson, Doctor Who, “Arachnids in the UK”, Season 11, Episode 4

  • Doctor Who villains

Doctor Who villains have included such memorable species and individuals as the Dalek, Cybermen, Sandaron, Slitheen, Silurian, Silence, Weeping Angels, Davros, the Master, the Rani, and Madam Kovarian. Now we have the Pting.  How does this new creature compare with the Doctor’s other foes?  Share your opinion.

Google search for Doctor Who villains

  • Rosa Parks in a powerful episode of Doctor Who

“Let’s Have a Spoiler-Laden Talk About That Powerful Episode of Doctor Who” at io9.

Tonight Doctor Who ventured back to 1955 for a long, hard look at the struggles of Rosa Parks in mid-20th century Alabama. Let us know what you thought of its take on a crucial moment in history in our weekly, spoiler-tastic discussion zone.

  • New v. Old Who Fans

New Doctor Who fans don’t understand the rage of old Doctor Who fans and old Doctor Who fans don’t understand why the new Doctor Who fans don’t understand.

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11 thoughts on “Doctor Who Roundup

  1. Wow. That “Doctor Who and the Phantom Menace Effect” certainly managed to pack a lot of WTF into just seven minutes.

    I’m not even an ardent defender of the series, but their criticisms basically come down to “It’s bad,” “It’s not like old Doctor Who,” and “There’s political messages in the show.”

    The lack of specificity about what they don’t like is really telling.

  2. I only started watching Doctor Who when it was on BBCA. I had no idea how fans were watching the older series. PAL? I did see a movie that was cobbled together from some episodes once or twice.

  3. I’m only a few minutes in on the video about old vs new fans of Dr Who, and I have to say, this fellow is bringing out the exact sort of gatekeeping of fandom that alienates newcomers. When someone says “the new Doctor Who caught my attention, I’m a fan,” the correct response is not to say “No you are not, you don’t have 40 years of devotion like I do,” it’s “Welcome! Let me show you all my favorite bits from before that you won’t have seen yet, I am so excited for you to try the rest”

    Gatekeeping fandom is genuinely terrible behaviour.

    I’m hoping to find he is just describing the attitude of gatekeepers, there’s still video left.

  4. Ryan Jones on December 14, 2018 at 1:14 pm said:
    I’m only a few minutes in on the video about old vs new fans of Dr Who, and I have to say, this fellow is bringing out the exact sort of gatekeeping of fandom that alienates newcomers. When someone says “the new Doctor Who caught my attention, I’m a fan,” the correct response is not to say “No you are not, you don’t have 40 years of devotion like I do,” it’s “Welcome! Let me show you all my favorite bits from before that you won’t have seen yet, I am so excited for you to try the rest”

    Gatekeeping fandom is genuinely terrible behaviour.

    I agree 100 per cent with every word of this.

  5. Wow. That “Doctor Who and the Phantom Menace Effect” certainly managed to pack a lot of WTF into just seven minutes.

    The whole thing is begging the question that the show is objectively, empirically bad. His argument boils down to, “We all know it really is bad, but some of you fools just haven’t admitted that yet.”

  6. I only started watching Doctor Who when it was on BBCA. I had no idea how fans were watching the older series. PAL? I did see a movie that was cobbled together from some episodes once or twice.

    Every serial that still exists (i.e. the tape wasn’t wiped by the BBC) has been issued on DVD by the BBC.

    I’ve been slowly working way through them (checking them out from local libraries)–I’m up to early 1978 (I’ll be watching The Invasion of Time this weekend). Prior to that, I had every serial that still existed from the old series on video tape, having recorded them when they were shown on the local PBS station.

  7. Yeah, bowlestrek was convinced that the season would be a disaster from the start; his October 10 2017 video was titled “The Origins of the 13th Doctor Debacle”. <eyeroll>

  8. Clueless anti-SJW males have no idea how bad their videos come across. These were a series of eye-rolling WTF “let me mansplain this to you newbs” by some twits.

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