Fanartist Alan Hunter Dies

Alan Hunter. Photograph by and copyright © Andrew Porter.

British fanartist Alan Hunter died August 1 after a long illness. Ned Brooks learned of his passing from Alan’s son.

Andrew Porter published many pieces of Hunter art in Algol/Starship and Science Fiction Chronicle and recalls that the back cover on the final issue of Starship was by him. Porter visited him in Bournemouth on a trip to the UK in 1993 and says, “A really nice guy and a wonderful artist, who should have been an artist guest of honor somewhere. But now it’s too late.”

Here are three examples of Hunter’s art which appeared in Science Fiction Chronicle as headers above Porter’s editorials.

[Thanks to Andrew Porter for the story.]

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7 thoughts on “Fanartist Alan Hunter Dies

  1. Oh… just in time to present him a Hugo next year that’s too late for him to appreciate. Unless, that is, there’s a web cartoonish who appeared six weeks ago that everybody is anxious to award instead.

  2. Always impressed by Alan’s work and looked forward to getting to see each new piece. One of those truly professional level artists who was still kind enough to share his work in the fannish publishing world as well.

  3. Vary sad news. I visited him over around ten years ago — a perfect gentleman, albeit a very frail gentleman. For the record, Alan was Artist GOH at FantasyCon in 1981, held in the Centre Hotel, Birmingham, UK. His co-GOH was Peter Tremayne with Karl Edward Wagner acting as MC.

  4. I’ve just read with sadness of the passing of Alan. We never met, or spoke, but our work often passed together in a variety of magazines from those published by the BFS to Anduril, White Dwarf and The Fiend Folio. A true stalwart who will be greatly missed.

  5. Alan Hunter was a stalwart of the British fantasy and horror small press scene, and his work graced many of the magazines and booklets of the last thirty years, especially Ghosts & Scholars and Dark Dreams. He kindly provided some splendid illustrations for my collection of cricketing ghost stories, Haunted Pavilions. He was a pleasure to work with – professional, considerate and without fuss. His work was always subtle, and finely shaded. A generous and skilled gentleman.

  6. The first two issues of the Scottish prozine NEBULA had full color cover artwork by Alan.

  7. Alan was a long-time friend of mine. We sent letters to each other and, occasionally, telephoned each other . . . but we only met, face-to-face, once. I was compiling art for the artshow for the 1988 World Fantasy Convention in London. Alan was delighted to be asked to exhibit and told me that he’d “post” his artwork to me. No bloody way! I wasn’t going to let him “send” his superb artwork by the machinations of the GPO. I told Alan that I’d come and pick them up. My hidden adgenda was to meet Alan for the first time! We met . . . and spent several hours talking.

    It was an experience – meeting an artist of Alan’s calibre for the first time, after he had produced so much artwork for my publications. He rarely wanted his illustrations back. He told me that he just loved seeing his work in print! Alan was equally adament about his work that I displayed for him at the World Fantasy Convention – “Oh, just keep them,” he said. “Don’t bother about bringing them back. You’ve come far out of your way in just picking them up.” So, I’m the proud owner of 14 original pieces of Alan’s artwork, some of which I published myself, one by Ro Pardoe’s “Ghosts & Scholars” series and the rest? I don’t know where they were published – I wish I did.

    I have been thinking about publishing a book of Alan’s artwork for some time. Maybe this would be a good time to remember a very good friend and an execellent artist. Is there anybody out there willing to join me in such a project? Any profit made would be given to a charity that either Alan supported or his family thinks worthy of his memory.

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