Goodreads Deletes Vox Day, Rabid Puppies

Vox Day reports on Vox Popoli that Goodreads deleted his account and also the Rabid Puppies Group just 36 hours after he set them up.

He received this message from Goodreads:

Hello Vox,

Your account was recently brought to our attention. Upon review, we have decided to remove it from the site. A CSV of the books you shelved is attached for your personal records. You are banned from using Goodreads in any capacity going forward.

The Goodreads Team

I checked Goodreads, and both accounts are gone. (There remains an older Vox Day account, where all the entries were made in 2009.)

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357 thoughts on “Goodreads Deletes Vox Day, Rabid Puppies

  1. Mr. Mister may also be unaware that the puppy-piling on Lis Carey’s review was adding insult to injury, as she was one of the reviewers I recall on File770 making the heroic effort to read all of the slated Puppy… material… and give it an honest (if often short) review.

  2. JJ, I am done with you. Nigel understood what I meant. Ask him for instances of F770 poasters using VDs name.

    Nigel, you deserve more effort. I’ll get back to you tomorrow.

  3. Robert Reynolds on January 6, 2016 at 3:03 pm said:
    Do the trolls File 770 attracts come from Acme?

    This new one even has trouble with its spelling.

    It struggles with reading comprehension, too. You’d think Teddy could find the money for a better model with all the profits Castalia Hut must be making from his Super New Publishing Paradigm; why, only last year he was talking about how he hoped to take on an assistant soon.

  4. “Nigel, you deserve more effort. I’ll get back to you tomorrow.”

    Oh, you lucky fellow, Nigel!

  5. Mr. Mister –

    You are not debating in good faith.

    Now that’s adorable.

    New question: If he realized, before going public what the consequences would be, why did he turn his posts and sites private after going public and not before?

    I think he was too engaged reading a great graphic novel. That’s also baseless speculation, but I figured it must be fun to do that since you enjoyed it. Eh, it was only okay.

    Doxxing is different when you do it?

    Calling an author by his published name is Doxxing? Man the definition of that changes all the time. Plus you’re incorrect about how Vox Day prefers to be addressed. Everyone knows he prefers Three Time Hugo Nominated Supreme Dark Lord of the Evil League of Evil Vox Day who Sits A Throne of SJW Skulls. There’s probably honorifics about dialectical destroyer and alpha Aristotle arguer I’m missing in there as well, but you should really use them before claiming others aren’t addressing him in the proper manner.

  6. Mr.Mister: English was on the Rabid Puppies Slate. Then, after she said frankly not-that-nasty things about Vox Day, for his final vote, and presumably that of many vile faceless minions, she appears below no award. Either her story was of a quality worth nominating or it wasn’t. It didn’t magically change between nomination and final vote. That, plus the obviously wrong spin Day gives the words of her “this is not what I meant to see happen and Vox Day is a bit f a jerk” post (linked above so I don’t have to) certainly looks a helluva lot like deliberate mistreatment after she failed to toe the party line adequately.

  7. As for Day/Beale’s name, I use whichever falls out of my fingers first, and hadn’t even especially thought about which was more polite or not, because one is the name under which he ran for SFWA, and one his publishing name. They’ve been publicly linked since the early 2000s at minimum, since before that notorious Making Light thread. Not exactly doxxing, which is outing a secret link between names and personas. That’s like saying it’s doxxing to mention Sarah Monette IS Katherine Addison, which is a fact she points out on her web site.

  8. Bruce Baugh on January 6, 2016 at 3:47 pm said:
    “While this Mr. Mister is doing a good job striking the pose, I really preferred arrogant rebellion as done by the original Mr. Mister.”
    Haha, Serendipity strikes! Thanks for that link and the compliment. The first words from the lyrics that reached my ears were I don’t like this place – I don’t like your face. Eerily fitting. Thank you for giving me my theme song.

    When I chose the handle I was thinking more of a misting of unpleasantness for the more rabid posters here like Aaron or JJ. They do not like truth. It is unpleasant for them. It burns them.

    Good night.

  9. Mr. Mister

    Does your devotion to free speech include unpleasant speech like what Castalia publishes?

    Oh honey. Let’s try this at a simplified level appropriate to you:

    – Castalia is free to publish whatever it wants and is able to
    – Castalia is free to enjoy the consequences of whatever it publishes
    – Consequences are not purely positive (sales etc). They also include neutral (being ignored) and negative (criticism, getting laughed at)

    Now, your difficulty is in that you don’t see a distinction between legal consequences (criticism, being laughed at), and illegal ones (harassment). The other thing you don’t understand is that there are consequences to your consequence. If you behave in a manner that is considered generally beyond the pale (doxxing, or threats thereof), crying that you have a right to do so doesn’t really carry much water.

    Please feel free to seek clarification should you have any further queries.

  10. Mr. Mister: JJ, I am done with you

    Translation: I can’t come up with legitimate responses to your points, so I’ll throw a tantrum and accuse you of being a liar  dishonest

    As other commenters here have pointed out, using Beale’s name can in no way be considered “doxxing”. So I am still waiting for you to post linked citations support your accusations that File770 commenters have engaged in doxxing. But of course you can’t, because it hasn’t happened.

    And as other commenters have pointed out, VD did indeed first endorse Kary English on his slate, then turned on her after she issued a disclaimer. My statement was true.

    So, please do enlighten me as to where I have been “dishonest”.

  11. @Mr. Mister:

    Ask Aaron how he knows what he claims to know. I agree it is very silly. I think he might be lying. He does that a lot.

    You’re the one who demanded evidence of someone not telling anyone when they leave a group. That’s why I asked you what form such evidence could take, because it sounds an awful lot like “prove this negative!” from here. So, answer the question: how does one prove that this hypothetical thing has (or has not) happened?

    I mean, I suppose one could obtain a roster and call roll to see if everyone on it replies, but we don’t have that option, do we? So, what alternative do you propose? What kind of evidence would you accept?

    Rev Bob, how are those double standards holding up? You going after Aaron next?

    What’s wrong – you can’t handle him on your own? Don’t worry; if he asks someone for evidence that’s impossible to provide, I’ll call him on it. Just like I’m doing with you. One standard.

    [Aaron and JJ] do not like truth. It is unpleasant for them. It burns them.

    Evidence, please. Preferably video footage.

  12. Does your devotion to free speech include unpleasant speech like what Castalia publishes?

    A lot of the problems you are having stem from the fact that you appear not to actually understand the terms you are using. Nothing that anyone has said here amounts to any kind of infringement on Castalia House’s speech. No one is saying that Castalia can’t publish books or that Beale can’t say anything he wants to say. But free speech doesn’t entitle you to being stocked in book stores. Or to having people read your books, or recommend them, or anything else. No one can stop you from getting on your soapbox, but just because you hop up there doesn’t mean that anyone has to listen to you.

    I know you think you’re launching some zingers, but from everyone else’s perspective, you are just revealing that you simply don’t know what you are talking about. You are exposing yourself to be a foolish, uninformed clown.

    Ask him for instances of F770 poasters using VDs name.

    Using Beale’s name is not doxing him. Once again, your lack of understanding of the meaning of the terms you are using leads you to say incredibly silly things. Beale openly acknowledges that he is Vox Day, which means using the name isn’t doxing any more than it is doxing Mira Grant to call her Seanan McGuire or doxing Katherine Addison by saying she is Katherine Addison. Throwing about claims that anyone has doxed Beale because they use his openly acknowledged name makes you look really quite stupid.

    As far as Beale turning on Gannon, well, here’s a thread. Beale leads off by saying “I happen to know that Charles Gannon is both a coward and a liar.” It won’t change your mind, of course, because despite your claims to loving evidence, you don’t. You’ll just do what you did when you were presented with Beale turning on English when she became an apostate: You’ll dodge, weave, evade, dissemble, and lie.

    When I chose the handle I was thinking more of a misting of unpleasantness for the more rabid posters here like Aaron or JJ. They do not like truth. It is unpleasant for them. It burns them.

    Thus far you’ve offered no truth at all. You have neither the vocabulary or the grasp of fact that would enable you to participate in the conversation in any meaningful way. You are in so far over your head that you’d have to swim upwards for a week just to see the surface.

    People earlier were asking what sort of person continues to follow Beale when the story of Beale’s master plans amounts to him stepping on rakes over and over again and then simultaneously claiming he meant to step on the rakes and getting mad at the rakes. Well, Mr. Mister here is an example of just such a person: A dim-bulb who isn’t even smart enough to realize what the words he is using actually mean.

  13. Please people. Remember that Day thinks that a company search is doxxing (presumably of the company? Corporations are people indeed). Given that that’s *his* Sooper Genius standard, contemplate the level of understanding one of his Elk must have.

  14. “Does your devotion to free speech include unpleasant speech like what Castalia publishes?”

    I don’t now about Castalia House, but some of the hate speech that Beale spews out would be illegal here in Sweden and I’m quite ok with that.

  15. I, for one, am a gleeful doxer–or is it doxy?

    Mark Twain is actually Samuel Clemens.

    George Eliot is actually Mary Ann Evans.

    James Tiptree, Jr. is actually Alice B. Sheldon.

    Joe Hill is actually Joe King.

    Flann O’Brien is actually Brian O’Nolan.

    Lu Xun is actually Zhou Shuren.

    VD is actually venereal disease.

    (pro-tip: whenever I want to dox someone, I simply go to Wikipedia to find their actual name)

  16. Poor Richard is actually Benjamin Franklin!

    Cordwainer Smith is actually Paul Linebarger.

    Cordwainer Bird is actually Harlan Ellison who is actually Harlan Ellison (TM).

    Paul French is actually Isaac Asimov.

    Don A. Stewart is actually John Campbell.

    Calvin Knox is actually Ivar Jorgenson who is actually Robert Silverberg.

  17. @Mr Mister

    Doxxing is different when you do it?

    With all due respect, what in the devil does calling Mr Beale by his legal name have to do with doxxing? It’s hardly a state secret.

    ETA: Excuse me, but JJ is most certainly a moral and ethical person. Also, my “devotion to free speech” includes my absolute right not to read work I consider abhorrent. Namely John C Wright’s sexism and homophobic bigotry.

  18. That James S A Corey fellow is really Daniel Abraham and Ty Franck!

  19. Darth Vader is Anakin Skywalker!

    Rosebud is actually a sled!

    James S. A. Corey is actually Ty Franck& Daniel Abraham! Two doxxes for the price of one!

    ETA: Not only that, he’s also been ninja doxxed by @princejvstin, who is actually Paul Weimer!

  20. redheadedfemme on January 6, 2016 at 6:04 pm said:

    With all due respect, what in the devil does calling Mr Beale by his legal name have to do with doxxing? It’s hardly a state secret.

    The misuse of the term “doxxing” is so egregious as to suggest that it may be a deliberate deception with the aim of defanging the charge, to the benefit of those who doxx.

  21. @redheadedfemme and Peace Is My Middle Name:

    The misuse of the term “doxxing” is so egregious as to suggest that it may be a deliberate deception with the aim of defanging the charge, to the benefit of those who doxx.

    If someone has taken pains to separate their legal name from a pseudonym, then it’s possible to argue that linking the two can be a weak form of doxxing (though not as bad as tossing other personal information into the mix), but I’ve seen no evidence that Beale ever separated his legal name from his pretentious pseudonym. And given the results for a Google search for the two names, the association of the names is identified at a number of sites including Wikipedia, so it’s a pretty darn open secret.

    I had my fan pseud and legal name linked by one of the anti-slash-fic crusaders a year or two after I returned to fandom–it was rather unpleasant, especially since the post attracted comments with a lot of snark about my personal appearance and speculations as to why I wasn’t being lynched in Texas as the evil perverted commie slut that I clearly was–some of those were removed from the blog post by the owner, but I did take screencaps. Luckily, I had tenure at that point, and even more hilariously in retrospect, the guy thought I was at a different university. I did a big coming out post, and have been fairly open about being both personas, though usually trying to keep the two names from appearing on the same site to make it harder for students to track down my fan stuff. The argument was made that since the two names were both on the internet, it wasn’t really doxxing to put them together (I’ve seen similar arguments made by doxxers who say, well, it was all on the internet, so….)

  22. VD is actually venereal disease.

    Aww, maybe it’s the Voice of venereal disease…

  23. Judy Garland was Frances Gum!

    John Wayne was Marion Morrison!

    David Bowie is David Jones!

    Meatloaf is Michael Aday!

  24. @Aaron: I knew only two of those!

    (The first two.)

    And as a huge Meatloaf fan, I r shocked! You mean that’s NOT his REAL name!

  25. Joe Hill was Joel Emmanuel Hägglund!
    Ronnie James Dio was Ronald James Padavon!
    Kirk Douglas is Issur Danielovitch!
    A is A!

  26. robinareid, I’d heard somewhere that Meat Loaf had legally changed his name to Meat Loaf. But that’s not on his wiki, and I’m not curious enough to dig deeper.

  27. Aaron, thanks for the clarification. I probably heard “changed his name” and just assumed…

  28. Mr. Mister:

    Does your devotion to free speech include unpleasant speech like what Castalia publishes?


    How many Supreme Court First Amendment cases have had you as a plaintiff?

    How many Civil Liberties awards from the ACLU have you won?

    How many Supreme Court First Amendment cases have you won?

    Unless your answer is higher than mine, I suggest you try that rhetorical gambit with someone who didn’t win the right for you to bloviate on the Internet.

  29. To be nitpicky, Meatloaf is Meat Loaf. (Apparently he coached his daughter’s sports team in junior high or high school. Reportedly, the players called him “Coach Loaf”.)

  30. @RedWombat:

    Well, nobody wanted to dox her. It’d be like doxxing one of our own… like you, for instance.

  31. Joe H. (Soylent), snowcrash (Rosebud), JJ (Santa), and Rev. Bob (Sparticus!) – here is an internet to share amongst you! Maybe you can each have it for 3 months out of the year, like a timeshare. 😉

  32. I do think there is a problem with deliberately outing a pseud, including whoever outed Rowling’s other nom de plume before it was meant to be public. But simply using one known since 2002 or longer isn’t remotely “outing” anyone or anything.

  33. The five categories burned and the millions of bytes wasted here were but a dream. Right?

    The troll’s a bit confused; those weren’t categories burning but rather the surrounding Spokane countryside. An understandable error because of all the smoke that was everywhere.

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