Goodreads Deletes Vox Day, Rabid Puppies

Vox Day reports on Vox Popoli that Goodreads deleted his account and also the Rabid Puppies Group just 36 hours after he set them up.

He received this message from Goodreads:

Hello Vox,

Your account was recently brought to our attention. Upon review, we have decided to remove it from the site. A CSV of the books you shelved is attached for your personal records. You are banned from using Goodreads in any capacity going forward.

The Goodreads Team

I checked Goodreads, and both accounts are gone. (There remains an older Vox Day account, where all the entries were made in 2009.)

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357 thoughts on “Goodreads Deletes Vox Day, Rabid Puppies

  1. RedWombat on January 6, 2016 at 8:59 pm said:

    Ursula Vernon is T. Kingfisher!

    I should have suspected when we never saw them in the same place together at the same time.

  2. I’m really John Scalzi.

    I’m really John Scalzi’s cat.

    I’m really the bacon taped to John Scalzi’s cat.

  3. I’m really John Scalzi.

    I’m really John Scalzi’s cat.

    I’m really the bacon taped to John Scalzi’s cat.


    Stephen King is Richard Bachman!

  4. I’m Nobody! Who are you?
    Are you–Nobody–too?

    I don’t think the troll cares about facts or even reality. It cares about attention and strokes. I think it’s been here before, under another ID. The patter is familiar.

  5. Robert: if we went and checked if he’s been posting under another ID and we revealed that, would that be doxxing? (Or in this case, paradoxxing?)

  6. Robert Reynolds, Then there’s a pair of us–don’t tell! They’d banish us, you know.

  7. Glenn: I suspect that would be evidence of having way too much time on your hands! 🙂

    Cassy: How dreary–to be–Somebody!
    How public–like a Frog–

    (Frog seems particularly apt here, for some reason 😉 )

  8. I find that almost all of Beale’s lot sound pretty much the same. Either there’s one really enthusiastic sock puppeteer or something about obsessively following an incompetent cartoon villain produces a very particular style. I’ve been assuming the latter, but hey, I could be wrong.

    Speaking only for myself, I use “Beale” because I use surnames for pretty much everyone – Scalzi, Torgersen, Holt, Kowal. There are exceptions, like GRRM (because it makes me feel like a racing driver every time I type it: GRRRrrrrMM! *steering wheel motions*), but that’s my habit. I see no reason for Beale to be an exception when everyone knows perfectly well what his name is anyway and “VD” is only fun to type in a “mean joke” sort of way (which isn’t nearly as entertaining as being a racing driver).

  9. Either there’s one really enthusiastic sock puppeteer or something about obsessively following an incompetent cartoon villain produces a very particular style.

    I think they are all trying to play from the script that Beale gave them, and which he assures them will always work. When they get off script, and since the script never works they always do, they really seem to fall apart.

    I’ve seen similar stuff from creationists: They are told by some authority they recognize that there is a killer argument that will befuddle all people who understand evolution, and so they run out into the wild and try to use it. Sadly for them, these “killer” arguments almost always turn out to be laughable, and they quickly get in way over their heads in a discussion with someone who knows what they are talking about. The resulting frustration the nascent creationist advocate experiences is almost palpable.

  10. Freud wins again !

    Skimming the responses to VDs January 6 whinge about goodreads I found this gem. Context; commenter is trying to make the case that VD was agitating for coordinated negative reviews, and that was why he was banned. I’m sure his response is a typo, and will probably be goodspeaked , but hey.

    You sure are quick to deflect criticism to Vlad, though. That’s interesting information. But, as we all know, lieutenants are expendable and replaceable.

    VD: I’m not deflecting anything. I cannot take responsibility for something I did intend, order, or do.

    Freudian slips! Not just psychiatric underwear !

  11. @Meredith: They’re taking style cues from others, as well. If you look at the stuff the guys at Alicublog quote, you’ll find the same stylistic tics. It’s a mix of influences that includes fundamentalist preaching back to the early 20th century (maybe even late 19th, depending on how you reckon lines of influence), mid-20th-century anti-Communist rhetoric from the House Un-American Activities Committee to the John Birch Society, anti-civil rights rhetoric of the ’50s-’70s, and so on.

    By the way, Alicublog is a place where you absolutely do want to read the comments. They have some very, very funny regulars.

  12. Nigel on January 6, 2016 at 3:12 pm said:

    Absolutely, though it’s odd of you to conceded it’s unpleasant. Some of the stories in Ride The Red Horse were favourably reviewed.

    I think I’ve read one story from that collection which I liked.

    I am talking to you in a manner you would understand. But sure the insights are unpleasant yet true.

    Y’know, you may have a fair point about using his chosen name, though I’ll not weep for the guy who referred to George RR Martin the way he did recently, but that is in no way no how not at all or even a little bit doxxing.

    Thank you for the honesty. It is according to anti-gamer gaters and I suspect some of the people here are of the same persuasion. I myself don’t consider it doxxing as such but it is not far from it.

    I think your own Internet hygiene is your own problem. If you are going to stick your nose out you are going to have to keep your identities separate.

    Nigel on January 6, 2016 at 3:27 pm said:

    Easily. One minute he’s nominating her on his slate, she responds by distancing herself from him, bam! He turns on her. I’m not particularly invested in this argument, but that does seem obvious.

    But they never were friends and/or allies. He nominated her story, she shunned him, he shunned her back. Tit for tat.

    This is Aaron’s original claim: “The ones who figured it out already abandoned him, and I suspect they did so quietly and without telling anyone because they know how he loves to turn his mob on heretics.”

    It does not apply to Kary English.

    Nigel on January 6, 2016 at 2:45 pm said:

    Absolutely 100% sure.

    What would you call what is being done to me currently if not bullying, (mild) abuse and what are Aaron and JJ if not shitposters?

    I will concede that Mike would never allow doxxing but I don’t think the parts of the commentariat would have a problem with it as long as it is they that are doing it.

    Mike Glyer on January 6, 2016 at 3:33 pm said:

    If you’re going to be a successful troll, you need to avoid easily disproven assertions.

    Vox Day endorsed Kary English’s story as part of the Rabid Puppies slate. Then, when she distanced herself from the Puppies, he withdrew his endorsement of her story on his final ballot.

    I disagree you can turn on someone you don’t know and haven’t even spoken with. But I was and still am talking about Aaron’s following statement:

    “The ones who figured it out already abandoned him, and I suspect they did so quietly and without telling anyone because they know how he loves to turn his mob on heretics.”

    In what way does it apply to KE? You are smarter than this.

    Peter J on January 6, 2016 at 3:35 pm said:

    Oh, you lucky fellow, Nigel!

    Luck has nothing to do with it. He treats me like I am human and I reciprocate. Try it some time.

    snowcrash on January 6, 2016 at 4:08 pm said:

    Oh honey. Let’s try this at a simplified level appropriate to you

    Gendered insults, really? Even if you will use anything that you think will get to me you should consider the ever vigilant bat shit feminists. You might get purged.

    Now, your difficulty is in that you don’t see a distinction between legal consequences (criticism, being laughed at), and illegal ones (harassment). The other thing you don’t understand is that there are consequences to your consequence. If you behave in a manner that is considered generally beyond the pale (doxxing, or threats thereof), crying that you have a right to do so doesn’t really carry much water.

    Show me the police reports.

    Rev. Bob on January 6, 2016 at 4:35 pm said:

    You’re the one who demanded evidence of someone not telling anyone when they leave a group. That’s why I asked you what form such evidence could take, because it sounds an awful lot like “prove this negative!” from here. So, answer the question: how does one prove tht this hypothetical thing has (or has not) happened?

    Grow up, learn to control your emotions and practice your reading comprehension.

    For shame.
    Glenn Hauman on January 6, 2016 at 8:32 pm said:


    Who are you and why do you feel the need to preen this badly?

  13. @Mr Mister:

    Who are you and why do you feel the need to preen this badly?

    Heh. Everything of yours I’ve read indicates you need to apply this to yourself as well.

    Grow up, learn to control your emotions and practice your reading comprehension.

    Instead of throwing out an irrelevant “grow up,” why don’t you just answer Rev. Bob’s question? It shouldn’t be a difficult proposition.

  14. In what way does it apply to KE?

    In the way that he turned on her when she expressed heretical notions. You really aren’t very good at understanding written communications, are you?

    What would you call what is being done to me currently if not bullying, (mild) abuse and what are Aaron and JJ if not shitposters?

    What is being done is that you are being shown actual facts. For someone apparently as unfamiliar with facts as you are, this might seem like bullying, but it isn’t.

  15. @Mr Mister, also:

    what are Aaron and JJ if not shitposters?

    Aaron and JJ are valued and valuable members of this community.

    I don’t think you qualify as that just yet.

  16. Instead of throwing out an irrelevant “grow up,” why don’t you just answer Rev. Bob’s question? It shouldn’t be a difficult proposition.

    He won’t, because he can’t. He’s off his script and floundering. Notice how, despite claiming to be throwing down facts all over the place, he’s done nothing but bluster and use words incorrectly? That’s because he’s in over his head and can’t figure out how to get out, so he resorts to screeching and whining.

  17. redheadedfemme on January 8, 2016 at 9:59 am said:

    Heh. Everything of yours I’ve read indicates you need to apply this to yourself as well.

    Please quote me where you think I am preening. I am not saying I am not vain and arrogant but I have told you zip, nada and zilch about myself and my accomplishments.

    But I can see how my superior intellect, debating skills and humbleness might come across as preening compared to the opposition.

    Instead of throwing out an irrelevant “grow up,” why don’t you just answer Rev. Bob’s question? It shouldn’t be a difficult proposition.

    Because he didn’t even try to understand what I was asking for or maliciously chose not to. Another poster explained it for him but he still didn’t get it. I answered his irrelevance plenty.

  18. But I can see how my superior intellect, debating skills and humbleness might come across as preening compared to the opposition.

    If that’s what you want to call you getting your head handed to you repeatedly, that’s your business, but it does serve to make you look like an even bigger clown than you’ve already exposed yourself as being.

    Because he didn’t even try to understand what I was asking for or maliciously chose not to.

    He understood you perfectly. You just don’t have an answer for him. It’s okay, we all know you have no idea how to respond. You’ve made it clear to everyone that you don’t know what you are doing.

  19. Aaron just stop spinning for me and go back to your customary two-sentence shitpoasting

  20. @Mr Mister

    Are you sure you’re not a comedian trying out new material?

    But I can see how my superior intellect, debating skills and humbleness

    [citation needed]

  21. @Mr. Mister

    And what on earth is “shitpoasting?” Are you “poasting” excrement like eggs or something?

  22. @redheadedfemme

    Nah, I’m just your garden variety jester. And the material is not new. Nothing ever changes here. Vox gets place 6/5 and he is insignificant. He makes you lay waste to five categories and is still insignificant. I am just trying to poke a hole in your bubble and failing spectacularly. But at least I am having fun

  23. Mr Mister:

    Trolling people for no reason is “fun”?

    Okay, whatever. I have better things to do. Bye.

  24. @redheadedfemme

    Poasting is a shibboleth probably from 4chans /pol/ or something awful. I learned from my posting career. Don’t go there. All the trigger warnings apply. Every last one. My god is it full of shitlords.

  25. “Trolling people for no reason is “fun”?”

    There are reasons. And I respond the way I am responded to.

    “Okay, whatever. I have better things to do. Bye.”
    Evidently not. See you around

  26. It is according to anti-gamer gaters and I suspect some of the people here are of the same persuasion.

    I doubt that very much.

    What would you call what is being done to me currently if not bullying, (mild) abuse and what are Aaron and JJ if not shitposters?

    They’re not being friendly but there’s not being bullying or abusive, either. I’m pretty that if you said hey, let’s tone it down a bit guys, they would either tone it down a bit or get a bit of stick from the rest of us. You’d have to tone it down a bit, too, though, in good faith.

    but I don’t think the parts of the commentariat would have a problem with it as long as it is they that are doing it.

    I’d be fairly shocked if any of the commentariat here engaged in doxxing.

  27. I am just trying to poke a hole in your bubble and failing spectacularly.

    But… you’re not really doing anything. You repeated a few – at this point, I’m sorry, rather standard – assertions. The answers to these assertions are also well-practised. The exception was that you first said calling VD by the name TB was disrespectful, which I admit gave me pause largely because of JCW’s behaviour with TNH and PNH – I would not want to be guilty of acting like JCW. Then you said it was doxxing. Everyone disagreed. You then agreed with them. Okay. Personal tussling with other commenters aside, what do you think you’ve done to poke a hole in anything? Genuine question.

  28. For the love of Heinlein, please, somebody, tell me this guy’s going to be out of candy soon! He’s so boring, he puts my teeth to sleep!

  29. Nigel on January 8, 2016 at 11:01 am said:

    I doubt that very much.

    You would and I have no way to convince you otherwise.

    They’re not being friendly but there’s not being bullying or abusive, either. I’m pretty that if you said hey, let’s tone it down a bit guys, they would either tone it down a bit or get a bit of stick from the rest of us. You’d have to tone it down a bit, too, though, in good faith.

    If I told them to tone it down at least four or more posters would ridicule me for having my precious feelings hurt. You know this.

    Tone what down exactly? I guess I could be less glib but it is difficult with such deliberate misunderstanding, pointless petty sniping and strawmanning. I think tone it down when you get down to it means be more in line with the politics and culture here and that is impossible. I find both abhorrent.  The question is not rhetorical, can you point me to something specific that I should have done differently? Where I went wrong so to speak.

    I’d be fairly shocked if any of the commentariat here engaged in doxxing.

    I’m not saying they would personally go digging but they sure seem to relish calling VD his real name and talk about his father and speculate about his legal problems. What exactly does VD’s father have to do with anything?

    P.S. I like how you didn’t respond to the shitposting part. You are semi good people and I can not understand how you stand this place.

    Shitpoaching, FYI, is what unscrupulous rival sanitation companies get up to.


  30. I enjoyed the way Mr. Mister accidentally logged in under his banned alias and left comments last night.

  31. Who are you and why do you feel the need to preen this badly?

    Look, everyone– a superior intellect who doesn’t know how to use Google or Wikipedia.

    Mike, I don’t think it would be doxxing to reveal his other alias, do you?

  32. Vox gets place 6/5 and he is insignificant. He makes you lay waste to five categories and is still insignificant.

    Yes. Beale is, and pretty much always will be, irrelevant, because like you, he thinks the map is the territory. He thinks the awards are the important part, and doesn’t understand that it is the books that are being honored, and that honor accrues with or without a Hugo nomination or win. He also doesn’t understand that if the Hugos are “burned down”, it is a trivial event in fandom as a whole. Fans will simply look to other awards, of which they are many, as the indicator of quality. There is no scenario that results in a “win” for Beale.

  33. Nigel-

    ‘It is according to anti-gamer gaters and I suspect some of the people here are of the same persuasion.’

    I doubt that very much.

    He’s not very good at communicating, but what he was trying to imply was that is the standard for the term doxxing that anti-gamer gate uses, and that he suspects people here are of the anti-gamer gate persuasion.

    It’s one helluva mental gymnastics trick, because it deflects that he was wrong in how he used the term by stating that it’s how that’s the official use of the term by an unofficial group that only exists as a strawman for whatever ills gamergate wills upon it. And he feels commenters here are similar to those who would be against gamergate, I’m guessing it’s the reliance of observable reality. Because he thinks we’re similar in thought to this nebulous cabal he feels that we should be abiding by the definition of the term that he made up and blamed that strawman for.

    He didn’t stick the landing well though.

  34. “I enjoyed the way Mr. Mister accidentally logged in under his banned alias and left comments last night.”

    Why does this not surprise me?

  35. Matt Y: I seriously doubt this troll could stick the landing if you covered the soles of his feet with Super-Glue and God Almighty set him down in a standing position personally!

  36. Nigel on January 8, 2016 at 11:21 am said:

    “But… you’re not really doing anything. You repeated a few – at this point, I’m sorry, rather standard – assertions. The answers to these assertions are also well-practised. The exception was that you first said calling VD by the name TB was disrespectful, which I admit gave me pause largely because of JCW’s behaviour with TNH and PNH – I would not want to be guilty of acting like JCW. Then you said it was doxxing. Everyone disagreed. You then agreed with them. Okay. Personal tussling with other commenters aside, what do you think you’ve done to poke a hole in anything? Genuine question.”

    I have no hopes to change anything here. I might pick off one fence sitter or two but mostly it is amusing to see you swarm. Not you personally you don’t seem to swarm much.

    My original entry into this thread was pointing out that VD actually did something significant. Something so significant Gerrold found it necessary to hand out rectums. and it felt like putting my foot in a hornets nest. Just buzzing everywhere. Then it kinda spiraled out of control as this commentariat usually does when faced with a single differing opinion. Why is it that you have no dissenters here? There were a few moderates a when I was last active here but on return the comments are more navel gazing than ever and less diverse than ever.

    The tactic of sticking your head in the sand didn’t work with sad puppies one. It will not work this year either so why keep doing it?

    I also have a serious problem with Aaron’s constant lying and making shit up. It is all he ever does. When I saw he and JJ was among top five commenters here I didn’t know whether to thank Mike for doing my side a service or pity him for letting them shit all over the place.

  37. P.S. I like how you didn’t respond to the shitposting part. You are semi good people and I can not understand how you stand this place.

    Where do you suggest good or semi-good people hang out online if not here? Honest question.

  38. You would and I have no way to convince you otherwise.

    Clear and acceptable definitions of terms and clear verifiable evidence will go a long way.

    If I told them to tone it down at least four or more posters would ridicule me for having my precious feelings hurt.

    It would depend how you phrased it, but I would hope not.

    I think tone it down when you get down to it means be more in line with the politics and culture here and that is impossible.

    Politics, no. Culture, maybe, inasmuch as disagreements should be kept civil – which is not necessarily the same as without passion – and arguments should be less, as you say yourself, personal sniping and strawmanning, and more arguing your points and defending against objections and counter-arguments. Even bad personal disagreements are better when pursued this way. We’re far from perfect here when it comes to sticking to those ideals, but we do try. Because honestly we’re all familiar with how Bealean rhetoric works at this point.

    I’m not saying they would personally go digging but they sure seem to relish calling VD his real name and talk about his father and speculate about his legal problems.

    Again, neither is remotely like doxxing, since both are a matter of very public record, though I should point out that Mike frowns on dragging those legal problems into discussions of the Hugo controversy. But if you’re interested in VD the person, his name and his background are both trivially easy to discover. Constantly reiterating it, often with built-in inaccuracies or misunderstandings, doesn’t achieve much for all that, yes, people enjoy doing it.

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