Graeme Cameron, Brazen Award Giver

R. Graeme Cameron presented his Elron Awards at VCON 37 on September 30 – awards personally “bronzed” by The Graeme himself. The Elrons are fandom’s oldest ongoing spoof awards, predating the Hogus and Black Holes. And the winners are:

  • Avro Arrow Fen, for nearly convincing the Canadian Federal Government to revive the Arrow project cancelled more than 60 years ago
  • Dutch Birdman ‘Jarno Smeets’ for not choosing the more obvious solution to manned flight, i.e. cloning giant Pteradactyls to ride on
  • Professor Parker for wasting effort creating artificial yet living Jelly Fish when more calimari is what’s needed
  • James Cameron for funding Parker’s experiments in order to seed the bottom of the ocean (hence deep dive project) to grow a fleet of killer jellyfish so that he really can become ‘King of the World’
  • The Mars Expedition One ‘Reality Show’ Project, for cheapening a cherished dream (Colony on Mars) yet still making it possible… maybe…
  • Disney Execs re John Carter flick, for sabotaging their own film with lousy promotion
  • The geeks who programmed the copyright ‘bots which cut short the livestream broadcast of the 2012 Hugo ceremony
  • Swill by Vile Fen Press, for Worst Fanzine
  • And, of course, John Norman for 40+ years of genuine swill

Next, Cameron presented his selections as winners of the 2012 Faned Awards for achievements in 2011:

  • Best Fan Artist: Scott Patri
  • Best Fan Writer: Taral Wayne
  • Best Loc Hack: Michael John Bertrand
  • Best Fanzine: Swill by VileFen Press
  • Hall of Fame: Nils Helmer Frome (Editor of SupraMundane Stories circa 1937)

Only Canadians are eligible for the Faneds, designed to promote Canadian SF&F fanzine fandom and its heritage.

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One thought on “Graeme Cameron, Brazen Award Giver

  1. Need a comment? This will do — the whole business of this year’s “Faneds” slipped my mind, so that the first I heard about winning “Best Fanwriter” was on FaceBook, where Graeme blurted it out to the public. And then, my first thought was, “it can’t be that time of year already?”

    There is also some questioning of Scott Patri as the winner of Best Fanartist. Garth Spencer did the questioning. Graeme says he made the idiosyncratic choice based on the enthusiasm and spirit of neohood that Scott had before he gafiated. Also, he was as good as Les Croutch. I’ve offered to extend the debate by asking, “Why not Stu Gilson, then, who was also a lot better than Les Croutch?”

    This is the second year that Graeme has picked the winners himself, and he promises a vote next time. It will be interesting to see what happens. I suspect we may be looking back on the good old days when Scott Patri won the “Faned.” Anyway, the purpose of the award is just to raise awareness of Canadian fanzines, and probably should’t be taken to seriously.

    The real trick would be to get Canadian fans to eFanzines and download Canadian fanzines to read. There *are* a few.

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