Grand Prix de l’Imaginaire 2015

The winners of the 2015 Grand Prix de l’Imaginaire were announced at Maison de l’Imaginaire du festival Étonnants Voyageurs in Saint-Malo, France on May 24.

Roman francophone / Novel in French

Roman étranger / Foreign Novel

Nouvelle francophone / Short Fiction in French

Nouvelle étrangère /Foreign Short Fiction

Roman jeunesse francophone / Novels for youth in French

Roman jeunesse étranger / Foreign novels for youth

Prix Jacques Chambon de la traduction / Jacques Chambon Translation Prize

Prix Wojtek Siudmak du graphisme / Wojtek Siudmak Graphic Design prize

Essai / Essay

Prix spécial

[Via Europa SF.]

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3 thoughts on “Grand Prix de l’Imaginaire 2015

  1. The Great North Road was a fun book. The first Miss Peregrine book was interesting from how it was written around these strange old pictures but I didn’t care much for the second one, what worked as an interesting gimmick once didn’t have enough there for two books (in my opinion).

  2. They seem to have not one but two YA (or “youth”) categories, for French and for foreign novels. Just saying, as including such a category in the Hugos has been debated for a long time.

  3. I love that cover for the French edition of Raising Stony Mayhall, which itself was good fun to read. It’s the kind of plot that, if you try to describe it, sounds like an utter trainwreck, but somehow, Daryl Gregory pulls it together.

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