I, Canada

R. Graeme Cameron, the Dean (or at least Boys Vice-Principal) of Canadian fanzine fandom has unilaterally created “The Canadian Fanzine Fanac Awards” (nicknamed the “Faneds”).

There will be awards in five categories: (1) Best Fanzine, (2) Best Fan Artist, (3) Best Fan Writer (editorials, columns, articles, etc.), (4) Best LocHack (letters of comment writer), and (5) Hall of Fame (lifetime achievement).

He plans to present them annually at VCON beginning this year.

The Graeme explains in Auroran Lights #5:

Let’s get something straight here. This is not a big deal. As far as general fandom is concerned, it is of marginal interest. It’s basically a promotional stunt, a publicity ploy, a gimmick to stimulate interest in the fanzine niche fandom.

But also, I admit, an effort to awaken awareness of the “Best Fan Publication” category of the Aurora Awards.

Cameron would know how badly that is needed, for he is a director of the association that runs the Prix Aurora Awards. The award, though, is his own personal project.

There’s precedent for this sort of thing. In the Seventies, Sheryl Birkhead made her own set of awards – dog biscuits in Lucite – and sent them to faneds whose zines she appreciated. I was lucky enough to get one.

However, Cameron has something more traditional in mind for his “Faneds.” He’s already enlisted Taral to design a certificate and hopes to find someone to design a figure that can be cast from a mold for a physical award.

The first time around – for this year’s VCON — Cameron will select the winners himself from “a few obvious choices.” In 2012 they’ll be picked with the help of “peer consultation and suggestion” and by 2013 he hopes to institute a formal vote by Canadian fans.

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3 thoughts on “I, Canada

  1. In the past 48 hours R. Graeme Cameron has announced The Canadian Fanzine Fanac Awards, started a CFFA Facebook page and created a CFF Awards Yahoo Group which fans can apply to join by clicking on the link.

  2. Yeah, but its easy to do all that for an imaginary fanzine fandom that doesn’t exist! ; )

  3. As long as my imaginary fanzine fandom friends keep talking to me in my sleep I don’t care. I strive for fannish consciousness!

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