JMS Confirms The Last Dangerous Visions Still on Schedule

J. Michael Straczynski has generously answered a question about the status of The Last Dangerous Visions.

A question about whether the book is still on track came up because some of the Blackstone Publishing links reported last July in “The Last Dangerous Visions Has Release Date” (see Internet Archive) no longer work. Also, while a person can still Google “Harlan Ellison Blackstone” and be linked to his Blackstone author page, if one runs a search for Harlan Ellison from Blackstone’s own author index it doesn’t return that page. 

This week I asked Straczynski if these changes meant there had been new developments. He replied:  

“Nothing really new…I think they shut down the links when they realized it was getting out there prematurely. The first Dangerous Visions is slated for this fall/winter, Again, Dangerous Visions comes out in the spring, and The Last Dangerous Visions comes out fall ’24. Nothing’s changed.”

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6 thoughts on “JMS Confirms The Last Dangerous Visions Still on Schedule

  1. Pingback: AMAZING NEWS FROM FANDOM: April 30, 2023 - Amazing Stories

  2. For those of us tracking Last Dangerous Visions stories, 2 have been published in the last month:
    Avram Davidson’s “The Stone That the Builders Rejected” in AD:100 Volume 1, this is the first of a 2 volume set collecting 100 of Davidson’s uncollected or unpublished stories. (I bought both volumes, this is a feast for Avram Davidson fans) A lovely little story, classic Davidson.
    Tom Reamy’s “Potiphee, Petey, and Me” in the new Subterranean Press Reamy collection Under the Hollywood Sign. (This book is Reamy’s classic collection San Diego Lightfoot Sue with Potiphee, “M is for the Million Things” which was published in New Voices 4, and Sting! a previously published monster movie screenplay added at the end) I found Potiphee, Petey, and Me” unpleasant, a bit of a let down for a story that I have waited decades to read. YMMV

  3. Yes apparently it will still be published next year. How dangerous it will still be after fifty years of waiting is another question.

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