Mighty Marvel Roundup, Part 2

Compiled by Carl Slaughter:

  • Marvel cram course:  Every Marvel movie up to Infinity War

More videos follow the jump.

  • Marvel Bunch

  • Infinity War cast Family Feud

  • Dr. Spock from Star Wars

  • Pitch meeting for Antman

  • Pitch meeting for Guardians of the Galaxy 2

  • Pitch meeting for Doctor Strange

  • Pitch meeting for Black Panther

  • EWW:  Thor:  Ragnarok

  • Unused Avengers art

“15 Unused Avengers Concept Art That Would’ve Completely Changed The Movies” at ScreenRant.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has become so iconic and influential that sometimes even the comics change to fit the look and feel of their movie counterparts. However, things don’t always start out looking so brand-friendly, especially in the early stages of concept art.

To be clear, this article is not meant to disrespect the artists or the artistic merit of their creations. Concept art takes tons of talent, and we are in no way trying to belittle that. The criticisms are only leveled at how each piece fits into their respective movies and the overall franchise, and not the artistic talents of each creator. This is all fantastic work, it just isn’t always the right work.

  • BEWARE SPOILERS: Marvel lied to us about Infinity War

“Marvel Lied To Us About ‘Avengers: Infinity War'” at Yahoo! Entertainment

For fans of the Marvel universe, death has never really meant death. We’ve seen Loki “die” and come back plenty of times. Bucky Barnes and Nick Fury have been assumed dead at various points, only to spring back into existence in the Marvel Cinematic Universe as well.

But this time, it was supposed to be different.

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